Blogs from Amazonas, Brazil, South America - page 3


South America » Brazil » Amazonas » Tefé January 11th 2015

Martedi´6: Itapuranga III e´ ormai da cinque giorni ad aspettarmi al porto brasiliano di Tabatinga, ma questa volta me la prendo comoda e salgo a bordo solo un´ ora prima della partenza, fissata per mezzogiorno. Salpiamo e ci viene subito servito un delizioso stufato di carne: niente male come inizio navigazione, del resto siamo ormai su di una vera e propria nave e non piu´ su delle grandi bananiere come in Peru´; le fermate pero´ susseguono e le amache cozzano ormai le une contro le altre. Per fortuna abbiamo un terzo ponte sul tetto dove ci si puo´ liberamente svagare con un piccolo bar, delle sedie e la TV. Ore 15.45, suona la campana che chiama per la cena; ci deve essere un errore, o forse sono rimasto indietro di un paio di fusi orari, ma ... read more
Sul Rio calano le tenebre
Il fiume Tefe´ visto dalla Missione
Nave amazzonica

South America » Brazil » Amazonas October 5th 2014

The Amazon jungle. Just hearing those words sends shivers down my spin. My imagination runs wild with all the adventures I could have in this lush, tropical, paradise. Like so many, it had always been a dream of mine to travel to this magnificent part of the world and get lost under the canopy amongst the gigantic leafs and mosquitos. I have watched countless documentaries and made it an ambition, a bucket-list quest, to walk through the trees and float down the mighty river. In April 2014 my dream became a reality. After doing some research, my husband Tomás, and I decided to book a stay at the Uakari Lodge in the Mamirauá Reserve. The reviews on the web were outstanding and the description on their website was exactly what we were looking for. An authentic ... read more

South America » Brazil » Amazonas September 14th 2014

We were able to spend one day at Alter do Chao, claimed to be one of the best beaches in Brazil. They call it an island, but actually it is a peninsula that gradually grows in size as the river goes down during the dry season. You can actually wade out to it at one point. But today for $5R, or about $2.25 US, a guy in a rowboat taxied us out to the beach. It is the perfect beach! Huts where grilled fish is prepared and cold beer served! Families with tables, some in the water all day. And there are plenty of things to keep everyone amused, including the Banana, a long inflatable towed by a boat that deliberately flips you into the water several times (yes, I rode it with the family). Geli’s ... read more
The Banana
Lunch with Geli's family

South America » Brazil » Amazonas September 10th 2014

We spent a week in the city of Santarem and it is hard to figure out how to capture it all, but we loved it. Hot and in places very polluted, cheerful and hard working, full of celebration and tradition while allowing the historical buildings to crumble; it is a city of contrasts. On one hand everyone has a cell phone, on the other, the hotel directs you not to put toilet paper in the toilet. It is the type of place that gets in your blood, and every time you think you have figured it out, you find out you are wrong. You have to start with the weather and environment—it’s the Amazon and it is hot and muggy. It was 39 degrees C when we arrived (divide by five, multiply by 9, add 32 ... read more
Prepping dinner
Dan, Brother Ron, and Geli
Fish, it's what's for dinner

South America » Brazil » Amazonas September 10th 2014

Sailing up or down the amazon river has always been a life ambition of mine. I've watched countless documentaries about the river, the jungle, the wildlife (including the incredibly pink river dolphin) and people that live there - and I knew from a very early age I just had to see it myself. With my own eyes. While planning our loose itinerary Tomas and I decided that we would sail up the Amazon River from Manaus in Brazil to Iquitos in Peru. This involved almost 1,3000 kilometres, crossing the invisible three way border where Brazil, Colombia & Peru meet and allot of patients. I envisaged hours of bird watching, dolphin spotting and hearing the cries of monkeys for miles but that couldn't have been further from the truth. The wildlife is virtually nonexistent and the river ... read more

South America » Brazil » Amazonas September 7th 2014

We left Manaus after spending the morning wandering the plaza around the Opera House and picking up some native made baskets at a shop that supports several villages and their artisans. Unfortunately, we were encouraged by the tourist center folks not to go downtown as it was a holiday and very few people would be around, making us a target for muggers—ah, city life the world around. We grabbed a cab at the hotel for the airport—and wondered why the driver, after stowing our luggage, crossed himself, whispered a few prayers, and kissed the cross hanging from his mirror. We were soon to find out as he drove like a bat out of hell and clearly, having made peace with his savior, feared no evil (or bus, or traffic light, or other driver!). There are often ... read more
George at Rest

South America » Brazil » Amazonas » Manaus September 4th 2014

We began our trip flying from Columbus, Ohio to Manaus, Brazil, where the mighty Amazon is actually formed as the Rio Negro and Rio Solimeos come together. The Rio Negro's black water refuses to combine with the Solimeos' creamy white water for a number of kilometers, forming the 'meeting of the waters' that is hard to describe. A late night arrival at the hotel taught us the first lesson about Brazil, the Brazilians are the best part of the country. Our driver did not have change (we had just changed money and only had large bills) but, no worries, he would come back the next day to get the rest of the fare if we would just leave it at the desk. The next morning we found the second best thing about Brazil, the food. With ... read more
George and Matt up a tree
Coconut Milk
Mananus Market

South America » Brazil » Amazonas August 4th 2014

es ist noch nicht acht uhr, wir gehen vom hauptplatz zum hafen und unten angekommen tropft der schweiß nur so. mit all unserer habe bepackt kommt man hier schnell ins schwitzen. salzwasser perlt von meinen haaren als wir die “anna katarina II” finden und erfolgreich boarden. das erste deck ist bereits drei stunden vor der abfahrt mit hängematten dermaßen überfüllt, dass an ein dazwischendrängen gar nicht zu denken ist. ein brasilianer erbarmt sich unserer verdrossenen blicke und zeigt uns das zweite deck. hier schaut es zwar nicht viel besser aus, aber schließlich finden wir doch ein plätzchen für unsere zwei hammocks, weit weg von den toiletten und am ende der reihen, an der wand. das oberdeck ist luftiger. trotzallem geht es auch hier eher kuschelig zu. über die gesamte länge hängen die stoffenen schlafgelegenheiten, in allen ... read more
river junction
that's what we look like, too
bad weather

South America » Brazil » Amazonas » Manaus August 3rd 2014

faultier gesucht. richard will uns ein faultier finden und fangen. man muss aber leider sagen, dass weder er, noch unser bootsmann begnadete späher sind und so tuckern wir durchs unterholz ohne große erfolgsaussichten. weder am rand noch inmitten des dichten geästs lassen sich die langfingrigen kletterer ausmachen. angeblich kommen sie zu lichteren stellen des waldes, wenn es regnet. nur, dass am weiten horizont keine einzige wolke sichtbar ist. ein letzter versuch. mit vollgas ins gestrüpp und dann: kein faultier. aber: eine dicke, fette schlange. cobra, sagen sie, aber “cobra” heißt auch einfach nur “schlange”. jedenfalls ist sie braun mit punkten und etwa so lange, wie ich groß bin. unsere guides wollen sie fangen! aus einem schuhband und einem ast wird kurzerhand eine schlangen-strick-falle gebaut und nach dem ersten versuch hängt das arme reptil in den händen ... read more
school bus
morgen toilette
snake friend

South America » Brazil » Amazonas » Manaus August 2nd 2014

sonnencreme, mosquito-spray, lange ärmel, lange hose. es hilft alles nichts gegen die dichten schwärme voll stechender quälgeister. der morgen beginnt mit einer dschungel-wanderung, um medizin-pflanzen, tierfallen und “überlebenstechniken” kennen zu lernen. obwohl die ewige mosquito-belästigung durchaus als zermürbend betrachtet werden kann, ist der mehrstündige trip fesselnd. bullet-ameisen, die so heißen, weil ihr biss so schmerzhaft ist wie ein schuss (fieber inklusive!) krabbeln in erschreckender größe die baumstämme entlang. besonders zu meiner hellen begeisterung, ärgern die beiden guides auch noch eine riesige (wirklich, wirklich riiiesige!) tarantel aus ihrem erdloch und ich muss schon sehr mit mir kämpfen etwas, wie neutrales interesse aufzubringen. lianen und wilde bananen, aus denen man wasser gewinnen kann, stachelige baumstämme, einen telefon-baum, kaugummi-baum und allerlei... read more
das ratten-tier
our baby caiman
THE tarantula

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