Blogs from Ambato, Centre, Ecuador, South America


South America » Ecuador » Centre » Ambato August 16th 2010

I woke up this morning, groggily peeled the curtains back and looked out my window at the snow covered peak of Chimborazo volcano. The clouds had lifted their furry heads to give me the most splendid view of this monolith, perched on the edge of a plunging green valley with a river snaking through it, spotted with tiny farm houses and a soccer field. After eating my daily bowl of oatmeal with palm sugar I was ready for the jaunt to the library where my students await. On the way I said hello to a dog, a chicken, a donkey and a cow. Passing me on the dusty snake of a road, a local Salasacan woman shuffled, barefoot, dressed in a bright pink shawl with a green felt hat, her crooked back laden with a huge ... read more

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Ambato May 24th 2010

I would like everyone to know what they are getting in before they travel to Ecuador. Let me startle you with the words that Ecuador is the trap. Here is the “laws” they have for you, who wish to come to Ecuador: You could easy come in, but you can’t get out at your will. If you have any 12-XX visas (non immigrant visas) you have to go to their immigration department and register. But it takes some effort and knowledge of Spanish, as well as money. So forget about restful vacation you plan for your stay. You have to do the monkey business for a week or so with your immigration, even you have not immigrated anywhere, but just came to visit. The whole purpose of this is to suck your money for some b/s ... read more

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Ambato April 25th 2010

We have had an interesting week. On Friday we travelled by bus an hour to Ambato and were met by Santiago Nunez of World Vision. Ambato is a city in the Andes that is cool, and very dry. He and the staff spent an hour with a powerpoint presentation on their work in the area. They have a foundation of 7 small villages which have combined into an organization called Unocant. WV has sponsors for 3000 children and supports 9000 people in one way or the other. The children are supported in health care, quality schooling which includes new methods of teaching, and protecting their rights. All of these are accomplished through direct contact, workshops for teachers, families and community leaders. We stopped at one school where the laborious process of checking the registered children, photographing ... read more
Visit to Alex World Vision 034
Visit to Alex World Vision 035
Visit to Alex World Vision 037

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Ambato May 25th 2009

Nous sommes toujours a Salsaca, mais notre sejour ici se termine doucement. Il va bientot falloir dire au revoir a nos amis Quechua et reprendre la route. Ce fut vraiment une experience hors du commun de pouvoir partager pendant un peu plus de deux semaines la vie d'une communaute indigene. C'est gens sont tout simplement flashant et ce fut un vrai plaisir. Le depart va d'ailleurs, une fois de plus, etre des plus difficille. Nous avons aussi profite d'un tres agreable week-end qui fut a la fois festif et interressant. Nous promenant a Ambato, samedi fin d'apres-midi, nous avons appris que l'equipe de foot locale avait un match en debut de soiree....en deux temps, trois mouvement, nous avions nos billets et avons passe une soiree memorable a encourage Tecnico Ambato. Nous etions probablement les 4 seuls ... read more
hammoc play
hiiiiihaaaa au galop
Michy explaining the golden rule

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Ambato May 15th 2009

Nous avons quitte Banos depuis une semaine afin de nous rendre a Salasaca. Une fois sur place, nous avons probablement pose la meme question a la moitie du village, mais nous avons finalement trouve "Katitawa school" et la maison ou logent les volontaires qui travaillent sur ce projet. Nous avons ete acceuilli a bras ouvert et apres seulement une petite heure, nous etions installe dans notre nouveau chez nous pour 2 semaines. Cela fait maintenant une semaine que nous sommes la et l'on ne peut pas dire que l'on aille le temps de s'ennuyer. lever tous les jours a 6h30 et apres une rapide dejeune, on se met en route...Michy et la majorite des volontaires prennent la route de l'ecole pour la matinee avec les enfants de la communaute, tandis que je me rends a la ... read more
our house in the back
the garden

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Ambato February 23rd 2009

Ok so I´ve been slacking on my entries, what can I say. We were in the jungle for 3 days, away from civilization. We had a great group of 4 youngish Chilean girls and one middle age German winemaker. It was actually a lot of lying around in hammocks and watching the river go by. We did two waterfall hikes, on of which you need to swim the final stretch to get to. You spend a lot of time being wet out there. The jungle is so dense, I´d hate to be lost. Although those blow guns we learned to use are pretty effective. Me and Jill did our own night bug hunt, it´s amazing what comes out at night. I´ve never seen so many different spiders in my life, ranging from small and harmless looking ... read more

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Ambato February 15th 2009

Our final days on the Galapagos were wonderful, it was hard to leave but both of us were ready for a break from the heat and to get into the mountains and jungle. We did some more snorkeling, which was of course incredible. This time we got to be in the water very close to a bunch of sharks and swim in large schools of golden rays. Two guys out with us had a total freakout since apparantly they had never snorkeled before and couldn´t swim very well. The water was also really rough that day, and they ran into an iguana and then a sea lion and had a giant male meltdown and tried to get up on some rocks and got all cut up. Our guide had to go drag one of them back ... read more

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