Blogs from Salta, Salta, Argentina, South America - page 25


South America » Argentina » Salta » Salta August 29th 2008

I'm standing outside a ramshackle building located on a salt flat in the middle of the Atacama desert. Somewhere around here at some point in the past, two officials stood facing each other. One of them used the toe of a well-polished shoe to swipe a short line between them in the ashen earth. The two looked down for a moment and silently contemplated. Finally, the other official rubbed his freshly shaven chin, gave a few short nods of his graying head, and said "Bueno. Ok." The officials have faded away along with the drawn line. And aside from this small shack of an outpost guarded by a few Argentine soldiers, the border between Argentina and Chile may as well not exist. This is the driest desert in the world - parts of which have never ... read more

South America » Argentina » Salta » Salta August 29th 2008

Once again guys have to apologise for the lapse in entries recently...we are still very much alive and well. We had a manic July and August working our way through Peru and Bolivia...constantly on the go. Lots of trekking, sightseeing and freezing our bits off on bolivian night buses. Hopefully, we will catch up on the backlog of entries soon. But for now... So the political situation in Bolivia got a little bit crazy during our a nutshell (not being one for politics myself) there was a referendum regarding President Morales as the poorer states wanted him to stay in power, the richer states didn´t. So given that whichever way the vote went someone would be unhappy there was generally just a lot of rioting, strikes and road bloackades etc both before and after. Our ... read more

South America » Argentina » Salta » Salta August 26th 2008

"Out to sea, far west of España, Lies the land men call Cokaygne. No land that under heaven is, For wealth and goodness comes near this" - 14th century English poem about a mythical lost continent After traveling across the northern edge of the Argentine pampa and into the Andean foothills, I've arrived in Salta. This is where I really start the journey across the fabled Cokagne. Cokaña. Cokayne. America. A big chunk of it, anyway. Salta Having walked around for a few hours, I'm beginning to think the only reason I've never met anyone from this city is that there aren't too many reasons to leave. The center is practically screaming its Spanish colonial heritage with the main square and endless whitewashed buildings with red Spanish tile rooves. The eastern edge of town is dominated ... read more
Plaza 9 de julio

South America » Argentina » Salta » Salta August 25th 2008

The fourth city on my Argentine tour was Salta. I did a lot of walking, a lot of touring through the mountains. A lot of ice cream eating. And I almost brought a dog home with me. ... read more
The rooftops
Salta does pretty well too- in water...

South America » Argentina » Salta » Salta August 3rd 2008

Salta has been treated this winter holiday season to a visit from the Spanish National Circus (or, El Circo National de España). This weekend heralds the final shows before they pack up their big top and depart for a new city on their endless world tour. The Circus has been stationed here in Salta for a month and I thought it too good an opportunity to miss their highly acclaimed show before they head off tomorrow. So, off I went trawling through my mobile phone contacts list in search of someone with kids to tag along with. BINGO! My friend Ana has a young son, Bernardo, (not yet two years old) and she herself was eager to see the show and was more than happy for me to join them. When we arrived at the site ... read more
Opening scene
Mr. Illusion

South America » Argentina » Salta » Salta August 2nd 2008

My first stop after leaving Buenos Aires was Cordaba, the second largest city in Argentina. Not much was happening in this city except for a lot of political demonstrations and a few impressive churches. I did visit a nearby town called Alta Gracia, famous for being the home of Che Guevara duing his early years. His former house was turned into a museum that Fidel Castro even visited two years ago. (Check out the Motorcycle Diaries which is a great movie about Guevara´s travels through South America) I then took a 12 hour night bus to Salta which turned out to be a really great place. The city felt a little less westernized and was filled with stalls of people selling crafts and food. After meeting a few people in the hostel we decided to rent ... read more
Che Guevarra´s house
Another Church in Cordoba
Start of the road trip

South America » Argentina » Salta » Salta August 2nd 2008

Dag 44 - 50 Jane var mer eller mindre kvitt utslettene mandag, og denne uken har hun kun hatt en ny forkjolelse. Tirsdag fikk vi i lekse av froken aa skrive om noe som skal skje i framtiden, saa vi satte oss ned og planla reisen videre fra Salta for noen uker framover. Her er den tiltenkte reiseruten: Vi tar buss fra Salta sondags morgen til San Pedro de Atacama, nord i Chile. Her vil vi se valle de la luna (maanedalen) og los tatios (geisirer). Derfra reiser vi videre nordover til Chacalluta- Tacna, hvor vi vil se vulkaner i nasjonalparken Lauca National Parque. Herfra gaar turen videre til Iqueque, hvor hvite strender kaller (og pina colada). Saa reiser vi videre til Antofagasta, som er kjent for fantastisk sjomat. Her blir vi nok en stund ;-) ... read more

South America » Argentina » Salta » Salta July 29th 2008

This is the north of Argentina and sadly our final stop before heading to the border to Bolivia. Salta is a big town that is overrun with backpackers of all sorts of shapes and sizes. It is a very nice town where you can find lots of hand made artifacts from lama woolen jumpers hats scarves gloves you name it, you can find it here on the streets or in the shops. Lots of hand made jewellery from the various stones that can be found in the local areas. The town square itself is based on 9 de Julio Plaza and has two pedestrian streets leading on to it. There is a huge cathedral located in the centre which is painted in an unusual pink and peach, it looks like sorbet colours that you almost feel ... read more
Inglesia San Francisco
Ave St. Martin
Kevo sitting in antisipation in a cable car ready for take off

South America » Argentina » Salta » Salta July 28th 2008

Following a second overnight bus trip, we had crossed the mighty 'Impenetrable Chaco', arriving to a dead quiet Salta - we then realised it was Sunday morning at 6:30am. We made the most of the day to walk and bus around to see the quiet city, finishing the daylight hours with a walk up Cerro San Benardo (Saltas lookout hill) with a gondola trip back down. We descended into an entirely different city. All the locals were starting to emerge to wander the bustling street stalls. The central Plaza was devastatingly beautiful with carefully tended buildings lit to show them off to their full glory. The poor camera had to reexplore Salta all over again. One of the defining features of both the Resistencia and Salta regions is in the people. We are now in the ... read more
Gondolla descent to a darkening Salta
Salta Architecture

South America » Argentina » Salta » Salta July 25th 2008

Dag 38-42. Som vanlig startet ny uke med legebesok til Jane. Hun vaaknet mandag med utslett over hele overkroppen. Hostellet ringte etter lege paa formiddagen (med forklaring om hvordan Jane saa ut), og 5 minutter etter var legene paa plass (de kommer alltid 2 og 2, en lege og en sykepleier). De sjekket Jane - baade pust og puls, tok temp'en og gav henne en injeksjon i baken med antihistamin. De mente at Jane hadde hatt en allergisk reaksjon, mulig det kunne vaere av planter som vi passerte da vi gikk ned fra fjellet igaar, sondag. Utslettet tok mye av Janes oppmerksomhet - klodde noe helt vanvittig. Tirsdag hadde utslettet forverret seg, dvs at det ogsaa var kommet paa beina. Dog var ryggen, armene og brystet verst. Nok en gang kom det 2 leger til hostellet. ... read more

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