Blogs from Wanaka, South Island, New Zealand, Oceania - page 14


Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Wanaka April 2nd 2010

Yeeehaw and howdy, y'all! It is I, Jeremy, making a very belated (6 weeks in point of fact) blog for Warbirds over Wanaka. Aren't you so happy Amy writes most of these? It was the second day of the show, on a Saturday. I started my day with a peek out the window at around 7:30am, revealing a most spectacularly cloudy and icky day. However, this would not deter me from missing out on Warbirds, as I had already traded my shifts for the day off. I got dressed, found all our cameras, and kissed my lovely Amy goodbye. Which in return got me a groggy "I love you, too," and wave of her hand to leave her alone. Giddy as a schoolboy I raced out to Wanaka in my pathetic Toyota, up and over the ... read more
Supermarine Spitfire

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Wanaka March 31st 2010

There are two roads to Wanaka from Queenstown, and being as eager as we were to get to a ‘real’ campsite with showers and everything, we took the shortest route. This led us up a windy mountain road that boasted stunning views and razor sharp corners. Matt was driving so I was constantly on edge but eventually after a while we arrived in the very quaint Wanaka. I think that it helped that the sun was shining brightly but with the shops next to the shimmering Lake Wanaka and a backdrop of mountain ranges, the place really did look very inviting. We made our way to a ‘proper’ campsite, one that was just for campervans called Aspiring Motorhome (as Wanaka is in the Aspiring National Park, not because the campsite aspires to be anything more than ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Wanaka March 26th 2010

I finished working in Christchurch so it was time to travel again. My first stop was Lake Tekapo, in the Mackenzie basin. After 4 hrs I arrived at this amazing place. My bus left Christchurch quite early so I had still time to go for a walk. I went on top of mount john, up there is a observatory as there is just no light pollution here. Anyway, the scenery was just stunning. I really can’t describe it, the intense bright turquoise lake at the one site and Mount Cook and other peaks over 3000m with glaciers at the other side… After this first great day with a 5 hr walk I wanted more so I hitchhiked to Mount Cook national park the next day. It was a bit scary, as I got dropped of at ... read more
view over lake wanaka
lake tekapo
dry landscape

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Wanaka March 19th 2010

Comme les images valent mille mots, je vais essayer d'etre breve ! La derniere semaine a ete riche en paysage magnifiques de montagnes verdoyantes, de riviere s'ecoulant des glaciers, de lacs couleur emeraude et de muscles endoloris ! On a enfin trouve la vraie Nouvelle-Zelande ! Apres notre tournee des vignobles en velo, nous nous sommes diriges vers l'Abel Tasman National Park, pour y passer deux journees, une en kayak, l'autre a pieds. Les deux journees ont ete super et nous ont permis de voir ce parc de deux points de vue differents. La trail a pieds suivait la cote, nous montrant de superbes paysages et meme si ce n'etait pas trop difficile, nous etions morts apres 6 heures de marche ! Nous avons ensuite descendu vers la West Coast, la cote qu'on dit la plus ... read more
Kayak dans l'Abel Tasman National Park
Pause kayak Abel Tasman National Park
Coucher de soleil- Abel Tasman National Park

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Wanaka March 16th 2010

I think I'm getting into a rhythm with my travelling now, I spend 1 day travelling, 1 day being adventurous and 1 day being calm, then back to the beginning.  Today was the calm day, and therfore tomorow is travelling. It really has been a very relaxed day, it started well with breakfast by the lake front, and continued with a gentle walk along the shores of the lake.  The shore is made up of mica rich, shaded grey rock of different size, from a rough sand through to pebbles, and reaching out into the water, like piers, boulders are strewn haphazardly, the dull grey rocks are transformed by the mica which glints and sparkles in the mid day sun. As you sit on the beach and dig your hands into this rough textured broken down ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Wanaka March 15th 2010

After my busy day yesterday I was too tired to put, finger to keyboard to update. today, still feeling tired and slightly achey, sitting on Wanaka lake front with my tea and oj waiting for a full breakfast i feel calm and relaxed.  The sun is shining from behind me and my table is half shade half sun. The lake infront of me is dark and mysterious it's calm, deep waters reflecting the surrounding hills and mountains as though they are really below the surface. To my right in a small marina yacths and powerboats clink gently as they bob on there moorings and The chatter from my follow customers, in a multitude of different languages, mingle with the piped music and click clack of skateboards on the street to give the whole that feeling of ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Wanaka March 14th 2010

It's been another day of travelling today, the coach left fox at 8ish this morning And after travelling through the mountains I arrived at Wanaka (wa-na-ka) this lake side town is queentowns smaller sister, but just as well known for it's walking and adventurous activities.  The bus journey was an adventure in itself, our driver "big George" was a talkaholic, the journies I've taken so far have involved a bit of running commentary from the driver. But big George was a gregarious character.  The bus travelled through the mountains to it's first stop at a salmon farm, a short covered walkway took all the passangers to the ponds and cafe. Well Im not sure ponds. It was one big pond with 4 octagonal wooden enclosures of about 8m across. Each of these had salmon at different ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Wanaka March 13th 2010

A quick apology. I'm sorry, some subscribers may have received a second email re my blog about the kotuku, white herons, near Okarito. There was a little glitch in the system, and my efforts to correct it resulted in the second alert. Hopefully, it won't happen again. Now read on. People and Places We were a strange threesome to wash up at the same café table in Haast. There was Angela, the young American cycle tour guide who was on a day off. There was Alan, the not-so-young southern farmer who was taking part in the tractor charity ride to raise funds for children with cancer. And there was me, trying to drag myself away from the conversation and start my day’s riding. Alan was chatting about elderly tourists on the sightseeing coaches that do ... read more
A Familiar Face
Tractor Trek
Bikes Rule The Roads!

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Wanaka March 12th 2010

Hi again all, Stardate....3. This hop-on hop off bus ticket is not very hop-on hop-off! Far to frantic. If I knew what I know now I would not have bought the damn thing, oh well making mistakes is all part of this travelling lark. A little observation I usually have to think a moment or two before I know what day it is. The lack of structure compared to a regular 9-5 existence means I waste so much time but I'm getting used to it! The more hippy orientated travelers (the ones you smell round the corner) trying to grow dreadlocks call this chillin' (yes no 'g'). I call it catching up with my sleep after being woken up at 3-4am when random dorm mates get back drunk as a skunk. There is no use denying ... read more
Picton Harbour
Able Tasman
Able Tasman Kayaks

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Wanaka March 12th 2010

Nelson to Westport Down to Westport and a jetboat ride on the Buller river, a river that rises reguarly upto 8 metres and its flood level record is 16 metres - it passes the same volume of water as the amazon in the winter! A little jetboating ride with Eric (reminded me of the guy from Home Improvement - everything needed more power, 2xV8 with 820hp, yadda, yadda, yadda....!). His aim seemed to be to get us as wet as possible in our Ali G get ups!. Westport itself - pizza, beer and a doubles pool in the evening. Myself and Darren (England) versus Jos & A.N.other (Holland), 1-3 beers you get better, 4+ beers you get worse. Sorry 0-1 Holland. Well doen Jos. Grrr...Other than that don't bother with Westport. Westport to Lake Maniapua In ... read more
Jetboating on the Buller
Franz Josef Glacier
Franz Josef Glacier again

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