Blogs from Southland, South Island, New Zealand, Oceania - page 8


Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Southland » Stewart Island April 13th 2007

The poor weather continued. We woke up on Stewart Island to more rain and cold temperatures. I left the rest of the family hunkered down in the cabin and set out for a place called Mauri Beach. I borrowed a bike from the motel and headed across the island. I left the bike at the start of a well marked trail and headed along the coast. The rain forest is incredible - particularly considering how far south the island is. I walked along for a distance when the gravel path forked. One path was well graveled leading down toward the sea, the other was clearly less traveled but headed in the general direction of my destination. I had neglected to bring along a map and ignoring the lesson I should have learned from the Lookout (see ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Southland » Catlins April 11th 2007

After a surprisingly good sleep in the Larnach Castle stables, we cleaned up in the shared showering facilities (not exactly the Four Seasons) and took on a “cooked breakfast” (in the English sense). Even after several weeks in this country, I am still unable to fully embrace the cooked breakfast concept which most often involves rather more grease than would appear to be healthy. Surprisingly for a Castle, there was no espresso machine. I made do with a plunger coffee which provided the necessary caffeine without resort to instant which would of course have been intolerable. Before departing the Castle, we took the Tour. The place is certainly grand but not on the scale of other “castles” (it has only three main bedrooms). The finishing details (carvings, stained glass, tiling, wood and stone work) are what ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Southland » Catlins March 19th 2007

Dearest Blogmeister, Well that last entry was supposed to be short, but the internet is v cheap here so am making the most of it. The last few days of the week were spent taking a tour of Milford Sounds (spectacular- at least it looks it on the post cards) where it rained all day. Typical. Spent what felt like a millenia on the bus, and was relieved to get off at Te Anau where I stayed for one night before joining another tour of the Caitlins which are at the very south of the south island and famous for its wildlife and rugged windswept scenery. Had a great day (much less time on the bus), and saw sea lions, yellow eyed penguins, and petrified forests. Contemplated (for about 1 second) about sponsoring a trap, yes ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Southland » Milford Sound March 8th 2007

The Day after we arrived in Te Anau, me and Rich managed to get a 'hot deal' on the Milford Sound Cruise. So we headed up the 'Milford Road' rated the most scenic road in the world! A bold statement that I honestly can't agree more with! We drove through some amazing views! Beautifully clear lakes, dozens of waterfalls, together with being surrounded by beautiful towering snow capped mountains! Wow. it was amazing! The pics cant show just how good the road is through Milford. Ace! During the drive up there is one pint where you pass under one of the mountains its called the Homer tunnel. This really small tunnel that goes straight through! Its really freaky inside because theirs almost no lights in it and it has a really steep decent down! After ... read more
Milford Road
Milford Road
Lake Gunn

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Southland » Catlins February 27th 2007

Rach Norm’s recommendation of a stay in Pounawea had turned out very well, so we took him up on his second suggestion too: a trip to Riverton. We bypassed Invercargill, stopping only for a heavy internet session and shopping, and headed further along the South Island’s coast in a clockwise direction, until we arrived at our destination. But Riverton’s main street was not promising: One or two very old fashioned style hotels with bar rooms, the odd gift shop, a chip shop doubling as the video rental place, and several closed up properties in between. Riverton had, according to one of our pamphlets, declared itself to be ‘Southlands premier bathing resort’. You had to wonder… The landlady at our rather outdated campsite wasn’t the sharpest tool in the box either. She neglected to mention that the ... read more
Rach in front of some flowers on Riverton beach
The tapas starter at the Beach House

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Southland » Catlins February 26th 2007

The Catlins coastline, apart from being sheep country, which pretty much define all of New-Zealand, and maybe Lord of the Rings filming location, kind of reminded me of the shire, is mainly known for it's marine life. Seals, sea lions, penguins and dolphins are among its most sought after residents, present on some beaches and bays, along its long and winding coastline. I've mentioned it before, when I met seals up in the north, that despite the fact that I am no animal hugger, I do see the appeal of spotting those animals in the wild. This time I got to see sea lion in some bay called Canibal bay, and it was pretty impressive. Big hunks of sea mammals, laying on the beach, rolling on the sand or even yawning. Most interesting was the mother ... read more
Nugget point
The sea lions
Southern sunset

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Southland » Catlins February 23rd 2007

Ian... The next day dawned wet and cloudy, which was fine with us as we had a long drive ahead of us. First stop, after some breakfast and another arms-length wrestle with the toilet cassette, was the most impressive of all the waterfalls we’ve seen so far :- McLean falls - a 22 meter drop, but who’s counting! The drive down to it was a bit hairy in the campervan as it was steep and wet and it was an unsealed road, but overall, it was worth it. The drive back up was far more interesting as the van slipped and slid all over the place until we got to the top - I was a little worried that we wouldn’t get up and would have to wait for the road to dry out, but I ... read more
Ian thinks these falls aren't so bad
Rachael in a dramatic pose

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Southland » Catlins February 22nd 2007

Rach... We headed further south from Dunedin to an area called the Catlins, passing through green, rolling countryside which, to me, had the character of mid Wales. However, the good weather did not come with us. As we put on our walking boots and rain proofs in preparation for visiting the monumentally disappointing Lake Wilkie, I felt a chilly dampness in the air of the kind I associate with our holidays in Llanfendigaid! The overcast sky, and an intense, penetrating drizzle made me wish that we could somehow ‘magic’ the all Wales gang over here for a night, and have a good ol’ knees up that evening. It took longer to get our walking boots on than it did to complete the allegedly thirty minute walk around Lake Wilkie. To the lake’s credit, it was surrounded ... read more
Ian displays his awe of the Horseshoe falls
Rachael feels slightly better about the Purakanui falls
Rachael on the rim of the orifice that is Jack's Blowhole

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Southland » Invercargill February 14th 2007

On the 12th Dave and I did a tour of the Manapouri Power Station. To get to the power station we had to cross Lake Manapouri, which is NZ's 5th largest lake covering 14,164 hec, 35,000 acres. Again the lake was surrounded by islands and cliffs. This lake has the most islands in it at 33 and is know for its high rainfall 4.5 m or 179.7 inches a year. Fortunetly for us we had a clear day with no rain in sight. The power station is different because it is built underneath a mountain and is the largest power plant in NZ. As part of our tour we were taking underground through the tunnel in a tour bus. The tunnel is 2kms long and is made through solid granite, which is one of the hardest ... read more
Inside the mountain
Sheep and Mountains
Wind swept trees

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Southland » Milford Sound February 10th 2007

We've been staying with Marianne and Geoff since the 8th of Feb, and on the weekend they took us up to their holiday home in Te Anau. Te Anau is only an hour north of Winton and 2 hours away from Milford Sound so it was a good place to base ourselves for things in the area. Te Anau is a nice little town that despite being a tourist spot is not that touristy. The first night there (10th Feb) Geoff and Marianne took us out on their boat for a cruise around the lake. Lake Te Anau is the second largest lake in NZ, it is 352km2, 61km long and the deepest part is 417m; and with that much water you'd think you'd be able to find at least one fish! Although Geoff assured us ... read more
Lake Gunn
Lake Gunn and Beech Trees
Milford Sound

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