Blogs from Isabela Island, Galápagos, Ecuador, South America - page 2


South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » Isabela Island August 17th 2016

Starting with a 3am start we headed out to the airport for our flight to Galapagos. We had to have our bags checked to make sure we were carrying no seeds or animals!! Ironically apples were ok to take to the Galapagos but not to take into Mexican customs!! We arrived on the island of Baltra, an Island dedicated to the airport from here we headed across to Santa Cruz for lunch via bus, boat and bus again before getting a 2-3hr boat to our first island stay. Our first island, Floreana introduced us to seals, red sea iguanas and giant tortoises. We did some snorkelling and saw some amazing sea turtles, completely oblivious to humans!! This island is home to only 150 people and some giant tortoises which we also saw. Our second island, Isabela ... read more
Santa Cruz 'port'
Reg Iguanas on Floreana Island

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » Isabela Island April 22nd 2016

With a great introduction to the Galapagos on San Cristobal (and a stopover on Santa Cruz) we arrived at our second destination: Isabela. Largest of the Islands, and also the least populated (of the ones with folks on them at any rate) we approached this stop as a chance to chill out in between sightseeing adventures...decided on spending a bit more as well to be on the beach on a recommendation, and couldn't have worked out better... Arrived late afternoon to Puerto Villamil, and after a short taxi ride into town we settled into our digs for the next few days, Casa Los Delfines...great place, the woman who runs it is really sweet, we had access to a large balcony on the third floor overlooking the beach/ocean and the included breakfasts were delicious... Once settled we ... read more
Volcan Sierra Negra
How You Doin'?

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » Isabela Island January 2nd 2016

We made the decision a couple of months back to go to the Galápagos for Christmas, having been undecided for a while due to the cost. The more we read about the islands, the more obvious it became that we had to go as we may never get the opportunity again. On our second day there, we were certain we had made the right choice!! It is a place unlike anywhere else we have been. Still very much Ecuadorian in that it's a bit scruffy round the edges, you can find incredibly beautiful scenery on these islands. However, that's not the most memorable thing... Neither Tom nor I are massive wildlife buffs, but I challenge anyone to see a giant tortoise in the wild and not turn into a big kid!! The vast majority of tourists ... read more
Crab spotting at Puerto Villamil
Blue footed boobies!

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » Isabela Island November 29th 2015

Punta Moreno / Elizabeth Bay Puerto Villamilistä jatkoimme Isabela -saaren läntiselle rannalle. Siellä lähdimme ensimmäiselle veneretkelle tutustumaan saaren rantoihin. Isabelan saari on varsin nuori ja sillä on kaikkiaan 5 tulivuorta joista Volcan Sierra Negra on viimeisimpänä purkautunut vuonna 2009. Saaren rannat ovat näillä kohdin pääsääntöisesti hyvin kivikkoista ja maasto on lähinnä pelkkää mustaa laavaa. Rannalle ei siis eritysemmin kannata lähteä kävelemään vaan eläinten tarkkailu veneestä on huomattavasti helpompaa. Rantaa lähestyttäessä näytti lähinnä siltä, että siellä mustassa erämaassa ei voi olla mitään. Mutta yllätyksiin on jo totuttu ja niin nytkin. Pian löytyivät ensimmäiset rannalla pomppivat pingviinit. Nämä endeemiset - eli vain täällä elävät ja täältä kotoisin olevat pingviinit ovat pohjoisimmat lajinsa edustajat. Niitä eksyy ainoina välillä myös po... read more
Punta Moreno
Eka pingviini kuivalla maalla!
Galapagosin merimetso

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » Isabela Island September 25th 2015

Nach dem wir die Überfahrt verdaut hatten, ging es am nächsten Tag, nach einem leckeren Frühstück, mit dem Boot zu den Lava Tunnels. Wir fuhren durch sehr enge Passagen und konnten die tollen Vulkansteingebilde von ganz nah betrachten. An einer Stelle durften wir auch aus dem Boot aussteigen und einen kleinen Spaziergang über den schroffen Boden machen. In diesem Gebiet stießen wir auf ein paar Blaufußtölpel und Pinguine. Wir hatten etwas Zeit um ein paar Fotos zu schießen, dann ging es zurück ins Boot. Dort gab es einen kleinen Reissnack, so eine Art Reissalat und etwas zu Trinken. Dann fuhren wir zu einer Bucht, um zu Schnorcheln. Diesmal durfte nicht jeder für sich Schnorcheln, sondern wir sind in der Gruppe zusammen geblieben. Der Guide kannte sehr schöne Stellen, zu denen er uns hingeführt hat. Auf dieser ... read more

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » Isabela Island September 23rd 2015

Was für eine Fahrt! Um auch ein paar Tage auf der Insel Isabela verbringen zu können, packten wir unser Gepäck und machten uns auf zum Pier. Zwei mal am Tag gibt es die Möglichkeit von Santa Cruz nach Isabela zu fahren. Außer uns stiegen noch ca. 15 weitere Personen in das Boot, somit war das Boot komplett voll. Es war schon etwas ungewöhnlich mit so vielen Koffern und Menschen auf so einem kleinen Boot übers Meer zu schippern, aber hier ist alles ein kleines Abenteuer. Ich schmiss mir dirket mal einen Reisekaugummi ein, als ich das ganze Projekt so anschaute. Mir gegenüber saß eine Frau, die bereits nach wenigen Minuten an Board, tief zu atmen begann. Das Gefühl bei dieser Fahrt war ungefähr so, als würde man von München nach Würzburg (ca. 3 Stunden Fahrt) in ... read more

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » Isabela Island December 17th 2014

The boat to Isabela island left early at 6am and was completely full without a space left on the boat. It took two hours on the quick speed boats to arrive at the Island from Santa Cruz. When we arrived at the port, the water was crystal blue clear and there were dozens of sealions resting on the pier not phased by the incoming traffic of tourists passing by onto the Island. A full day with itinerary was planned. I was paired up with two couples, one from Korea and another from Chile. The five of us headed towards a lake where we could see some wild flamingos and other native birds of the island. It was quite impressive, but we weren't able to get up too close because the muddy lagoon was far below. We ... read more
Giant Turtles
Resting Sealions
Breeding Centre

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » Isabela Island December 6th 2014

Friday 5th December 2014 On Wednesday we moved from the hostel to the Hotel Albemarle, by the beach. One knew one was in a hotel immediately, because there was a hairdryer in the bathroom; haven´t seen one of those in weeks! We didn´t actually get to use it! We also had a balcony overlooking the sea. Wow! We backpackers really know how to rough it! Thursday was another very special day, because it was the first time we have managed to take photographs of sea lions underwater, whilst snorkelling. When swimming off the beach, they rarely come close enough to photograph, or if they do, we don´t see them. One can be swimming along, see a sea lion on the beach and the next minute they have swam past and away out to sea. So, on ... read more
Swimming with sea lions
...and penguins too
Albemarle Hotel, Puerto Villamil

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » Isabela Island December 3rd 2014

Tuesday 2nd December 2014 When we arrived here on Isla Isabela from Santa Cruz, we planned to stay just two or three days. However, such is the beauty of this little Paradise that we are staying five days until Friday. Flights on Friday are full, except the over-priced “executive” flights, so we shall be braving 83 kilometres of ocean in a silly little speed boat once more, and paying $30 each for the pleasure of doing so! We contemplated staying until Sunday (our flight back to Quito is on Monday) but with the absence of banks or ATMs and very few places taking plastic, we need to get back to Santa Cruz and hope that the ATMs over there have some money left in them by the time we arrive on Friday evening; if not, plenty ... read more
Beautiful markings
Slinky Sea lion
...and another!

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » Isabela Island December 1st 2014

Sunday 30thNovember 2014 Last night (and every night) we spent some time on the pier in Puerto Ayora. Every time we do so, we see some wildlife. In the green and blue lights of the pier, we have seen rays, small sharks, a turtle and several sea lions. Last night we saw a small ray, a small shark and three sea lions. After their late night swim, two of the sea lions came up on to the pier to settle down for a good night´s sleep, completely oblivious to people strolling around them. Today’s journey to Isabela Island wasn’t pleasant. We had a 5.30 a.m. alarm to leave the hostel at 6.30 to get to the dock for a 7 a.m. departure on the “ferry” to Isabela. Except it wasn’t a ferry, it was a speed ... read more
"Where´s the red carpet?"
"Oh well, I´ll just sleep on the grey one!"
"Ferry" to Isabela Island

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