Blogs from Wanaka, South Island, New Zealand, Oceania - page 33


Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Wanaka March 23rd 2007

Wow! I would even make the controversial statement that Mt. Aspiring is my personal favourite National Park. Yes, even more than Abel Tasman or even Fiordland and Aoraki / Mt. Cook National Park (as I write this with hindsight of the latter two). But before I go on to rave about this park and the fabulous Rob Roy Valley track, a little word on Wanaka itself. Wanaka We had never set out to stay in Wanaka, but talking to some fellow travellers at Abel Tasman was enough to persuade us to stay here as the gateway to Mt. Aspiring National Park. They spoke of a fantastic walk in the shadow of snow capped mountains and a 51km drive up a gravel road and over fords! Sounded like an adventure to me, so we stole 1 night ... read more
Getting close to the top
Matukituki Valley
Falls on road to Wanaka

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Wanaka March 19th 2007

Jen is still in pain from her teeth so we didn't walk but instead went to a Puzzle Park just outside Wanaka. Its main part is a modern wooden maze including wooden bridges. The idea is to locate the coloured towers in all four corners and then find your way out. It took us an enjoyable hour. (In the middle of the maze we bumped into the couple we'd given a lift to back in Bluff). There are also rooms with holograms and optical illusions. The room with distorted perspectives is incredible. As you walk across the room you appear to grow from midget to giant to an observer (you can see yourself later on delayed video). The tilted room makes you quite giddy as balls appear to roll uphill and water flows uphill. It was ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Wanaka March 19th 2007

Time for an easy day after so much walking so I went to Puzzling World. This included a room full of faces that follow you round, a room where snooker balls appear to roll uphill and a big 3D maze. The evening highlight was the most competitive game of spoons I've ever played - with two Swiss girls Sara and Rachel and four Israeli guys. Sara's impressive table-leaping soon meant that she was allocated her own spoon! Next day it was back to walking and Sara, Rachel and I went up the large hill (1800m) overlooking Lake Wanaka - Mt Roy. The views were extremely impressive and I highly recommend this walk on a clear day for anyone in Wanaka. ... read more
Puzzling World Maze
Puzzling World Illusion Room

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Wanaka March 18th 2007

Had torential rain for the last day or so, cleared up and fine weather again now though. Travelled from Westport to Fox glacier yesterday (Saturday). Then from Fox to Wanaka today, moving on to Queenstown tomorrow afternoon. Still sleeping in the tent although the rain caused a few problems, with a couple of very big leaks! Already travelled 1300Km on the south island with many more to go.... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Wanaka March 18th 2007

The extra hour in bed due to the end of NZ light saving was very welcome but we still struggled to check out by 10am. The initial drizzle quickly cleared and intermittent sun followed us as we travelled the scenic route over the Crown Range to Wanaka. We initially stopped to view the Shotover Jet boats at their base. They are astonishingly fast and manoeuvrable. We also stopped for coffee and scones at the former gold prospecting town of Arrowtown. It has a bit of a Wild West look with all the wooden buildings on the main street - but these are now largely gift shops but it still has a certain charm. The twisting road that snakes steeply giving excellent vistas back over Arrowtown and right back to Queenstown is a lovely if tortuous ... read more
The road to Wanaka
The road to Wanaka

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Wanaka March 16th 2007

Kia Ora from New Zealand! Sorry it's took me so long to get this blog up but it's been none stop since I got here. I landed in Christchurch last Satuday and spent 2 days there before moving on. There wasn't that much to see to be honest and it was like I'd been dropped back in England. The river Avon that runs through the city looks like it's been nabbed from South England and nearby was Sheffield, Rotherham and Darfield (not sure they had a pig farm though like the one back home). I booked myself onto the Magicbus circuit which is one of the backpacker bus companies here. First stop on route was Kaikoura, about 80km north. I booked myself onto the swimming with Dolphins tour there and was definitely one of the highlights ... read more
Christchurch - The Chalice

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Wanaka March 13th 2007

Sooo, unterdessen bin ich auf der Suedinsel gelandet. Habe gerade den ersten Regentag seit meiner Ankunft in Neuseeland, eine gute Gelegenheit also mal wieder einen Eintrag zu schreiben. Puh, eigentlich gar nicht so einfach sich zurueck zu erinnern wo ich in den letzten Wochen so war. Gluecklicherweise hab ich noch meine Fotos um mich zu erinnern. Ja, Wellington war richtig cool. Die ganze Atmosphaere und auch die Stimmung Abends im Ausgang waren genial. Ich war noch im Te Papa Museum in Wellington, eine riesen Sammlung von Artefakten aus der Gruendungszeit Neuseelands sowie neuen Ausstellungen und Kunstsammlungen. Ein Riesending von einem Museum und wirklich toll aufgebaut. Ich hab noch einige Zeit in Wellington damit verbracht einfach durch die Strassen zu schlendern und mir alles genau anzukucken, am Meer zu sitzen und ein paar lokale Biere zu meinen ... read more
Maori Schnitzereien in der Stammeshalle
Maori Statue
Die Faehre

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Wanaka March 9th 2007

Left Franz Josef. Had a good nights sleep ao feeling refreshed. The weather wasnt great but once we reached Lake Matheson the sun had punched through the clouds. We took some photos of the lake which had reflections of Mt cook in it. Spent around an hour walking around the lake. Further down the road we were able to take some photos of the Fox glacier. We stopped of a t some really small town for lunch (id made myself some peanut butter sandwiches). Then got going and entered the Haast Valley. Really beautiful, more like a gorge, incredibly rugged. We stopped for a short wile in the valley to see a large waterfall. Slept a little on the bus (which is why I cant remember much about this day.) Anyway we reached Wanaka by late ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Wanaka March 7th 2007

The Tarei Gorge Scenic Railway was the first of my three acclaimed "great train journeys of the world" on this trip. It was indeed lovely. We were on old train carriages pulled by a diesel locomotive (rather than the original steam) and the railway line follows a single track winding through the impressive Tarei Gorge. You could stand outside between the carriages, feel the breeze on your face and watch a very pleasant world go by. Oh and I had a cup of tea, scone & jam in the buffet car. The railway was met by a connecting coach with a very scenic five hour drive with lots of helpful comments by the enthusiastic driver through to Queenstown ("adreneline capital of the world") where I arrived about 21:00 hours. After checking in, I took a stroll ... read more
Rob Roy Glacier
Me on the Rob Roy Glacier Walk

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Wanaka March 6th 2007

Was very relieved to arrive in Wanaka, as the first thing we did was jump off a bridge into the river, which got rid of any traces of hangover, before checking in to the Wanaka Hotel (a really cool little place with TVs in rooms! Luxury!) and heading to the lake to go for a swim in the fresh water, and jump (and flip) off the jumping platform. The lake itself is surrounded by mountains, and the view was really pretty special (photos up soon). Headed back to hotel to watch Friends, which was really nice as I don't think I've seen a TV since Sydney! Showered and headed into town for a curry, as the rest of the boys are leaving tomorrow and I'm staying an extra day here, so was sort of farewell thing. ... read more

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