Blogs from Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico, North America - page 15


North America » Mexico » Morelos » Cuernavaca June 22nd 2006

3 days in Mexico City was quite enough with no Spanish to literally speak off. So I got my arse to Cuanavaca, to the safety of a Mexican family's home and the confines of the Universidad Internacionales. I really wanted to leave Mexico City a day before but couldn’t, Sunday is not a day to start school. So Monday it was, I got to the central bus depo and fumbled my way to getting a bus ticket for Cuanavaca. The bus was comfortable and the journey was quite short, not much more than an hour as I remember it. I got a taxi, the driver was very friendly and I fumbled my way through was I was to find out would be the usual questions. Is this your first visit to Mexico? Are you here alone? ... read more
Diego doing his thing2
Diego doing his thing3
Diego´s Zapato

North America » Mexico » Morelos » Cuernavaca June 22nd 2006

last time i left off we were in the middle of mexico's soccer game. triste to say, but yes, we did lose. some girls in my class (melissa and anna) and i found it funny that we referred to mexico as "we".. but there's so much spirit about the world cup its pretty hard not to want to become a part of it :) okay so 'drop it like it's hot' is playing in the computer lab. i think that's okay with me. haha. so yesterday when we get home from school, leslee tells me that her pseudo theater teacher, rafa, (as in, her yoga instructor who comes to her theater class a few times a week to teach them how to be actors and how to breathe correctly and do weird things like pretend to ... read more

North America » Mexico » Morelos » Cuernavaca June 21st 2006

¡qué vibre es méxico! right now i'm in the middle of my español class. today (at 8:30 this morning) the mexican soccer team is playing portugal... so basically, no work will be done :).. everyone here at school is clustered around TVs, wearing green mexico jerseys (hence "ponte la verde" which means put on the green), and wearing bracelets that say things like "qué vibre es méxico" (how vibrant/alive is mexico) or "uninter apoya a méxico" (universidad internacional supports mexico). its so much fun! as soon as we got in class, paco was wearing a méxico jersey, and me and melissa (a girl in my class) said that we wanted one, and asked him where he got it. to make a long story short (well, actually it wasn't that long, it didn't take much) we convinced ... read more

North America » Mexico » Morelos » Cuernavaca June 20th 2006

¡hola¡ i've been meaning to do this for a while, and i probably won't remember (or write) eeeeverything i've learned in mexico. but, here's a start, k? 1. taxi drivers, or, drivers in general, have the right of way. there are no stop signs, or if they are, they aren't observed. the only reason cars slow down are because of a speed bump, called a "tope" which is strikingly similar to the spanish word for awkward, which is "torpe" (especially when our mexican papá says it) which i think is very appropriate, since speed bumps are, generally, awkward. 2. there is no way to understand our mexican dad. we try really hard, but its next to impossible. he's nice though. sometimes we just have to smile and nod. 3. there is a mysterious lady that comes ... read more

North America » Mexico » Morelos » Cuernavaca June 19th 2006

can you believe it??... read more
taxco again
mr. big's greatest hits?

North America » Mexico » Morelos » Cuernavaca June 19th 2006

ah, back from acapulco. :) i did enjoy it, it was really pretty (most of the time) but i am more and more glad and relieved each time we return to cuernavaca! acapulco wasn't quite as relaxing as i'd hoped, but its ok. the first thing i noticed when i got off of the bus we took to get there was the humidity! you'd think cuernavaca would be hot since it is in mexico and all, but its actually more like may weather in south carolina, on the good, non-humid days! but since we went south, to acapulco, the humidity hit me as like the bus i just got off of. wait. i didn't get hit by a bus. it felt like it though, because of the humidity. oh english. today i accidentally said "deliceeus." maybe ... read more

North America » Mexico » Morelos » Cuernavaca June 18th 2006

On Monday we started classes, with includes 3 long sessions on grammar before lunch and 1 short session of vocabulary after lunch. After classes we were allowed to explore the city, so we always went downtown to explore and eat. My host family did not do much cooking so my roommate and I ate downtown often. On Wednesday after class, we went to Taxco, which is a small town near Cuernavaca that is known for selling silver. After taking a tour of another small basilica, we were basically set loose in the markets. Many of the booths sell silver, but some of them sell miscellaneous handicrafts. One persistent merchant sold handmade Chinese finger traps. I bought presents for most of my family and many pieces of silver jewelry. At one point, a classmate and I got ... read more
Taxco Silver
Acapulco Waves

North America » Mexico » Morelos » Cuernavaca June 14th 2006

...if that makes any sense. classes have been fine.. i had my last day with paco, guillermo, and rosa today.. ¡que triste! i really loved being with them and i'm sad that i will have to start with a new class on monday. paco especially really helped me out, talking about stuff about being here and everything. and i learned a lot too :) both last night and the night before we went out to dinner, so sadly i had to miss tina's amazing dinners (which are bread and hot chocolate or banana milk. SO GOOD. i will make banana milk .. called licuado de plátano.. when i get home!).. but we went out monday night to say goodbye to anthony (who decided to go back home early) and last night as a big group at ... read more

North America » Mexico » Morelos » Cuernavaca June 12th 2006

daaaang it. i had a huge entry written but then the power went out. there's a huge storm right on top of us. at least i wasn't writing a paper... there are a bunch of people from my group in here (computer lab at school) writing their papers for their theater class. i don't think anyone lost anything though, thank goodness! anyway. i am SO glad to be back in cuernavaca. a week ago, who knew i'd be saying that? but i really, really am. i am really enjoying this experience now. each day, my time just seems to get better! so where did i last leave off? friday. friday night i got a call from susannah, and got to talk to her, tyler and lauren! so exciting :).. thank you guys so much for calling, ... read more

North America » Mexico » Morelos » Cuernavaca June 11th 2006

On Thursday, we flew into Mexico City and took a bus to Cuernavaca where we met our new host families at the school and took a taxi to our house. My house was located on a very busy, commercial street as my host family owns a little shop (tienda) and lives behind it. The next day we took placement tests for the coming classes and took a tour of downtown Cuernavaca. The bus system was very confusing to me, but we just had to remember the few bus numbers that would take us downtown and back to our houses and the school. When we wanted to get off we had to yell, "Alto, por favor!". On Saturday we visited the Shrine of Virgin of Guadalupe which is a basilica in Mexico City. It was more of ... read more
New and Old Basilicas
Piramide del Sol
Piramide de la Luna

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