Blogs from O Higgins, Chile, South America - page 2


South America » Chile » O Higgins » Pichilemu December 28th 2015

Neither one of us was ever a manager of a hostel before but now we can check that off our list of things to do. Upon arriving at our next workaway experience we were sent a picture from the owner of the hostel, Oliver, with a hand pointing to a key and a message that read I will not be there when you arrive but let yourself in, this is where the key will be. So that's what we did, we let ourselves into the place we would run for the next few weeks, without the real owner anywhere in sight. Our job was simple, clean and wash the sheets after every guest and make sure all the beds were made for any incoming guests. Keep the bathrooms cleaned and make sure the kitchen wasn't a ... read more
Sunset over the pacific
The view from one  Kristine's favorite places to do work.
Morning fog over Punta of the three point breaks in Pichilemu

South America » Chile » O Higgins » Santa Cruz March 9th 2015

Unfortunately we had to change our plans slightly at this point. We were planning on going into the Chilean lake district of Pucon, however, the day before we were due to depart we discovered the area had been closed to travellers because of a potential volcano eruption. This proved accruate as it erupted the following day, thankfully no one was seriously hurt. Next stop Santiago then via a 16 hour bus trip. We spent a couple of days there but it didn't really feel like our kind of place and we quickly moved on, after all the grapes are ready to be picked! A relatively quick 2 hour bus trip down to Santa Cruz brought us into the heart of the Chilean wine region and just in time for their annual harvest festival. This was a ... read more
Street meat at its finiest!
Local music.
Food enclosure at the start of the day (before the crowds)

South America » Chile » O Higgins February 8th 2015

San Sebastián CHILE On our way to Ushuaia in the province of Tierra del Fuego (earth of fire) you have to cross through the Chilean border and then back into Argentina (crazy really) The border crossing from Argentina to Chile is much different then crossing into our USA park the car and take all your documents wait in one line then another, get a piece of paper and off you go. We waited for 2 hrs.........during our wait I cooked pasta and had a shower.....RVing rocks:) Tomorrow we will have reached our the most southern destination in Argentina, Ushuaia ( Fin del Mundo) end of the world !... read more

South America » Chile » O Higgins » Rancagua June 12th 2014

It has been years since my last post. I was away from reality for a while.. lost in a place that was dirty and lonely... I got a last minute ticket to Chile... I needed to get far away from the mental distruction of my last trip, After getting out of the hospital it was the best thing I could do. The only problem was I forgot about the Cocaine hidden in my shoe from a night out with a mother of three I met on the internet. I agreed to stash her stash in my shoe as it had a massive hole in the sole where I could slide something in then cover it with duck tape. Anyways I forgot about it and on my arivial in O higgins I was searched battered and I ... read more

South America » Chile » O Higgins May 11th 2014

spät und gemächlich verlassen wir auf der “amadeo I” den hafen von natales, bei gewohnt nass-kaltem wetter. gemeinsam mit dem fahrtwind entwickelt sich das “draußen” zur eher zu meidende zone, obwohl man natürlich ab und an über die aussichtsplattformen schlendern muss, um die engen passagen zu bewundern, durch die der capitano das riesige stahlungetüm sicher manövriert. vereisender regen peitscht mit zunehmender geschwindigkeit gegen das gesicht während wind und feuchte böden ein umherwandern zusätzlich erschweren. die meiste zeit wird also auch abseits der mahlzeiten im dining-room verbracht. gemeinsam mit militär, händlern, touristen aller länder und einer menge einheimischer entsteht eine eigene dynamik durch die kantinenähnlichen mahlzeiten und “der mit dem wolf tanzt” auf spanisch im großen flat screen ;-) . immer, wenn wir es vor die tür wagen, empfangen uns windböen, die schon ... read more
canal view

South America » Chile » O Higgins January 15th 2014

Salir de Santiago nos llevó su tiempo. Lo primero, porque aprovechamos la mañana en la ciudad para hacer compras que en otro lugar es más difícil. Lo segundo, porque al montar las alforjas y bolsas en la bicicleta nos dimos cuenta de que había pinchazo. Montar todas las bolsas en la bicicleta es una tarea que lleva su tiempo. Por último, recorrer los kilómetros de suburbios desde el centro hasta salir de la ciudad y ponerse en carretera. El suburbio sur de Chile es poco atractivo. Barriadas enteras de casas humildes, con campos y calles llenas de basura inundan los suburbios hasta que se toma la autopista N° 5 dirección al sur. En un puente de la carretera, a la sombra, paramos a tomar un descanso y comer algo. Al poco rato paró una camioneta llena ... read more

South America » Chile » O Higgins » Santa Cruz March 28th 2013

Yes, I know, it's been a long break between blog updates, but I've been busy trekking amazing Patagonia and it turns out there is no wifi in the middle of no where!! So here is a quick wrap for those who don't want to read the really cool details *I feel in love with a food stand chorizo sausage bun thingy for a mere $13 peso in Buenos Aires ( or just over $2 Aussie bucks ) pretty sure i got got an upset belly from the experience after we watched the pigeons eat from the same food container AFTER we had eaten. Totally worth it though! * crossed the boarder into Chile and met up with my trekking group ( we all met through an online trekking partner site.... I know, it sounds dodgy, turns ... read more

South America » Chile » O Higgins February 16th 2013

15/02/2013 I was woken by a loud crash in the night. I wasn't perturbed, as I knew it was only the swell of the sea crashing against the bow. My experience in the Southern Ocean told me that. Captain McBain had warned us of the rough weather from now until midnight tonight when we once again enter sheltered water. The ship was tossing and pitching but as the Skipper had in a previous announcement convinced everyone that this was normal and nothing to be alarmed about, who were we to argue?? We were therefore very surprised when we entered Horizon Court for our breakfast at 09:00 to see it fairly busy. En route the cleaning staff were at the ready at various strategic points with their mops and buckets so you could anticipate today was going ... read more
The blue ice of Amalia
The tidal flow of Amalia Glacier
The icepack that is Amalia Glacier

South America » Chile » O Higgins » Pichilemu November 19th 2012

In the true spirit of being a backpacker, when I was randomly invited away on an AFL end of season football trip over the weekend to Pichilemu I graciously accepted. The Santiago Saints are the only AFL club in Chile. About 10 years ago a local Chilian guy got into contact with the AFL in Australia and they sent him over some footballs and training kits. Since then it has grown and they have a couple of teams within the club that play against each other, so I guess either way; the club always wins. We set off on Friday night to make the supposed 3.5 hour drive south west to Pichilemu. However in true AFL fashion the guys were sinking cans on the bus which resulted in us needing to stop every 20 mins so ... read more
National ladies surf comp
Black sand
The boys lesson

South America » Chile » O Higgins » Pichilemu April 7th 2012

With the wind in my hair, the sun on my face and being beside the beach you would think that I would be happy, but I wasn’t. Unfortunately, being happy was proving difficult at this moment as rather than lying on the beach or swigging a beer, I was in the back of a truck. Who’s truck? to this day, we still have no idea, but as Donna and Lisa sat inside the truck trying to tell these random people (who we had accidentally hitchhiked with) where our cabana was, I was being thrown all over the place on the outside of it. I was a tad miffed! To be fair, these people were amazingly friendly in giving us a lift even though they had no idea where our cabana was and after driving round aimlessly ... read more
Pichi beach
An empty bar in keeping with our rules of the crawl!
Waiting for the waves to roll in

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