Blogs from Valparaíso Region, Chile, South America - page 66


My summer vacation, part 1-Mendoza, Argentina South America » Chile » Vina del Mar » Viña del Mar By Bowmen16April 7th 2007Tori Lynn ScottThese are photos from my summer vacation. I am going to do a small blog for each location we went to so this will be the first of 4. I went with Carlos for approixmately 2 weeks to Argentina and Chile. We had a blast, rode on a lot of buses, ate a good amount of meat (which rocked!!! sorry vegetarians), chocolate and ice cream in Argentina, saw beautiful landscapes and rivers and mountains. Chile and Argentina have incredible natur... read more
The Andes Mountains
Plaze de Independencia
The circus

Alguna vez...alguien me cambió un poco la rutina....y fuimos a la costa! En gratitud por lo vivido, dedico estas lineas a recordar a Harry, a quien agradezco mis primeras lecciones de fotografía...entre algunas cosas más. No te mueras nunca!! There was a time....someone who changed me a bit my routine...and we jump over the beach. Feeling gratitude for what we experience together, i dedicate this lines to remember Harry, who i really appreciate mis first photography lessons...between some other stuffs more. Never die, Harry!! ... read more
La noche porteña
where my grandparents are resting on peace
Descansen en paz

Hello all!! I know that I wrote a little bit about my trip down to Patagonia but I didn’t finish telling you about the rest. So here it goes: after Torres del Paine, we went down to Punta Arenas for two nights. At this point we were very tired from the hike and just traveling so Sunday we went to the airport, wanting to see if we could get on a plane that day instead of Monday, but we couldn’t. Our ticket wouldn’t let us switch, even though there were some available seats. We waited in the airport for about 3-4 hours and then finally gave up. So we went back to Punta Arenas and right when we got off the bus there was a lady who had rooms available in here hostel, aka her ... read more
Boat hole

South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Zapallar March 25th 2007

ITA - Sabato mattina riprendiamo la macchina e, carichi di provviste partiamo verso la costa, sempre con la mamma si Felipe. Meta: Pichidangui, a circa 200km al nord di Santiago. Lungo l'autostrada, bancarelle di frutta interrompono qua e là il paesaggio montagnoso e sempre più arido. Il sole ci accompagna fino ad un tunnel, all'uscita del quale purtroppo troviamo nuvoloni che, proprio quando ci avvicinavamo al mare, non ci lasciano più vedere un gran che.. Arriviamo a Pichidangui, e, dopo una prima impressione di paese abbandonato, proseguiamo fino alla casa, che offre una bella vista sulle rocce che si tuffano nel Pacifico. La spiaggia è del tutto riparato da un piccolo golfo naturale, e da questi scogli, ma dall'altra parte della rocce le barche di pescatori sembrano ballare, su e giù seguendo le onde. Il paese ... read more

South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Valparaíso March 25th 2007

ITA - Uno dei porti più famosi al mondo, e una città patrimonio dell'UNESCO.. una combinazione particolare, ma un risultato molto interessante... Da un lato cargo giganteschi caricano e scaricano centianaia di containers, dall'altro, casette colorate si arrampicano sulle colline tutt'intorno. Dal paseo 24 de mayo si possono osservare bene queste due facce della città. Il porto è impressionante, a livello di dimensioni, e di quantità di merce in transito, ma la parte più interessante è la parte alta della città, distribuita su diverse colline, ed è lì che trascorrerò il pomeriggio, a passeggio per le stradine e i vicoli. Scendendo dal paseo mi trovo la strada sbarrata da una lotta fra due bande di cani, organizzati e crudeli da sembrare umani.. un po' più avanti, intorno all' Iglesia Matriz, un quartiere intero è in rovina, ... read more

South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Isla Negra March 20th 2007

Vad toppen! Tänne tuli kolme ruotsalaista toimintaterapeuttia tekemään kolmen kuukauden työharjoittelupestiään. Ihan mukavilta vaikuttavat. Menimme pari päivää heidän saapumisestaan käymään pyörähtämässä perjantaina Vina del Marissa, ja valparaisossa. Ne ovat kaksi yhteenkasvanutta merenrantakaupunkia tässä kokolailla stgon kupeessa. Menimme sinne bussilla. Oli itsellenikin ihan mukavaa heilahtaa pois santiagosta ensimmäistä kertaa ihan omin voimin. Bussit olivat todella komeita ja hyvin varusteltuja. Menomatkaamme säestikin epäilyttävästi Demis Roussosia ( muistuttava pitkätukkainen mies, joka lauloi popahtavaa iskelmämusiikkia. Voin sanoa, että oli mielenterveys kovilla perille saapuessamme. Tytöistä kaksi kolmesta seurustelee, ja on ihan kiva, että täällä on kohtalotovereita :) Oli myös mukavaa puhua ruotsiakin koko päivä. -Muutenkin noi... read more
Old school- naismagneetti
Pablo nerudan suomalainen soitin
Täällä uskonto on iloinen asia...

South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Valparaíso March 19th 2007

3/19/07 11:46 PM Hi everyone! So this weekend I went to Valparaíso, which I can best describe as Chile's form of San Francisco, but… well... there's much more to say. First of all, Valparaíso, or "Valpo" and Viña del Mar (where we went last weekend) are the two big coastal towns in this part of Chile. Viña is the beach resort town, and Valpo is the port town. Our study center here organizes a few optional trips every month for the students to go on, Saturday was the first one to Valparaiso. We had a tour guide who took us around the town, but it was really hard to pay attention to him because there was just so much to see. Like San Francisco Valparaiso is one of, if not the, largest port towns in Chile, ... read more

South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Valparaíso March 14th 2007

Hello all!! Well I got back from Pucon yesterday morning, we had a fabulous bus ride during the night, i got a lot of sleep...not!! But it was amazing down there, it is definatly one of the most beautiful places I have been too!! We left Friday nightand arrived Saturday morning. It was a 12 hour bus ride and on the map it doesn´t look that far at all! I could have gone to Colorado in that amount of time!! Anyway, Friday we took a little tour around Pucon and saw amazing waterfalls and mountains, I loved it!! Saturday some friends and I rented a boat and some fishing poles and went fishing, and sadly we didn´t catch a thing. Actually it felt like there weren´t any fish in the lake but we still had a ... read more

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