Blogs from Puyo, Centre, Ecuador, South America - page 5


South America » Ecuador » Centre » Puyo April 24th 2008

Today is our last day in the jungle, emotions for me span the gamut of sadness and relief. Sad that this part of the adventure is coming to a close - there's still so much more to see and do. Relief that we are headed back to civilization and I won't have to worry about giant flying cockroaches the size of my hand crawling on me while I sleep (yeah, the size of my hand!). Sticky and slightly funky from the strenuous activities the day before we decide to start the day with a shower. As luck would have it, the showers set up for the tourists had no running water. The only running water was a spigot behind the host family's house. A bucket, a pail and open jungle, that's it. Yep, no walls, no ... read more
The Shower
Family Pet
Jungle Lookout

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Puyo April 23rd 2008

Last week I returned to the dam project with my Peace Corps friend Jason. The plan was for Jason to give a workshop/talk about fish-farming which is a very popular activity in these parts. Fish-farms provide food security and a source of income for a lot of poor rural families. So Jason was giving his fish talk and I was tagging along because they wanted me to give a presentation on the environment and ecotourism. Jason came in on Sunday afternoon, Sue was on her way back from the Gender and Development Committee’s - Camp Alma. You will have to read her blog to get more details on that. Anyhow, when he came in we went over our notes and planned out our workshop for the next day. Sue finally returned around 9:00pm - she was ... read more

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Puyo April 23rd 2008

Up at the crack of dawn (Megan, woken up by crazy jungle roosters and Jarrod, having not slept much due to crazy jungle insects) and suited up to head out into the wilderness. Shacay promised us a relatively easy hike to 2 waterfalls, encounters with unique flora & fauna, and good times making like locals. Clad in the elusive rubber boots that are a must-have for slopping through the quicksand-esque terrain that is the Amazon after a soaking night of rain, we 5 set out. After about 2 minutes, Shacay handed me a leaf which, when torn open, was teeming with ants. 'Lemon ants' he said 'try 'em, they taste like lemons' and down the hatch they went...they did indeed. Extra protein that would come in handy later, or so I told myself... It's important to ... read more
Our Little Trouble Maker
Ready the War Paint
Jungle Life

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Puyo April 11th 2008

A couple of things tickled me this morning. As I was walking to work, I walked by the local funeral home/coffin store. Yes you read that right, coffin store. You see this business is less of a traditional funeral home and more of a place that sells coffins. Anyhow, as I walked by it for probably the 800th time, I noticed that there was a new hand-written sign out front declaring that it now provides 24-hour service. This of course got me thinking about why one would need 24 hour coffin/burial services. It isn’t like a late night drive-thru run to Burger King or Taco Bell - you don’t just realize that you have a dead person on your hands and that they need to be put in a coffin immediately - be it 1:00pm or ... read more

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Puyo April 7th 2008

This week seemed to pass quicker than most and I am not entirely sure why that is. Perhaps it was due to the start of the MLB season and my Indians jumped out to an early start before finishing the week at 2-3, perhaps it was the lead-up to the NCAA final four, perhaps it was because Katie was leaving the country this week and you never get enough time to say goodbye or to tie up loose ends, or perhaps it was because I was busy as usual and these days time is flying by. I have been sick though with a nasty head/chest cold that has kept me from getting a good night sleep for a couple of weeks now. My global warming/environment presentation project in the high schools is coming to an end. ... read more
Students enjoying the presentation
The Brigde
Sadie and Shannon

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Puyo April 2nd 2008

Many of you probably received these links already from Susan, however, here are links to photos she posted on shutterfly a couple of weeks ago. I´ll check my records and see if we have left any photos out. Wouldn´t want to keep you all from seeing good photos. Peace, Jeremy... read more

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Puyo March 27th 2008

When last I updated the blog I was talking about giving presentations in the local high schools about global warming. This past week was more of the same. On Tuesday, I gave a presentation at Colegio Doce de Mayo. Whitney Shipman (another PCV) was in town with her husband so she came along to see my presentation. It went fairly well - I was rushed through it though, since the principal told me that I would only have 40 minutes to give it. Whitney chatted with the principal afterwards about collaborating on a project she has with some high school students in her site. Her site is near Loja in the southern part of Ecuador - a mere 16 hours by bus. Anyhow, Whitney has a group of students that she does Env. Ed. stuff with ... read more
Our cabana in Uwijint
Swimming Hole

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Puyo March 13th 2008

Well, well, I had a much better week last week. After settling in and getting a grip on the mountain of new projects I now have, I realized that we often make things out to be a little worse than they really are. I suppose this is some type of natural response that kicks in when the going gets tough. I know that I will make it through all of these work related challenges and that I will continue to enjoy my Peace Corps experience. By no means am I saying that it will be easy - I am going to be VERY busy for the next few months, but nothing that a seasoned teaching veteran can’t handle. I had a meeting with Carolina from Fundacion Natura last week. She and Andrea made me a list ... read more

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Puyo March 4th 2008

Last week saw the end of the Andrea era at CODEAMA. Her departure was somehow anticlimactic. We had a despedida (farewell party) for her at Colibri. Half the number of people who were supposed to show up did. Bolivar, to his credit, gave a toast that was kind and generous considering the fact that the two of them do not get along well at all. On Wednesday, my last day with her at the office, she opted to work from home. So at lunch, she said goodbye and walked out. She would be working until Friday, however, I was headed to Quito for another workshop. I like Andrea, I admire her, and I wish her the best of luck in her new job with a company called Eco Decision. Already I’ve been forced to pick up ... read more

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Puyo February 21st 2008

The last week has been a whirlwind of activity and changes for me. I have reached a spot of moderate stress in regards to work. Here I thought this Peace Corps thing was going to be about doing nothing except reading books and hooking up with country nationals - that’s the stereotype right? To the contrary, at least in Ecuador, most of us PCVs work our tails off - I think I may be on my 4th or 5th tail at this point. Anyhow, the week started like any other. I worked on putting together a new kid’s page and managed to get that done despite having a major crisis with my computer at the office. At precisely 9:48am on Tuesday, February 12th, my computer decided to turn off unexpectedly and then proceeded to not bother ... read more
Walking Stick
True Bug - Hemiptera
Cute Frog

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