Blogs from Cayambe, North, Ecuador, South America - page 2


South America » Ecuador » North » Cayambe February 26th 2007

After almost 2 months in Cayambe it was very hard to say goodbye, both to the children in the schools and to the wonderful family I had been staying with. The final days in the schools were all a bit frantic, due to a mixture of English exams and unpredictable but frequent rehearsals for important processions the following week. The evenings were frantic too, with a stack of corrections - why did I make those exams so long??? However, on my last day in Escuela San Luis de Guachalá, the seventh graders surprised me with a farewell party, for which they had prepared a dance to a song with lyrics in English. In my other school (Escuela Antonio de Alcedo) the second graders, after an almost perfect rendition of “Head Shoulders Knees and Toes”, treated ... read more
With Javier
Blancita and Oswaldo dancing

South America » Ecuador » North » Cayambe February 23rd 2007

The children are very cute, but don’t let those smiles fool you - some of them can be terrors too…... read more
Playground, Antonio de Alcedo
Seventh Grade, Antonio de Alcedo
Playground, Antonio de Alcedo

South America » Ecuador » North » Cayambe February 19th 2007

Who´d have thought it, snow on the equator. But yes, it exists - you just have one hell of a long slog to reach it! The day started very very early (for me at least - I had only just got used to being at the schools for 7.30!). We had to collect the bikes and be at the bus stop in Cayambe by 6am for the one and only bus that goes to Piemonte (a good chunk of the way to the base of Volcan Cayambe). However, we got there to find that the 6 am bus had in fact come and gone at 5.30! Luckily for my poor wee legs, Oswaldo (my Ecuadorian "father") knew the score and we were able to hitch a lift on the milk van (which drives up through the ... read more
On the way to volcan Cayambe

South America » Ecuador » North » Cayambe February 12th 2007

Hello to all friends old and new. Thought it was about time I gave you all an update on how things are going in life, work and travel here in Ecuador. I did intend to maintain a blog throughout my time here, but with limited access to (slow) computers, and with lots of work to be getting on with, time has not been on my side. I arrived in Quito at the end of November (luckily with only mild side effects from the almost 3,000m altitude), spent a couple of weeks taking some much-needed Spanish lessons and getting to know Quito, then began working in an orphanage there (playing games with the children, teaching English and generally helping out). It was difficult to get into a routine as so many things were happening around Christmas, ... read more
With my Ecuadorian "parents"
Selkirk Grace

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