Blogs from Antofagasta Region, Chile, South America - page 43


Bonjour, Avant de venir à Santiago, nous sommes allé visiter la Vallée de la mort près de St Pedro d´Atacama. Il y a une vallée la bas ou il n´y a acune forme de vie, pas de plantes, d´animaux, d´oiseaux, niet. Pourquoi? Parce qu´il n´y pleut JAMAIS. On va joindre des photos lorsque je vais trouver un port USB fonctionnel et que j´aurais plus de temps. Parlant d´endroits particuliers, nous sommes dans un coin Internet de 40 ordinateurs (tous des écrans de 21 pouces) spécialisés en jeux en réseaux. La place est ouverte 24h/24 7j/7, il y a un type qui dort dans un coin, plein d´autres jouent à Starcraft et autres jeux du genre. C´est relativcement silencieux car tous ont des écouteurs sur les oreilles. Merlin et Gab ont passé l´après-midi ici. Moi je cherchais ... read more
La vallée de la mort
Vallée de la Lune
Vallée de la Lune

South America » Chile » Antofagasta Region » Calama September 1st 2006

Nous sommes arrivé à Calama après 8 heures de bus de nuit avec un controle de douanes avec fouille de baggages à 3h a.m. Demain Calama/St. Pedro d´Atacama (1h30 bus) + St. Pedro d´Atacama/Santiago (23h de bus!) On va voir un lac salin avant de descendre à Santiago. De la nous irons probablement à Valparéso. Cet ordi n'a pas de prise USB accessible alors les photos devront attendre. Sans entrer dans le détail, disons que j´en suis à ma trosiéme sorte d´imodium, j´ai hate que ca se place, en autobus c´est très malcomode. Merlin c´était en début de semaine, Myra la semaine dernière, Gabriel est épargné pour l´instant. J.P. ... read more

We arrived here in the oasis of San Pedro de Atacama, in the Atacama desert at 8pm last night, after a long and uncomfortable bus ride from Valparaiso. This is definitely one of the more surreal places we've been to, it's like a step back in time but it's full of tourists. We had previously emailed the hostel here so assumed we'd a bed for the night, but as we've learned on this trip never ever assume anything, turns out our hostel was booked out. So we wandered around the sandy streets of this small town and a guy approached us with his hostel, at this point we were tired, dirty and cranky so we accepted, it was an adobe (mud) house, partially out under the stars and in the dark it looked cute. The Atacama ... read more
El Tatio geyser field
milk for our morning coffee heating in the geyser
The sun rising over the geyser field

We have just had four fabulous days in the Atacama desert in the North of Chile - really the highlight of the holiday so far. Far from not having enough to do, which slightly worried us, we have offered excursion after excursion into the desert, volcanoes, geysers, lagunae, canyons and salt flats, each incredibly varied - and always escorted in tiny groups (usually just us) by incredibly friendly guides who know the area like the back of their hands, as well as its geology, history, flora and fauna. So we´ve walked the salt flats with natural salt deposits that promise to be snowand then turn out to be salt, with amazing salt and gypsum crystals and owls nests; run the sand dunes )and watched horses run them); rock climbed (Marianne with some sense of panic) down ... read more

Arrived in San Pedro yesterday - like nowhere on earth, or like nowhere any of us have ever been. When we landed at Calama, we wondered why we had come here - as the airport was in the middle of the most desolate desert. Nothing grows in that desert: and nothing lives there. It is so hostile. But we drove 1 1/2 hours though mountains and salt flats to arrive in the most spectacular setting. We are surrounded by mountains and volcanoes on all sides - all about 1 hour or so away, and in a basin that is made up of turquoise blue lagunae with flamingoes nesting on them, salt flats where the salt that is washed down from the volcanoes is so thick that it looks like snow, and desert with scrub, trees etc ... read more

After a fun but cold time in Uyuni we decided to head across back into Chile. The journey is not that far but again on terrible roads! We left Uyuni in the middle of the night and I don't think I have ever been so cold! The bus made good time to the border but that was when things slowed down to a walk/crawl. We were kept there for over 4 hours. During that time we had our bags searched, people were turned back to Bolivia and a dog wee'd on an american girls leg whilst we were waiting! Once through we thought we'd get on our way to Calama and then San Pedro - no such luck. The bus decided firstly to stop for lunch, then we had a flat tyre, then the fan belt ... read more
Local Church
Valle de la Luna

After a nice few relaxing days in Santiago (hanging out with our estranged hostel owner - please go away from us) we embarked on the 22 hour journey to san pedro de atacama, in the northern part of Chile. Journey was pretty cool in fairness, the scenery was spectacular. We checked into the hotel puritima (bastardo´s) and had a look around the town. the local population is 4000 but with tourists it swelled to a huge 8,000. the place seemed like it only existed for tourists, as there is nout else to draw these people to such an inhospitable place. we found a bike shop and rented some bikes, undertaking the 35km round trip (not including hiking) to the valle de la luna (valley of the moon). It was a spectacular sight. dunes and eroded hills ... read more
Ian Snowboarding ,Death Valley
Canyon,Death Valley
Valley of the Moon 1

South America » Chile » Antofagasta Region » Calama July 30th 2006

Hallo ihr Lieben in der grossen weiten Welt, nachdem wir euch jetzt so lange auf Berichte von uns haben warten lassen, hier ein bisschen was ueber die letzten Wochen. Nachdem wir Chachapoyas gegen Abend mit dem Bus verlassen hatten sind wir am naechsten Morgen in Trujillo angekommen und von dort gleich weiter nach Lima gefahren. In Lima haben wir uns dann so sehr nach Sonne und blauem Himmel gesehnt, dass wir nach vier Naechten nach Arequipa weitergefahren sind. Dort scheint das ganze Jahr die Sonne, der Himmel ist eigentlich immer blau und das Wetter ist das ganze Jahr fruehlingshaft. In Arequipa haben wir uns dann auch um unsere Weiterfahrt nach Asuncion gekuemmert. Das ist gar nicht so einfach da die Busgesellschaften nur ganz selten internationale Verbindungen anbieten und man nie per Telefon oder Internet Fahrkarten bestelle ... read more
Arequipa - Stadt der Taxis
Paso Jama
durch die Atacamawueste

Zoe and I separated in Mendoza. I sent her ahead to make her way to San Pedro in Chile, whilst I 'popped' to BA to pick up my parcel. I was hoping for a 14hr bus journey overnight there, pick up the package, then head back that same night, so potentially only 24 hours behind her. However, this is South America, and things are never that simple... I arrived in BA, and made my way to a friend of my uncle, Sr Estari. A lovely man who owns a book shop in BA, and who I had met briefly after my last robbery. He offered to help me navigate customs, and provide a loan (customs quoting approx 200-300pounds)to get my package from customs, once I had my cards again I would be able to pay him ... read more
View of Salta

wonderful and odd. Chile compared to Peru and Bolivia is very mod in a way unlike, I don't know, what you might expect in South America. It's very mod in a not good sort of Western way (just an opinion). What I mean is that in the towns - not talking of the tourist places to visit, hike, swim etc - there are malls and lots of fast food and ample options when it comes to variety of food. And after Bolivia it was hugely welcome, big portions of foods, and then we discover Ripley's (department store) food court on the top floor with KFC and other options like Doggies hot dogs! Was good for the moment but after eating fast food for a few days we decided not to eat KFC again. The main reason ... read more
cables everywhere...
our ride to the Paranal Observatory
the VLT

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