Blogs from New Orleans, Louisiana, United States, North America - page 56


North America » United States » Louisiana » New Orleans July 28th 2006

Before this trip, I had been to Nawlins twice- once to see the UT football team play in the Sugar Bowl and then again to see the basketball team to compete in the Final Four. For those of you keeping track, that means I was 13 and 20 on each trip, respectively. And here I am, back at 24. Each time is certainly a different experience; each time I love the city just a bit more. If it weren't for the damn mosquitos and humidity, I'd probably have a go at living there. Yes, the French Quarter is intact. Yes, the Garden District still looks the same. Brennan's and Arnaud's are still turning out spectacular food, live music is still pouring out of clubs, and Marie Laveau's is still selling gris-gris bags. But the second you ... read more
He's trying his luck
Mardi Gras masks
Jackson Square

North America » United States » Louisiana » New Orleans June 13th 2006

As if coming to Puerto Rico was not enough, a little over a week ago I decided to head to one of the biggest tournaments of the year, USA Volleyball Nationals. I had never been to this tournament before but I had heard many times about how great it is and how much fun it is to participate in. Most of my information came from one of my roommates in Switzerland, a one Ty Tramblie. Ty has been a part of the tournament for the past two years and is a member of "Team Paul Mitchell." According to Ty this team has never placed lower than 5th, is consistently in the finals, and has had more than its fair share of championships. As if that were not enough Ty continualy had stories illustrating how much more ... read more
Old Friend
Cell Phones
Gold Medals

Today was my last day with my first team. We finished our third house and it felt great because we had a bitch of a floor that would not come up...that alone took all day. We met the home owners on this house at least the dad and one of the sons so we did like Black 12 did last time and left a signed hard hat for them. We went back down to Bourbon Street and I kareoked somemore and friend lost her purse which kinda sucked so it was no good. But, we did have fun up to that point. Well I'll keep postin' talk to ya lata... read more

We started our third house today and it was amazing...rooms just pop up out of nowhere. This was a family of four two young know that from their rooms. We went out and bought Po'Boys last night and are goin' to the French Quarter again tomorrow. Our bus driver is really cool...she's stopping and gettin snowballs (snocones) for all of us. (but we have to pay) and then she is taking us on a tour of the town. Not much to say right now though keep a readin and I'll keep a postin'... read more

Well today we finished our second house and we get our third house tomorrow. I've met some really cool people from Arizona and can't wait to meet more in weeks to come. Well I am kinda home sick but I'll get over it I guess...we're all going walkin tonight to get po'boys. So I'm tired today I'll keep y'all posted every day just leave me a comment. ps: sorry no pictures no cord to upload them... read more

Well were on our second house and it was only worked on an hour and 45 minutes prior to us starting. My team is very ambitious and wants to get the work done in a timely manner. We should finish this house tomorrow I'm hoping tofay is just my rest and relaxation day and were going back into the French Quarter on Friday. Also, our bus driver gave us a tour of the Murphey Oil Spill area and it was just so devastating the destruction. Shrimp boat in the middle of the road about ten different houses uprooted from their plots and houses just completed flattened. It was a sight to see. Well hope y'all keep in touch and keep readin my blogs.... read more

Well we finished our first house today...and we just got it today too. Well, I guess were cheaters it was already half completed so it was easy for us. I also went with four of my team members into the French Quarter and we walked around did a little kareoking, went into voodoo shops ate dinner and we even went by Coyote was cool to actually see Coy ote Ugly live. I sang at The Cat's Meow which was soooooooo much fun. Well I'll post again tomorrow... read more

Today is my first day for my second time at Camp Premier. It's already a lot different. The soup kitchen is no longer around and the second tent a lot of us used to cut through to get to the showers is already knocked down and word around the camp is that it's last day is going to be June 1st. And then all volunteers will be relocated to another camp or possibly sent home which I hope is not the case. I am a team leader this time around and I have my meeting with my team tonight. I went down Munster and the four houses we worked on look good because all of the trash was already picked up. ... read more

Just wanted to wish my most little bro a happy 1st birthday! wish I was there to celebrate it but will see you soon (though you probably wont remember who I am!). Happy birthday mate Love big big big bro Trev P.S. Just to prove your present has been to the Grand Canyon here is a pic of me holding it!!... read more
Happy Birthday

Im going to start this entry by giving the run down on the state of New Orleans so i don't have to mention it again. During the train ride into New Orleans we could see all the places made famous on TV like the still damaged superdome. From stepping in the station we could already see the damage, broken lockers, boarded up windows and signs still hanging off buildings. This is eight months later in practically the richest most powerful country in the world, but we hadn't seen anything yet. This was in the main city downtown area. On the way to the Hostel as we moved further out of town the devastation really started to hit us. The streets were lined with practically the insides of peoples houses in huge piles next to ruined cars ... read more
Jazz in the Park
Hanging on the Stoop!
The Legend

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