Blogs from Providencia, Santiago Region, Chile, South America - page 10


South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Providencia June 17th 2007

Janey its cold here! Santiago is nestled underneath the snowcapped Andes, and it really is a lovely city. We found it clean, and very safe to get around. Partywise, its not as great as Rio or BA, but of course they have a national drink, the pisco sours.. yumm. I'm not sure what the alcohol is but they mix it with lemon, and they are the business, slightly margarita-esq. We found it pretty difficult language wise here, our spanish is pretty brutal, and the level of english spoken here is low. So, meal times were fun.. a lot of pointing, nervous waiting and then surprises always appeared from the kitchen. I did manage to find mahi mahi on the menu one night... hee hee, and it was good! Flipper is soo cute, but he tastes ... read more
Valpoariso transport system!!
Valpoariso harbour
Snow capped Alps!

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Providencia May 21st 2007

Hola! ¿Cómo está? Dar la bienvenida Chile! Obviously after two and a half days in Santiago we are now fluent in Spanish, but for those of you that are a bit rusty the translation is 'Hello! How are you? Welcome to Chile!'. We finally got here after an eleven hour flight in a special time machine that enabled us to land in Santiago four hours before we left Auckland, all very bizarre. Having just had our Saturday afternoon and night we had to go through the whole thing again, which also meant that we had a terrible nights sleep on the 19th May twice over...once on a plane and once in bed with horrendous jet lag which meant we were wide awake at midnight until five am! Anyway that aside, our visit to Chile has ... read more
View from St Lucia

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Providencia May 21st 2007

After a shaky preparation and a teary goodbye we had an event free flight over to Santiago. We´ve spent our first night in our freezing new home and are coping with the jetlag no worries. Our housemates have been very accomodating although the house itself is a little worse for wear. The shower is a hose and the hot water lasted for two minutes and so do thte heaters. Guess we´d better get used to these things though. Today we had our first day at Spanish school and i think they may be able to teach us a few words. Had lunch with some fellow students and really it´s all been quite dull so far. Sunday´s (the day we arrived) here nothing is open and then today was a national holiday so again nothing was ... read more
Eating out in Santiago

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Providencia May 16th 2007

So we have arrived in this our last continent on our world wind tour of the world and yes its freezing here, i'm currently sat with 5 layers on and contemplating how i will make my 5 pairs of socks last!! We are not just world travellers anymore we are infact time travellers!! We got up this morning at 6:30am and Emily drove us to the airport. Got our flight to New Zealand at 11,i proceeded to fall asleep as we took off! Got off at New Zealand for an hour then got back on the plane and had to wait forever on the tarmac, i fell asleep again as we took off! The plane was meant to leave at 5:30pm, not sure what time it ended up taking off at but we touched down in ... read more

I arrived in Santiago, Chile, to be met by Kev at the airport. Oh wait, no that never happened, he was asleep in his hotel after not coming out of it for 3 days before i arrived. Luckily he had managed to feed and water himself so no major harm was done. We quickly organised ourselves in town, sorting a weeks intensive, brain hurting, 6 hours a day of Spanish lessons at Escuela Bellavista just around the corner from where we were staying in Providencia. Here we met Simon and Tammie from Bristol who we were to spend the next week and a half trying to learn a very small amount of the local lingo. The lessons were split into 2 hour sessions, 3 times a day and to be quite honest with you, by ... read more
The locals
The view.....
Schools out!!

Tänä vappuna jäivätkin perinteiset soudut väliin, mutta lakitus ei. Olin hankkinut vapuksi askartelutarpeita, jotta saisimme tehtyä ylioppilaslakit kartongista itsellemme. Itse vappuaatto lähti rauhallisesti käyntiin kotona hengailemalla, ja illansuussa lähdin Ainolle ja Paulalle. Vietimme siellä rauhassa iltaa samalla juoden viiniä, ja pikkuhiljaa aloittaen ylioppilaslakkien suunnitteluprosessia. Ryhdyimme tuumasta toimeen, ja hatut alkoivat näyttämään melkein jopa ylioppilaslakeilta. Lipat osoittautuivat vaikeimmaksi tehdä, ja näimmekin kolme erilaista lippamallia :) Koko komeuden kruunasi 10 peson kolikko, joka liimattiin toimittamaan lyyran virkaa. Jossain välissä Paula keksi tehdä mustasta kartongista viikset. Eihän niillä mitään tekemistä vapun kanssa ollut, mutta hauskaa se oli. Teimme siis muitta mutkitta kaikille viikset, ja itselleni parran. Tytt... read more
Pedro Hietanen ja Hans Schlüsselmeisterhof
Alkoholiahan emme nauttineet lainkaan.
Eurooppalaiset ylioppilaamme Maurice ja Simon

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Providencia April 26th 2007

Aika Perun ja Marikan lähdössä kului mukavissa, joskin haikeissa merkeissä. Lähtö lähestyi hitaasti, mutta varmasti. Äkkiä koittikin aika saattaa kulta lentoasemalle, ja itkuhan siinä tuli. oikeesti :) Sinä iltana pitikin poikien kanssa ottaa pari lasillista. Ei nyt suruunkaan, mutta en todellakaan juhlistaakseni. Tosiaan, vanha kämppis, Dimi palasi porukoineen matkalta Etelä-Chileen. He pyysivät minua liittymään seuraan matkaan viinitilalle seuraavana aamuna. Lähdin mieluusti, kun ei Marikankaan kanssa voinut enää viettää aikaa. Sittemmin selvisi, että Dimin tyttökaverin veljen tyttökaveri on töissä Belgialaisessa supermarketketjussa, ja että meidän pitäisi yhdistää reissuun vähän työtäkin. He olivat saaneet kaksi konttia pilalle mennyttä viiniä, ja meidän pitäisi tarkastaa viinitila,sekä nauttia heidän syyllisyydentunnon värittämästä vie... read more
Kuva viineistä, ja pakkauslinjastosta
Auton sikaosastolla oli tunnelmaa...
Dimin läksiäisten jälkeen taksissa jouduin takapenkille tyttöjen kanssa

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Providencia March 30th 2007

Lentomatka alkoi siis torstai aamuna Vaasan lentokentältä klo 10.50. Rahaa oli aika paljon mukana ja ongelmiahan tuotti se missä niitä säilyttäisin. Taskuja ei vaatteissa ollut, matkalaukkuun ei saanut laittaa, käsilaukku oli siis ainut paikka mihin rahat "piilottaa". Keksin kuitenkin osan rahoista laittaa kirjekuoreen vyötärölle ja hieman epämukavaltahan se tuntui. Palautin rahat kuitenkin nopeasti käsilaukkuun, koska turvatarkastuksessa osa ihmisistä tutkittiin aika tarkkaan... Olis se ollut noloa "jäädä kiinni" heti Vaasan lentokentällä :). Matkalla ilmoista tunnistin Hämeenlinnan ja vilkutin kuten olin luvannutkin. Mietin myös näkyisikö Hamletia täällä taivaalla, mutta totesin sen olevan ennemminkin äidin hoivissa ;). Matka jatkui siis Helsinkiin, jossa aikaa oli tapettavana noin seitsemän tuntia. Siellä pyörin putiikeissa sekä kuuntelin äänilevyä... read more

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Providencia March 21st 2007

So here I am, after far too much neglect of affection towards the computer (i.e. blogging. South America has a way of separating you from the internet). But as I have a hard time with structure as it is, I will try my honest best to keep this updated! I can´t thank you enough for caring enough to read about me life! I´ll try to keep it spicy for ya! So the basics: here I find myself living in the heart of Santiago, Chile, in my first appartment with a 27 year old interior designer named Carolina. She keeps me on my toes with spanish (she doesn´t speak english), and in return I unleash all my domestic instincts (aka. cooking, entertaining, lighting candles...) that have been boiling inside me after 2.5 years in a dorm ... read more
Rarely have I felt so small.
Dry Ice

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Providencia March 11th 2007

Pitures to Follow...... Santiago...the capital of a country that is over 4000 km long and never more than 200 km wide, situated roughly in the middle, and in between the highest of the Andean mountains and the pacific ocean. A city we only had a couple of days to explore - so what did we do? We visited the Presidential Palace - the place where the ex-president, Salvador Allende, was killed (the official story is he committed suicide) when the Military regime bombed the place at the start of the coup d'etat in 1973. I hoped to learn a bit more about this, but the tour was predominantly about the palace itself, and did not include a history lesson. It is a strange place - almost like a country estate, with the guards dressed up in ... read more
Main Square
Presidential palace
Fruit for sale

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