Blogs from Central Highlands, Centre, Ecuador, South America - page 3


South America » Ecuador » Centre » Central Highlands June 6th 2009

Tre giorni di Couchsurfing a Riobamba... trakking a Palitahua, alle pendici del fumante (ma quel giorno invisibile) Tungurahua. Week-end in tenda sul monte Puñay - Chunchi, montagna sacra al popolo Cañari, sulla qui vetta si trova una delle piú grandi e antiche piramidi a gradoni del sud america (a forma di guacamoya - pappagallo). Narra la leggenda che: Venne il diluvio e gli uomini vennero spazzati via. Si salvarono solo due fratelli, sulla cima del Puñay. Scesero poi dal cielo due guacamoyas che si unirono ai due fratelli, generando il popolo cañari. Per questo motivo venne eretta la struttura a gradoni sulla cima della montagna. Sulle sue piattaforme gli yacha e gli amauta compivano sacrifici e misurazioni astronomiche. Qui si trovava un punto di incontro tra i popoli della sierra e della costa. ... read more
palitahua cascada
Photo 3
Photo 4

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Central Highlands August 31st 2008

Die Woche in der Sierra suedlich von Quito war das reine Abenteuer in schoenster Natur. Durch Zufall haben wir in Quito in einem Cafe die Anzeige einer Hosteria Papagayo gefunden. Diese Oase (gelegen auf 3.200m) wurde unsere Homebase - von hier aus stuerzten wir uns ins Outdoorvergnuegen: Tat 1: unser erster 5.000er. Mit dem Guide Victor erklommen wir den Ilinizas Norte (5.126m). Der recht einfache Weg wurde mit Schnee etwas schwieriger. Aber wir schafften es sogar, dass Victor abends muede war - so sehr haben wir ihn gescheucht. Froh waren wir v.a., dass wir ohne Probleme betreffend Hoehe den Gipfel erklommen. Tat 2: Eselritt am Quilotoa - mir taten die Beine mehr weh nach einer Stunde auf dem Esel als nach 1 Tag Bergsteigen. Obwohl uns die armen Tiere sehr leid taten - es war ein ... read more
Unsere Homebase
Guidon - unser neuer Freund
Victor und Markus auf dem Gipfel des Ilinizas Norte

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Central Highlands August 19th 2008

The Camino del Inca (not to be confused with the famous one of the same name in Peru) starts in Achupallas, about an hour by minibus from Alausi. It is a 2-3 day trip along the remnants of an ancient Inca Road. As I left Alausi late, I could start the Inca trail only around 1 pm. During the first hour or two I was accompanied by a local couple who insisted to show me the way and carry my backpack in order to earn a few bucks. Initially I didn't want to, especially as the guy clearly had had some alcohol, but finally I gave in. And in the end it was nice not to walk alone, and they explained me some plants etc. The woman would normally not talk, unless I specifically asked her ... read more
Leaving Achupallas

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Central Highlands August 17th 2008

I had a stop over in Alausi. I arrrived late and was lucky to receive the last free bed in the last hostal in town... As there wasn't any early transport to Achupallas I had a few hours in Alausi, and they were well spent: I couldn't stop watching the amazing locals in their traditional clothes, walking around the shops and bartering at the market. ... read more

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Central Highlands August 16th 2008

The lakes of Atillo and Osogoche are located in-between Macas and Riobamba in a beautiful spot in the Sangay National Park. There is basic dormitory accomodation at Los Saskines in Atillo Chico. I went on a guided hike, together with a couple from new Zealand and England.... read more

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Central Highlands August 9th 2008

El Altar is an extinct volcano on the western side of the Sangay National Park, 170 km south of Quito. The Spanish named it as such as it resembled a huge cathedral to them. The indigenas call it Capac-Urcu, which means "Great Mountain" in Quechua. El Altar is one of the most challenging mountains in Ecuador and has a total of nine summits, all of which have church-related names. El Obispo, with 5319 m the highest peak, was the first one to be climbed, in July 1963 by an Italian team. I never aimed to summit any of the peaks, as they are all too dificult for my capabilities. My goal was to reach Laguna Amarilla, the crater lake from which there supposedly is a great view onto the summits - that is, if the day ... read more
Collantes Plain
El Altar

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Central Highlands August 14th 2007

Laguna Quilotoa was our next stop - a volcanic crater lake, which erupted about 200 years ago. Seeing this area, which is similar to where the vast majority of the indigenous population live, once again confirmed to us that on the whole indigenous people of formerly colonised countries have it really tough. In this area they live at altitudes of between 3,000-4,000 metres, coping with bitterly cold winds, freezing temperatures obviously with no electricity, running water and in homes made of mud and straw. They farm land on the sides of mountains with only their hands having to walk for hours to even get there, I´m not sure how they manage it. The crater itself is stunning with turquoise water, it feels extremely remote. You can walk around the crater and down into it - you ... read more
Zumbahua market
Volcan Chimborazo
Just another ice-cream lover!

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Central Highlands May 22nd 2007

So 5 weeks in Ecuador with constant Spanish leaves a girl needing a bit of the normal English lifestyle and language....So on Tuesday after classes Hannah & I headed off to see Spiderman 3 in English with Spanish subtitles- it enables me to learn better dont you know!! So yes, wasn´t the greatest film in the world, but nevermind...I was suprised quite how many Ecuadorians had chosen to see the film, esp seeing as they show it in Spanish at other times....but no matter!! Wednesday it was time for the pub quiz again, and ohh dear, we did surpass ourselves...instead of second from last, yes, we came last!! We had a Media-English student on our team from the UK too, such a tosser, and in the Lit round he got NONE right, he even argued ... read more
Cotopaxi 2
Cotopaxi 3
Cotopaxi 4

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Central Highlands April 16th 2007

Na het ontbijt in hotel Andaluza eerst even deze website bijgewerkt, zoals jullie hebben kunnen lezen. Dan uitchecken en op pad. Vandaag rijden we van Riobamba naar Ingapirca, een rit van zo´n 186 km. Het landschap lijkt een beetje op Zwitserland maar dan hoger; we rijden op zo´n 3000 tot 3500 meter boven zeeniveau. Als we vertrekken regent het en helaas, dat verslechtert: op een gegeven moment rijden we door dikke mist, zicht soms nog geen 25 meter... en dat op die hoogte, zonder vangrails, diepe afgronden en slechtrijdende medeweggebruikers die inhalen vlak voor een bocht... en dan is de weg halverwege ook nog eens zo slecht, net een gatenkaas waar je langs moet manoeuvreren anders sta je in de middle of nowhere met een lekke band (of alle 4...). Al met al hebben we ... read more

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Central Highlands February 21st 2007

We have decided to travel with our friends Brian and Deb on a ten day trip from Cuenca to Quito to Misahualli to Banos and back to Cuenca. Brian is at the wheel, I am doing the navigating. They have a very comfortable Ford Explorer we will be driving the heck out of for the next 10 days or so. We will be traveling the first half or the trip on the Avenue of Volcanoes. We head early out of Cuenca on a typically hazy day that the Andean foothills are likely to have. Not a great day for photos. We do snap a few though. The farmland we pass through is green and lush. The indigenous of Ecuador are terrific farmers, using every available inch of land to grow the huge variety of fruits ... read more
Central Highlands
La Basilica Quito

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