Blogs from Calchaquí Valleys, Salta, Argentina, South America


South America » Argentina » Salta » Calchaquí Valleys February 8th 2013

Diena prasideda rytine ekskursija po slėnį, dalis kompanijos tie patys žmonės buvę vakarykštėje ekskursijoje. Kalnai tikrai gražūs, pavažiuojam vis po keliolika kilometrų ir sustojam gražesnėse vietose apžiūrėti kalnų kartais paedami šiektiek gilyn. Sustojam pasifotkinti su lamomis. Slėnio pabaigai du natūralūs amfiteatrai kalnuose su puikia akustika. Prie paskutinio amfiteatro mus palieka, nes čia lauksim autobuso į Salta miestą. Taigi važiuojam iki Saltos, pasivaikštau čia porą valandų, miestas gan didelis bet jame dauguma namų nedidesni nei trijų aukštų išskyrus miesto centre esančius kelis didesnius pastatus. Į akis krenta gražūr ir skirtingai dekoruoti balkonai. Miesto centras nedidelis, o už centro nieko įdomaus ir nėra, tad poros valandų jam apžiūrėti visai užtenka. Keliauju atgal į stotį ir važiuoju į Jujuy. Čia mane pasitinka simpatiška 20metė chouchsurferė vardu Sara. Nors jau... read more

South America » Argentina » Salta » Calchaquí Valleys February 13th 2011

Hola todos. Me voila a Salta depuis avant-hier. Un peu de mal a trouver un hotel, alors je me suis installé dans un 3 etoiles, La Posada del Sol. Oui j ai des gouts de luxe. Et alors ? Salta, ville tres sympa, relax, "a taille humaine" comme on dit (ca faisait longtemps que je n avais pas utiliser cette expression passe-partout). Il fait beau, il fait chaud, les filles sont jolies, la bouffe est bonne et le pinard aussi, en plus d etre bon marché ! Que demander de plus ?? Evidemment j ai pu satisfaire ma soif de culture, a savoir la visite du musée d Anthropologie (ou est exposée une momie decouverte en 1999 a 6700m d altitude !!!), d Art Contemporain et des beaux-arts. J en ai vu des plus impressionnants dans ... read more
Photo 23
Photo 24
Photo 25

South America » Argentina » Salta » Calchaquí Valleys June 16th 2009

After taking a bus from Salta to the extremely polished and clean -though pretty- village of Cachi, i had a problem. I was in a perfectly beautiful region, with high mountains, exploreable surrounding towns, a legendary valley to venture into and more, and i felt indifferent. Perhaps it's the 'last days syndrome' kicking in: i look forward to being back, but at the same time i want to keep on going, and i want to make these last weeks as impressive as possible. This pretty much immobilised me: what to choose between taking your time, or to fit in more sights? I solved the problem by ordering a beer and tasty provoleta, on a sunny terrace, with Mario Vargas Llosa's 'El pez en el agua' to accompany me. It's -like alway with Vargas Llosa- a fantastic ... read more

South America » Argentina » Salta » Calchaquí Valleys February 16th 2009

Have you ever gotten onto a bus for a twelve hour journey and had no idea what World meet you at the other end? That was the fantastically freeing feeling I experienced as I sat cross-legged in my chair on top of a double decker bus, headed for somewhere called Fernandez, 800km north of Buenos Aires. This whole trip so far feels like I have been handed a giant box of candy (or dark chocolate truffles) that I can eat from endlessly without getting full. The bus terminal in Buenos Aires pretty much gave rebirth to the word bedlam. It consisted of a long, straight platform with over 50 buses lined up in a row, pulling in and out, with hundreds of passengers and wisher-well people milling about with their baggage. Over the loudspeaker bus ... read more
our water-cat friend Christian
Independence Day

South America » Argentina » Salta » Calchaquí Valleys December 18th 2008

Day 627 (16.12.08) Our sparkly red Fiat (soon renamed the flying tomato) arrived in front of the hostel at 9.30am and after booking bus tickets for when we returned we were soon loading our stuff and ourselves into the car for a 2-day road trip with Tess and Haydn. The guys had bought some cheap CDs in the market to use as our soundtrack and we were looking forward to the "Metal Soft" CD with a new song from G n R "Singe I dont have you"! We were headed south to start and, once we found our way out of town with our extremely basic map and the extreme lack of road signs we passed through a couple of small villages based around the main road. Once we reached Moldes we took a turn off ... read more
Road trip
Road trip
Road trip

South America » Argentina » Salta » Calchaquí Valleys August 4th 2008

Having met a Spanish couple remarkably briefly only 700kms ago, Roberto and Esther, our paths again crossed whilst hunting both cheap rental cars and Arlene's coffee fix. After some intense negotiation, both were solved, and we had a delightful 4 days together to celebrate, whilst sharing the scenery and the cost of a tiny car. And our Spanish improved out of sight along the way. The stunning "Tren de las Nubes" ("Train to the Clouds") takes its enraptured passengers up countless swtichbacks on its glorious route to the Andean plateau. We were so keen to do this, but there was no train working, and it was SO dry there were no clouds. So off in our little VW rental car we went. Wearing short sleeves and sunnies, our little car quietly climbed to 3700m to a ... read more
San Antonio
Stunning Salars
What a place to live

South America » Argentina » Salta » Calchaquí Valleys July 8th 2008

So, of into the sun again, this time south into the Calchaqui Valley for some hairy roads and more spectacular scenery. The first few miles out of Salta were fairly flat but soon we got into more interesting views and as we began to climb the road narrowed. We stopped for a brief coffee at an isolated cafe at the bottom of the Cuesto del Obispo, the long winding road that goes up into the mountains. The views were wonderful but slightly spoilt by the broken down truck containing 2 children who wanted 1970s middle of the road classics played at full blast while they waited for their mother to return with the tow truck. And that's where the road really got interesting. The tarmac soon ran out and the first ford we came to looked ... read more
The road leading up to the Piedra del Molino (3348m)
Finca de las Nubes

South America » Argentina » Salta » Calchaquí Valleys May 23rd 2006

J'ai quitté San Juan et le désert hier pour arriver aujourd'hui à Tucuman. Immédiatement, je me suis dirigé vers Tafi Del Valle, un petit village en altitude a l'ouest de Tucuman. Pour y arriver, l'autobus a emprunté une route de montagne à travers la jungle. Cependant, ici nous sommes trop haut pour voir une vegetation si luxuriante. Demain je vais sans doute aller me balader en montagne et je reviendrai alors avec des nouvelles fraîches et des photos. a+ : J'ai finalement passé 3 jours à Tafi et profité pleinement des montagnes alentours. La première journée, je me suis baladé sur les routes autour du village et me suis habitué à l'altitude (mal de tête, léger vertige et essouflement), car la vallée de Tafi est a 1976 m d'altitude et les promenades montent rapidement au-dessus de ... read more
Vers La Cienaga (Hauts des Galgals)
Vers La Cienaga (Rohan)
Ruines (~500 B.C.)

South America » Argentina » Salta » Calchaquí Valleys May 11th 2006

Today for my last day in Salta I took a day trip to the small town of Cachi in the Calchaqui valley. Yet again I was shown that when it came to handing out dramatic scenery, South America got a decent share! We drove first through the cloudforest region of the Escoipe Canyon, up the twisting, winding road to the 3200 metre summit of the Cuesta del Obispo, through the barren cactus studded plain of Los Cardones National Park and finally to Cachi in the Calchaqui valley itself (surrounded by snow capped Andean peaks). To top that all off, I had a lovely leisurely 2 hours in Cachi wandering around taking photos, shopping for handcrafts and eating lunch al fresco. Aah holidays..... ... read more
Again en route to Cachi

South America » Argentina » Salta » Calchaquí Valleys April 18th 2006

Hallo ihr Alle, so da sind wir also wieder: wohlbehalten und gluecklich sind wir von unserem Ausflug in die Valles Calchaquies zurueckgekehrt. Aber das Ganze gibt es natuerlich auch ausfuehrlicher - also, das Ganze war naemlich so: Am (Oster-)sonntagabend machen Raphael und ich uns auf den Weg ins Zentrum - nach einer Woche Salta sind wir froh endlich wieder loszuziehen und freuen uns auf unseren Mietwagen, der uns fuer 21.00 Uhr versprochen wurde. Nachdem der ganze Papierkram erledigt ist bringt uns der Autovermieter zu unserem kleinen Fiat Palio (als ich Fiat gehoert habe wurde mir ja schon ganz anders - aber siehe da: Fiat kann tatsaechlich auch ganz ordentliche Autos bauen). Als wir uns den Wagen genauer ansehen entdecken wir aber, dass unser neuer Freund leider an einem platten Reifen leidet....Das Angebot des Vermieters den Reifen ... read more
Garganta del diablo
Der Frosch
La ventana

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