Blogs from Whitianga, Coromandel, North Island, New Zealand, Oceania - page 6


Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Coromandel » Whitianga February 8th 2007

Arrived here in Whitianga (on the east coast of the Coromandel Peninsula; Coromandel "town" is on the west coast) yesterday after yet another highly scenic bus ride through the mountains of the Coromandel peninsula, be it through thick cloud and drizzle - it's still gorgeous. In Whitianga I received a very warm welcome at the "Cat's Pyjamas" Backpackers hostel, infintely friendlier than the impersonal lodge at coromandel - although that did have an outdoor spa. You can never have it all by the look of it. The Cat"s name by the way is Mr. Darcy!!! Whitianga itself has a beautiful golden beach, a pretty marina, palm trees and a very mild and humid climate. There's also plenty of wind - great for the surfers, but what about the rest of us??? After having a quick look ... read more
Shakespeare view point 2
Shakespeare view point 3
Shakespeare view point 4

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Coromandel » Whitianga February 4th 2007

After leaving Rotorua we cruised up to Taurange on the shores of the Bay of Plenty. It was a pretty sizeable town/city and it's funny how the further North we get the more we enter denser civilisation! A couple of things we haven't done yet is give you an overview of NZ prices. A litre of unleaded here is about 50p currently, and Diesel approx 30p. Food is definately cheaper than Oz - something which has suprised many Kiwi's that we have spoken to. Whilst we haven't eaten there (I Promise) McDonalds is about half the price of the equivalent meals in the UK. There is also many more Asian and Polynesian people in the local community the further North we head. We headed on quickly from Tauranga as their wasn't much to see or do ... read more
Clare in the arch at Cathedral Cove
Dan propping up the Sea Column, thankfully someone else took over, it's still standing
And then it started to rain...again!

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Coromandel » Whitianga February 3rd 2007

Hello, i am back! After a few days on the road without much internet access, we are back in a "big" town and i hope to catch you all up on the events of the last few days. After a nice stay with Bob and Pam in Auckland on the night of the 1st, the Kiwiexperience continued with an early morning pickup to travel to teh Coromandel Peninsula and Mercury Bay. After a quick tour of Auckland and the views of Mt Eden, we checked in with the Kiwi Tour office, to get everyone's schedule sorted out, and then it was off to the East Coast. We had our first stop in Thames. A little town that used to thrive on the gold mining industry about a century ago. Today, there is not much to do, ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Coromandel » Whitianga January 17th 2007

On the 17th we left Colville and headed to Whitianga, which is a favorite holiday spot for Kiwis. Once arriving we relaxed at our hostel the Cats Pyjamas. The next day we headed out to Cathedral Cove. After a 45 min drive to the parking lot it was a 35 min walk to Cathedral Cove. Along the way we stopped at Gem Bay in hopes to do some snorkeling but the water was to rough and murky to see anything. And the fact that we got covered in fish eggs was not a major selling point either. So we continued onto Cathedral Cove, and once there we set up shop to do some sun tanning. But it was more like sun burning, after not seeing sun for 5 yrs skin tends to burn to a nice ... read more
Cathedral Cove

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Coromandel » Whitianga December 10th 2006

Sunday 3rd December We left our campsite and drove back down the road into Thames itself. The town apparently has the longest main street in New Zealand but we didn't bother stopping and browsing the shops as they were all closed due to it being a Sunday. Instead, we drove inland to a place called Kauaeranga as we were hoping to have a walk around an area called "The Pinnicles". We didn't find out what they were though as after 10km on a gravel road we decided to stop at another walk and make do with that one. The walk followed a stream uphill, providing many crossing points which we had to navigate to make sure we didn't get wet feet. We managed to get all the way to the top where there is an old, ... read more
Driving Creek Railway
Waiou Waterworks
Waiou Waterworks

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Coromandel » Whitianga November 17th 2006

So... many things have happened since our last entry. First, we left kerikeri and got a ride down to Auckland with a Dutch guy we met in Kerikeri. We got in at 11:30 at night and crashed at a hostel. The next day we caught a ferry out to Waiheke Island. The ferry was really pretty, the day was awesome, and we were stoked to do some work for the couple we had talked to. We got there and the family was really wierd. The guy acted like he had been out in the sun waaay to long (Evan and I affectionately call him "crazy eyes"). Also, though the island was pretty (there were loads of good beaches, but none really surfable), there was nothing to do and we were feeling really down and just decided ... read more
Coromandel Coast
Coromandel Coast
Coromandel Coast

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Coromandel » Whitianga November 7th 2006

Just two nights at a reet tidy hostel in Whitianga (say Fit-ianga) in the North West of the North Island. The town was fairly quiet but it is not yet their high season. You can tell this due to the rain and cold! But the sun does pop out every so often. Stopped off on route to a place called cathedral cove which was really really nice. Check out the photo!!... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Coromandel » Whitianga March 6th 2006

My first day on Kiwi Experience, and boy what an experience! I am not the oldest person by any means (Richard Attenborough is in fact on board, well, someone who looks very like him) and I have met loads of non-18 year olds, which is nice. It's always a bit awkward at first chatting inanely to total strangers, but talking out of my bottom has always been a forte of mine. I have met one girl, Dina, who went to Cardiff at the same time as me and did Pharmacy - small world, eh? We travelled from Auckland to the Coromandel Peninsula, East of Auckland and stopped off at the very beautiful Cathedral Cove. From there we journeyed to Whitianga for the night (home of the Mercury Bay Yacht Club, where the New Zealand challenge for ... read more
What a stack!
Gravity-defying tree
Early morning on the Coromandel Peninsula

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Coromandel » Whitianga February 7th 2006

Well my time in New Zealand is coming to an end but not before I experienced a few more once in a lifetime activities with my dolphin swimming trip and a skydive! The dolphin trip was remarkable. The weather held out and although I was seasick on the boat we were able to enter the water four times to swim with the dolphins as the pod passed through the area the baot was floating in. The dusky dolphins are completely wild and the pod we came across numbered about 200-300 dolphins. Divers were providied with snorkels and masks and we just jumped right in with the dolphins! They were quite inquisitive and responded well if you tried to make noises through your snorkel at them or sing to them. If you swim in a circle then ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Coromandel » Whitianga January 25th 2006

Hi friends and family, You've probably realised by now that we're here in NZ safe and sound and having a great time chilling, surfing (I kid you not - more later!!). We had good flights out, although horribly jet lagged when we arrived in Singapore where it was about 30 degrees. Sat outside in the garden of our hotel listening to live music .. good singer, pity about his material - Englebert Humperdick is alive and well:-) We have spent a smashing 3 days with Chris and Helena - Chris has turned into a beach-bum, sun tanned, hair bleached and long (for Chris) Helena just looks gorgeous - sun bronzed and sun streaked hair - I hate her!!! At the moment we are staying at Cathedral Cove (those who know my wallpaper at work will know ... read more

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