Blogs from Vilcabamba, South, Ecuador, South America - page 8


South America » Ecuador » South » Vilcabamba November 28th 2007

Daniela, a Swiss girl who works on the hostal took me on that trip. It was another very beautiful hike. We went east of the hostal, up and down over the hills with many beautiful views again. As this wasn’t yet one of the ‘official’ trails of the hostal, we had to mark it. So Daniela went around with a yellow color spray and we painted the trees, fences, rocks etc. with yellow dots.....We walked for a bit less than 5 hours. ... read more
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South America » Ecuador » South » Vilcabamba November 28th 2007

This was a guided trip from hostal. We were a group of 11 plus the guide which was clearly too many. We first went for an hour south in a car which was a beautiful ride. We then went into the forest. It was any of the official entry points to the National Park, so we didn’t have to pay the 10 USD entry fee. We went on a tiny, and mostly very steep and slippery jungle trail. It was quite strenuous to climb up and down on those muddy path and we were getting really dirty. We saw lots of beautiful orchids and bromeliads, but it was a shame that the group was so large, as it was difficult to hear anything that the guide explained.... read more

South America » Ecuador » South » Vilcabamba November 18th 2007

We just spent a very relaxing four days in Vilcambamba, known as the Valley of Longevity. We didn´t really find out the secret, but the local residents are known for their inability to kick the bucket, living very long lives. Considering that they have their very own spring water that is heavily marketed with a pretty old man as the poster child, we assume the secret is the water, although we´ve also heard they have a very healthy diet too. We stayed at El Jardin Secreto (secret garden) after reading from several other travel blogs that it was a nice place. And it really was...very colorful rooms, comfortable beds, hot water with water pressure...comforts that you take for granted living in the U.S. It honestly would have been paradise...if it weren´t for the dang rooster that ... read more
Jason with his new $6 pair of high tech sunglasses
Style abounds in Vilcambamba

South America » Ecuador » South » Vilcabamba November 6th 2007

I arrived in Vilcabamba on the 31st October. Journey details: Origen/Destination... Piura (Perú) - Loja (Ecuador) / Loja - Vilcabamba Mode of transport... Coach Company... Transportes Loja & Vilcabambaturis Cost.... 28 Soles & $1 USD Duration... 8 Hours & 1 Hour Remarks... The first bus was fine and the border crossing into Ecuador was easy enough. The second bus was a bit of a death trap... and it freaks me out a little when bus drivers here drive on the wrong side of the road in an attempt to avoid the pot holes. On a straight road ok, but it makes me chuckle as they do it round blind corners and over blind hills. So I decided to head to Vilcabamba in place of Loja just because I'd heard that Loja wasn't up to much and ... read more

South America » Ecuador » South » Vilcabamba October 31st 2007

Dutch Version: Hier volgt het 2e deel van onze gringotrail op weg naar het zuiden van Ecuador. Vanuit Banos zijn we vertrokken naar Riobamba. We wisten eigenlijk niet zo goed wat te doen daar. Riobamba zelf is niet veel aan maar ligt vlakbij de Chimborazo vulkaan, de hoogste berg van Ecuador, zo´n 6.320 meter. Beklimmen ging ons wat te ver, dat heilige vuur is inmiddels wel wat gedoofd moet ik zeggen. Na wat ronddolen door het stadje kwamen we bij een burootje uit dat downhill mountainbike tours verzorgde vanaf Chimborazo. Het was eigenlijk een 1-mans bedrijf dat bestond uit Galo Brito, gids, materiaalman, salesman etc. alles in 1. Check ProBici Riobamba want de man verdiend deze aanbeveling van jewelste. Samen met Steve en Laury uit Frankrijk en Francois en Marie uit Canada, Quebec (ja, weer uit ... read more
Different layers of earth explaining timezones
First a climb upto more than 5.000 meters
Again above 5.000 meters in our trip!!!!

South America » Ecuador » South » Vilcabamba July 18th 2007

Well, once again I've fallen behind in updating. This time it's not entirely my fault as the new Harry Potter book sucked up most my non sight seeing time over the weekend. Plus, I've been using computer time to update my flickr photos. There are now A LOT of them, and thanks to Anitza's suggestion they are even fairly well organized. Saturday I flew into Piura, a town in Northern Perú where it's easy to get a bus across the border into Ecuador. Let's just say that Piura was by far the sketchiest place I visited in Perú. In all fairness I arrived late and left the next morning, but what I saw didn't leave me with a great desire to return. The one exciting thing I did in Piura was ride in these cool little ... read more
The Border
From the bus...
The fantasy trees

South America » Ecuador » South » Vilcabamba July 11th 2007

I did not spend too much time in Guayaquil (just one night - did not fancy being in a huge city for too long- largest in Ecuador) and was not well in Cuenca so did not do much sightseeing there. Vilcabamba was superb and just what I needed - total R&R... I guess it isn't called the Valley of Longevity for nothing - as soon as you come through this place you feel relaxed... it was brilliant looking through my guide book and seeing no sights and activities to do other than take in the view and go for a massage. Sigh... perfecto..... read more

South America » Ecuador » South » Vilcabamba June 28th 2007

So, me and Kat set out on our great adventure today! Having said goodbye to all of our Cuenca friends, family, babies and kids at school and of course the remainder of the Cuenca crew, having already said our tearful goodbyes to Matt and Jack - much to their and Kat left Cuenca and headed off for the little town of Vilcabamba! Had two days well doing nothing really! Had a massage and ate some very lovely food, packed and well generated a fantabulous plan of what to do in Perú! Which is where were headed tommorow..very very exciting!... read more

South America » Ecuador » South » Vilcabamba June 19th 2007

Finally arrived in Ecuador yesterday, after yet another bus epic. This time a fan belt broke on the bus between Trujillo and Piura back in Peru. Somehow the onboard mechanic contrived to not know how to fix it, and we had to wait about 5 hours for the recovery truck to come and fix us. By which time all chances of getting my connection to Ecuador where scuppered. So, an extra night in Piura on my last 20 soles, not the nicest place in the world by any means. The following day was a long and hot one, about 12 hours in total in the bus, but not without some excitement, before finally arriving at a little mountain resort called Vilcabamba at about 8pm. Well I will sum up the last few days of my ... read more
Lukas getting wet!
Detail of Trujillo Plaza de Armas

South America » Ecuador » South » Vilcabamba June 14th 2007

We left early in the morning for Vilcabamba, picked up our good friends David and Sumana and headed out for the Southern states of Ecuador. The drive is another spectacular route over a less than spectacular road. We snap some pics along the way. Our first stop is the town of Loja a cute town and the capital of the province. The people of Cuenca say that Loja is like Cuenca 20 years ago. The town does not have the same building regulations as Cuenca, so a lot of the colonial architecture is missing. It does have apparently, a good hair stylist since both Cristie and Sumana wanted to get their hair cut in the square. I opted to sleep in the Iron Pig, since the night before I must have eaten something not too ... read more
Beers somewhere in Vilcabamba
Roof Top Garden?

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