Blogs from Washington, United States, North America - page 16


North America » United States » Washington October 2nd 2017

Hi y'all You find us towards the end of our museum heavy stay in Washington DC. One day to go, and suffering from information overload. But, to go back and recap the days before we arrived in Washington. ... Mon 25 September - We set off from Charlotte the morning following our NFL match, heading a couple of hours to join the Blue Ridge Parkway at a 'convenient' spot, though our definition of 'convenient' differs. In actuality Paul had found a stretch of road, only about 12 miles long, which is beloved by bikers and sports car enthusiasts. It is the 226A where the A stands for 'alternative', which in this case would be a 'proper' road of around 8 miles. But Paul prefers a challenge and the 226A is a 12 mile alternative up the ... read more

North America » United States » Washington » Seattle September 27th 2017

We will be relocating to Seattle sometime in the first quarter of 2018. After 15 years in Arizona, I'm a little apprehensive about moving to a city that is 3 times the cost of living with a kid going to college and no home. But that is that, and its all water under the bridge sine the move is happening. So this fall break has us making a road trip to the Pacific North West; the up-side to it all is that, I so love road trips and an excuse to eat badly while on the road (laughing out loud). It took us 5 days on the road because we made stops in Phoenix, Salt Lake City, Glacier National Park, and Tacoma. 3 nights in Seattle is all we had on this trip and it was ... read more
Seattle, 2017
Seattle, 2017
Seattle, 2017

North America » United States » Washington » Chehalis September 26th 2017

blog 09-26-17 Mt St Helen The rain ended during the night and the stars came out, perfect timing. Today we are heading for Mt St Helen and it is looking like a splendid day to view the mountain. I had been here 2 yrs ago and there was so much smoke from forest fires that I couldn't see the mountain at all. Today we could see it from 50 miles away and as we got closer it got bigger. To make it super outstanding, there was a layer of snow from about 6,000 ft so with the blue sky behind, the mountain stood out perfectly. It took over an hour to get to the visitor's center at Johnston Ridge about 50 miles from the I-5 exit. The road curved around mountains covered in trees, some planted ... read more
Noble fir trees just grow here in the Pacific NW
Making our way closer, note the lake lower right

North America » United States » Washington » Chehalis September 25th 2017

Blog 09-25-17 Long Beach to Chehalas, WA To go east in Washington you have to go into Oregan and use their roads, the ones in WA are not suitable. We left the beach this morning much to Linus's displeasure, and headed east and north. We are heading to Chehalas, another Thousand Trails campground near Mt St. Helens. But first we stopped in Longview, WA to go to an RV repair place to see if they could help Ginnie with her electric cable. Somewhere along the line there was a power surge that semi-fused the 50 amp cable to a 30 amp adaptor. They were impossible for us to disconnect from each other rendering the 50 amp cable basically a 30 amp. That is fine as long as you don't want to run everything in the rv ... read more
Looking at the uphill section
going up
view of Astoria from the top

North America » United States » Washington » Long Beach September 24th 2017

blog 09-24-17 Tall Ship Revisit It's our last day here in Long Beach, WA and there are some chores that have to be done. Food shopping, laundry and a last trip to the beach for the boys. First on the list however is a revisit to Ilwaco Harbor to climb aboard one of those tall ships. We had the dogs with us yesterday and it just wasn't possible to climb aboard dragging a petrified dog and enjoy the experience. So after their walk around the campground we left them at home and Ginnie and I went to the harbor. It was a beautiful morning with plenty of sunshine and the temps quickly warming to shirtsleeve weather. There was only one ship in the harbor so I didn't have a choice as to which ship I would ... read more
pretty flowers at the Harbor
the tiller on board ship--note the 2 canons on the back
the compass  housed in a furniture like cabinet

North America » United States » Washington » Long Beach September 23rd 2017

blog 09-23-17 ILwaco Harbor We slept in this morning til after 8 am, guess we were tired from yesterday. After breakfast we loaded the boys in the car and took them to Ilwaco Harbor where there were big doings going on. Every Saturday they have market day and there are fresh fruit and vegetable stands along with crafters that make all kinds of things from recycled glass products to knitted hats to soaps and most things in between, to hot dogs, burgers and several regular restaurants with tables outside. But this Saturday was special because there were 2 tall ships in the harbor. Both are from the north western area and come as a tourist attraction and to get money to support themselves. Both ships have appeared in movies like Pirates of the Carribean and Once ... read more
activities at the harbor
Hawaiian Chieftain
Hawaiian Chieftain's masthead

North America » United States » Washington » Long Beach September 22nd 2017

blog 09-22-17 Eco Tour As we were sitting having coffee this morning Ginnie noticed we had visitors outside. There was a deer coming out of the woods and nibbling on some bushes as it walked along. Then 2 more deer came out of the woods looking a little smaller and followed the first and ate from the same bushes. We were excited to see them, we had been notciing hoof prints here and there but never seeing the deer. Yes, they do exist. They are black tail deer. We started out the day with a mission in mind. Ginnie wanted to buy a new 50 amp electric cable for the motorhome and it was hard to find one of those cables. We called and visited several places then one company in a town near Astoria said ... read more
two smaller deer
The Columbia River Whispering Giant  wood carving
as we pull out of the slip

North America » United States » Washington » Long Beach September 21st 2017

Blog 09-21-17 Beach, Sunset and a Kite It was long overdue, I had to get my hair done. So I made an appt for 9:30 this morning at a local beauty parlor and they worked wonders. I have been hiding under a hat for a few weeks now so it's time to uncover. They did a great job and I feel like a new person. When I got back to the camper Ginnie had done wash and cleaned and the place looked wonderful. We finished cleaning and sat outside for a while discussing the remainder of the day. There were brief sprinkles every now and then, then the sun would come out and look gorgeous. The temp was low 60s but in the sun felt really warm. We had lunch then packed the kids into the ... read more
Looking out to sea
Ginnie and the boys at the Lighthouse
Just beyond the hill to the right is our beach

North America » United States » Washington » Long Beach September 20th 2017

Blog 09-20-17 Fort Catslip This morning we had a project to do then some ideas for the afternoon. Ginnie and I took off in the car to go to Astoria to the Verizon store. Ginnie had some business there so I took my phone and I pad to update all my apps because we had not had access to wifi. The service person took care of Ginnie's phone and gave me access to their wifi and I went to town. I had a book to load on my I pad and 8 updates in the apps. My phone needed 7 updates but for some reason wouldn't load, the guy said try turning it off first then back on. I am now back in business. Then we went to Fort Clatsip about 10 min down the road. ... read more
entrance to the fort
must have been the officer's quarters
inside the fort

North America » United States » Washington » Long Beach September 19th 2017

blog 09-19-17 Ocean City to Long Beach Yes, we are sticking to the ocean. Last night it poured rain all night and we woke up to puddles and the ground feeling like a sponge, soft and gushy. There was one last trip to the beach to be had and there was sea foam remenents all the way up to the grasses. The ocean looked very riled up and it was quite noisy but was calm in comparison to the Jersey coast. Watson and I got back to the camper in time to see Ginnie and the boys leaving for their walk so we did some things to get ready to leave. It is moving day and we are going to Long Beach about 2 1/2 hrs down rt 101. We left around 10:30 am and found ... read more
flowers on the path
path to the beach 670 steps
our campsite in Ocean City

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