Blogs from Amazonas, Brazil, South America - page 7


South America » Brazil » Amazonas » Manaus February 11th 2012

So we pedalled behind the boat , or trying to keep the space between uthanks the motorboat as small as poss but most times we were a bit behind... Nonetheless our skills improved, I have to say mine box I be never pedalled in my life and by the end I could control the boat!! I reached the boat which was stopped and Jo told me that I had to save a bird that they found in the bush. So I went in with the boat trying to get the bird which was doing rounds trying to escape me, but finally I caught it .Deposited on the boat I was free to pedal away but not for long becauseowe we're at the clear and we needed to go baas to have the longed for shower. I ... read more

South America » Brazil » Amazonas » Manaus February 11th 2012

Going back to the original camp was relatively faster than reaching it, but thank god we went pronto because we were all starving! We had some amazing pancakes with manioc a, delicia:) after that we had to fish for baits because we were going fishing! The guides went to look for some kind of nut that produces the fireflyI thaT in the process is a worm, we wanted the worm. We got a few and we started fishing and then moyseuc offered us a worm, we thought he was joking do Joanna asked him to have half of it. Probably grossed out to eat them raw he grilled them in the fire and he gave us our share.... I was kind of curious but grossed out and did not want to put that thing in my ... read more

South America » Brazil » Amazonas » Manaus February 10th 2012

Four days after leaving the Caribbean, the water starts to turn a tanish brown, a sign that we have arrived in the Amazon. The waters begin to calm a bit, though no land is in sight in any direction. With over 500 tributaries and over 50 miles wide in places, the Amazon is the largest river in the world. One must not mistake the color of the water for pollution, the logical assumption one would make when seeing a river of such a color. The Solimões River, one of the rivers that make up the Amazon, gets its color from its mineral content. It will take us 3 days to reach the city of Manaus. As we navigate this mighty river we can occasionally see land, a lush green color dense with rainforest. Entire tree trunks ... read more
The Muddied Waters of the Amazon
A Liquor Store Goddess
Teatro Amazonas (the opera house)

South America » Brazil » Amazonas » Manaus February 10th 2012

Manaus - /Boat Ride to Turtle Lodge The most amazing experience to date. Seriously it was beyond what we expected. Dead tired from the several plane delays we arrived in Manaus, we were picked up by the person that would be our guide for the trip, Samuel and we were first driven to the 'port´ from where we got a type of speedboat to a town called Sao Joao:) In those waters you can see the Amazon River joining with the local waters,really interesting there is a difference in the colouring and also the water temperature.After arriving there we were packed in a VW van to take another boat ride to the lodge where we would stay. The lodge was a really cute place. All the guests had a nice room ,with ac or fan that ... read more

South America » Brazil » Amazonas » Tabatinga February 3rd 2012

Well Gang.. I had a chance to go see visa required, so we made a day of it. Myself, Mariana and Angelo went to get something to eat and also get Marianas stamp into Brazil for the next day. The Border is what they call a "Open" border where anyone can go in or out of either Colombia or Brazil freely.... read more
Churrasco with Fries

South America » Brazil » Amazonas » Manaus January 9th 2012

We have been having so much fun exploring big and beautiful Brazil that we have been neglecting the blog... so, it's catch-up time! A day-by-day would be way too long so we hope you enjoy our city-by-city summary of our Brazillian adventure thus far. Sao Paulo We arrived by air from Lima on December 21st, and as we were mainly concerned with planning our accommodations over Christmas and New Year's Eve, we spent most of our time here on the computer rather than touring around. That said, we did manage to visit Ibirapuera Park, which is one of the largest city parks in Latin America (sort of like what Central Park is to NYC). It was an extremely hot day (the beginning of summer in Brazil) so we enjoyed a leisurely stroll through the grounds trying ... read more
Theatro Municipal
Ipanema Beach
Favela Rocinho

South America » Brazil » Amazonas » Manaus September 7th 2011

Wow. The past 2 weeks, we have experienced every emotion possible. We are enjoying our first 'comfortable' day - with not a single item of clean clothing left! Our boat trip from Belem - Manaus was the first test in animal behaviour. All the tourists pitch up 3 hours early (as told to us in the guide books) and then stand around waiting to board. You then grab you little piece of territory where you hang a hammock which is to be your home for the next 6 days. As new people board, you lie on the hammock and splay yourself as wide as possible, giving the evil-eye to newcombers who want to pitch their hammock up right next to yours. One becomes lost in a sea of hammocks as everyone lies on top of each ... read more
Local house
The group
Our group

South America » Brazil » Amazonas » Manaus June 21st 2011

When we were dropped off at our Hotel in Manaus by the Amazon Village guide, Alex, we found they were servicing the air conditioner in our room so we decided to find a restaurant for lunch. We received excellent advice by the hotel and had a pleasant lunch. Manaus is a Brazilian city of about 2.5 million, located on the Rio Negro a few miles before it meets the Rio Solimões to form the Amazon River proper. At Manaus the Amazon rises and falls almost twenty metres between seasons. In May and June it's at its peak, full and very wide, spreading way out into the trees. In November and December it's low but still massive. A bit about the food of Brazil: The Local cuisine is rich and varied and can be found in many ... read more
Amazonian Flag
Our hotel in Manaus
CIGS - Military Managed Zoo - ponds & islands for monkeys

South America » Brazil » Amazonas » Manaus June 19th 2011

We arrived at the Manaus airport at 3.00am after a bit of a milk-run, stopping at Belem which is at the mouth of the Amazon and Santarem which is due west of Belem. We were to be picked up by someone from the Hotel but this was not to be! It was obviously too late for them. We caught a ‘taxi’ which did 100kms per hour down a main street. The hotel was not my best choice but the bed was clean and the room had air-conditioning and it was only going to be for ½ a night. The next morning after a cold shower (which was very refreshing in 32 degree heat and 90% humidity) we found a place for breakfast and practiced our Portuguese and hand language (!) which all worked well. We then ... read more
Meeting of the Rivers Negro & Amazon (2)
Meeting of the Rivers Negro & Amazon (6)
Amazon Village Lodge where we stayed (22)

South America » Brazil » Amazonas June 17th 2011

Our plan is to make a loop from Colombia via Venezuela, Trinidad, Suriname and French Guyana to Brazil and then via the Amazon back to Colombia. It will take about two months. The bottleneck in this loop is the road between Oiapoque and Macapa in Brazil. The road seems to be bad. In the rainy season it is sometimes even not possible to pass. It is the rainy season now. And it rains. We stand at the busstation at Oiapoque. We just crossed the Fleuve Oyapok with a motorkorjaal, coming from Saint Georges de l´Oyapok in French Guyana. Our little family, consisting of Thijs from the Netherlands, Ben from New Zealand and us two, has got a new member. It is Kadassi from Japan. He tells us the boatsman crossing the Marowijne from Suriname to French ... read more
Our bus
Fortaleza de Sao José in Macapá
Inside the fort

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