Blogs from Somerville, Massachusetts, United States, North America


North America » United States » Massachusetts » Somerville October 31st 2014

So, news flash: Living in a larger city means you interact with a lot of people you don't know. Not that I was in a complete bubble in Minnesota. I spoke to strangers. But there tended to be a spectrum of rituals when you approached a stranger. In rural Minnesota, you would make eye contact as you were passing them on the street, smile and nod, and if you needed to ask them a question, you'd do a small wave before you started talking. In the Twin Cities, you would make brief eye contact, look away (as if deciding whether they are the person to ask), and then do the small wave or an "Excuse me." In Boston, there is no rhyme or reason. This partially seems to be because homelessness is a serious issue--no surprise, ... read more

North America » United States » Massachusetts » Somerville October 6th 2014

Oh, moving. We’re almost done (just need to get all of the artwork up!), but it is so exhausting. I forget sometimes how much harder it is to settle in than it is to pick everything up and go. That is no excuse, though, for how late this "We're in Boston!" blog post is. It would have come out sooner, but it (among other things) were put on pause in mid-September when my grandfather passed away. Ben and I flew back to Minnesota for several days in order to attend my grandpa's funeral and support my family as best we could. Needless to say, things have been a little shaken up, and only now are we settling down into a semi-regular Boston routine. Just to wrap up a storyline from before: Remember those tick bites I ... read more
Our Closet
Fenway Park
The Weed Fest

North America » United States » Massachusetts » Somerville January 15th 2012

Hi Everyone, We lost internet connection after crossing into Germany a few days ago, so here's the quick summary of the end of our adventure. The train ride into Munich was really interesting. The scenary and amount of snow changed dramatically in about 30 minutes, and before we knew it we were in flat farm country. Once in Munich we found a restaurant in a park were I had one of my favourite soups... liver dumpling. When I asked the waitress what the soups were she prefaced it with... 'it sounds really gross, but...'. I told her I'd take a BIG bowl! We then walked up to our B&B, which was in a really neat part of the town (Ludwig-Maximillian University area), pretty close to the Altstadt. I was pretty impressed with the architecture - very ... read more

We flew to Boston on Saturday and Erin Cram (an old Lutheridge friend and daughter of Eileen) was waiting to pick us up. She was kind enough to drive me over to the Boston College bookstore to pick up a couple of books that I needed for my 2 week course on Christology. We enjoyed some exotic tacos and ice cream for lunch and then made our way back to her home near Cambridge for the night. We had enough time to go over to Harvard and show Andrew the Museum of Natural History. After that we enjoyed dinner at "Christopher's" - appropriately named I thought. Unfortunately, Erin's husband Doug was out of town, but we would get to see him on Friday instead. On Sunday morning Erin made us a delicious waffle breakfast and then ... read more

I used to think this site was great. Now I'm finding it grossly irritating and stupid. It's as clunky as a clockwork chicken. Nagging about 'location not listed'. Who cares? Just publish the stuff will ya? Gosh. If I needed the Spanish Inquisition, I'd watch Monty Python... ... read more

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