Blogs from Sinaloa, Mexico, North America - page 11


North America » Mexico » Sinaloa » Mazatlan March 10th 2007

Spitting heat upon pale skin. Dust swirls, thick and ominous like mountainous fog, yet there is little silence and zero solitude unlike the celestial palaces where the clouds’ nebulous movements waver. Where a hermit might dwell, there doesn’t exist this exhaustion, this thumping surge of sprawling land and sea convergence. It’s bright and hot, alighting the nonexistent patterns as people and their many motors crush upon the littorals of humanity and culture—their culture. It is their land; the noise and debris, the rising dust-clouds into the eternal heat, the rapturous signals, the stoplights and padding feet across cracked pavement before the next race of holly exhaust pipes flood the streets. The young pubescent girls standing in a 50s truck bed and the workingmen folding leathery hands in deep cooling shadows. Coronas, Pacificos, Dois XX and Sol ... read more
Palm & Concrete Horizon
A Storm Remembered
Pulmonia Manias

North America » Mexico » Sinaloa » Mazatlan March 4th 2007

Hello everyone! Today was a pretty uneventful day. We were in Mazatlan for a few hours and then I had to get back to the ship for a frist aid training. It was a pretty basic common sense training, things like..."apply pressure to a wound" and "flush eyes with water". Anyways, we got off the ship in the afternoon and headed the the beach which is called The Golden be honest, it wasn't too golden. I think that Mazatlan is more of a "visit the historic sites, Pacifico Brewery, seafood restaurants" kind of place. But I guess no day at the beach can really be a bad day at the beach, right?! So we just laid out in the sun, took a walk along the shore and relaxed. Today "we" consisted of my roommate Sally, ... read more

North America » Mexico » Sinaloa » Mazatlan February 20th 2007

Hi Folkies!! So I just got back from Mazatlan, Sinaloa, where I was at the annual international (world's 4th largest) Carnaval!! I took the 9 hour bus ride on Friday night, and got there Saturday morning ridiculously early. I went to Sonia's house (one of the exchange students from the States), and just passed out for a few more hours. Then, after breakfast, Rosemary(Canada) came over with Lilian(Switzerland) and a new exchanger, Niki (Australia). Sonia and Niki went to get their hair done, because they, along with a few more girls (Japan, and France) were Beauty Queens ! Apparently they always use the exchange students that live in Mazatlan as Queens because it's just so convenient. haha. But there were also actually Beauty Queens: Honduras, Hawaii, Miss Teen USA apparently, some other ones, and they vote ... read more
Yuki, the Queen of Japan

North America » Mexico » Sinaloa » Mazatlan February 8th 2007

Today was our first day of exploring the strange foreign land of Mexico. As we didn't dock until 12:30PM, we had the morning to relax on the ship. After getting up, we went straight to another dance class. This one was an introduction to the salsa. It's an awesome latin dance with an extremely simple basic step which lends itself well to lots of hip swaying and fancy improvisation. Afterwards, we had time to grab a small lunch and get changed before heading down to the atrium to meet Jim and Joan to go ashore. We caught a cab at the Mazatlan port and went first to the site of the cliff divers. Unfortunately, there were no other tourists there at the time. As the divers basically perform for tips, we would have had to foot ... read more
The bar
Lunch time
Drinking volleyball?

North America » Mexico » Sinaloa » El Fuerte February 7th 2007

SORRY THERE ARE NOT MAPS NOT SURE WHY Wednesday, February 7, 2007. Today’s drive involved leaving Sonora State and entering the state of Sanoloa. We expected some inspection to check our paper work—nothing. The guard just waved us through. After settling in El Fuerte, we took off for a walk to the old town and visited the fort/museum. This campground in El Fuerte is where we will leave the Bothan and travel by train to Creel and on to Batopilas, the bottom of the Copper Canyon. “Bill” of El Fuerte, is one care-free/slick dude. He runs the hotel, as a hunters destination and is available as a guide. Then behind the hotel he has a RV park, where he collect full charges for folks traveling to Copper Canyon (People are not using any services yet he ... read more
Plaza at the centro of El Fuerte
Open air bar El Fuerte
Kelly waiting at the station of the train, we are now waiting for the tourist train

North America » Mexico » Sinaloa » Mazatlan January 11th 2007

An appropriate theme for our honeymoon would definitely be "Mule" or “donkey.” In Mazatlan, we took a ferry to a small island off the coast and stayed at a beach for the day. It was a bit overcast, but interesting nonetheless. We spent most of the day lounging by the shore. After lunch we did the next most obvious thing… we took a short excursion riding more donkeys around the island. This time, I had a donkey willing to behave itself.... These donkeys or mules of whatever they are made us sad, though. They just looked overworked and underfed. I wanted to smuggle them off of the island and home to Missouri, but common sense prevailed. How would I get them into my luggage? The most interesting part of the day was the piñata. I have ... read more
Not so well behaved donkey

North America » Mexico » Sinaloa » Mazatlan December 2nd 2006

mazatlan was the last beach town we visited before heading to los mochis, where we began our 16 hour copper canyon train ride.... read more
3 islands
just getting started

North America » Mexico » Sinaloa » Mazatlan December 1st 2006

well i think i've cried about 50 times this week which is really lame but i'm not even exaggerating. everyone is leaving and i never thought it would be so hard. i expected the whole getting here and making new friends and not know the city and being scared and all that good stuff.....but i NEVER expected the end to be the hardest part. its so sad cause it went by so fast and i feel like i just met these people and now BAM its over. Its so different from anything because when i left calgary i was like OHya its sad and all but i'll be back and everyone will be here and it will be fun....but here its like ok bye i may NEVER see you again and we will never be back ... read more

North America » Mexico » Sinaloa » Mazatlan November 29th 2006

After a nice long 19 hour ferry ride in which we relaxed and had a deep, informative political conversation with a young man from matazlan...we arrived in the city to engage in a delighful lunch in a mercado and refreshing afetrnoon swim in Matzalan waters...We decided to drive straight through to Guadalahara where Sam has a friend Pablo, who is studying medicine and had invited us to come and stay with him for a few nights and to celebrate Thanksgiving...It was a perfect way to spend thanksgiving really... we went to this big dinner held for all the students at a country club and it was a huge fiesta...we ate like mad, had very deep engaging conversations, sipped wine all night, and danced salsa to give our thanks...I enjoyed Guadalahara so much thanks to Pablos ... read more

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