Blogs from Jalisco, Mexico, North America - page 5


North America » Mexico » Jalisco » Guadalajara December 19th 2016

Hello again, now from Mexico! I survived the last week of finishing the thesis. Make it short, it did not work out as planned. It was chaotic, stressful and way too much time waiting for the final corrections, not able to do anything. Everyone else who has written a thesis probably knows the situation when the deadline is coming closer and the professor wants to change everything a day before. Anyway, at 12 pm I sent it to Germany. It was just in time, that Julia could print it and hand it in. It is done! Thank you Julia for saving me and this project in the last minute. Santa Teresa – wild and free. At the 16th of November I met Eva, Peter and Bettina in Santa Teresa. On the bus I talked to Lina, ... read more
When dreams come true
Über den Wolken...
Take pictures - leave footprints

North America » Mexico » Jalisco » Guadalajara December 13th 2016

The Vida Sana Institute in Guadalajara is not for the faint of heart. My husband and I spent a week there experiencing the Completo package. We walked on freezing cold grass barefoot before the dawn, we were slathered in cold mud and onion water, we were electrocuted, steamed, hosed down with cold water, and magnetized, we were poked, prodded and probed, and drank an array of concoctions all in the name of good health and paid for the privilege. Not to mention that everything was in Spanish and very few of the employees spoke English, but they liked learning it from us. A few comic misunderstandings entertained both us and the staff. The drive from Ajijic took us through the familiar mountains and into the compounding traffic of the big city of Guadalajara and Tonala. When ... read more

North America » Mexico » Jalisco » Guadalajara November 15th 2016

Zaterdag zijn we naar de Rio caliente gegaan. Dar betekent hete rivier en dat is dezelfde als waar de spa's in Ajijic hun water vandaan halen. Alleen omdat ik nu een lokale gids had konden we wel een plek vinden waar je op een normale manier het water in kon. En dat water was heerlijk warm. De hele week was het weer al slecht en ook vandaag regende het weer een beetje. Maar daardoor was het warme water nog lekkerder en wilden we er helemaal niet meer uit komen. Toen we onszelf toch uit het warme water gehesen hadden stond er een verjaardag op de planning. Ik ben echter al helemaal ingeburgerd en dus waren we weer een uur later dan de bedoeling was. Gelukkig misten we niet zo veel want het was in een Duits ... read more

North America » Mexico » Jalisco » Guadalajara November 10th 2016

Eenmaal aangekomen in Guadalajara is het eerste wat opvalt dat het een hele mooie stad is. Er is veel groen en de sfeer is erg gemoedelijk. De lanen met bomen met oranje bloesem langszij geven de stad een verfrissende sfeer na de betonnen steden die ik hiervoor bezocht heb. De eerste dag kwam ik rond 1 aan in mijn hostel, maar na al het reizen was ik zo moe dat ik die dag niets anders meer heb gedaan dan uitrusten in een hangmat en heerlijke Taco's eten bij Tomate. In die tent kreeg je een bord met een mix van verschillende vleessoorten en een hoop schaaltjes met sauzen. De Taco's kreeg je er apart bij zodat je zelf je Taco's kon maken met iedere keer wat anders. Dat was zo lekker dat ik er de volgende ... read more

North America » Mexico » Jalisco September 4th 2016

Going south during the summer makes for high humidity and rain downpours. So why do people go there? It is a great way to avoid the crowds and to find deals. Where have you gone in the heat?... read more

North America » Mexico » Jalisco » Puerto Vallarta January 27th 2016

Peurto Vallarta Wednesday Breakfast was included at the Hostel Vallarta--5 fruit plate, banana bread, and coffee. A fruit new to us was included, the yabava, a small, yellow sphere, very sour, somewhat like a lemon. We then walked the residential area around the hostel. The stone steps went up and up, winding paths, almost like a forest with flowers everywhere. Very picturesque and a fantastic view from the top. We went down by the ocean, and passed the always present MacDonalds, Starbucks, and even a casino. We took a wrong turn along the way, so our hike turned out longer then expected, but we got back to the hotel in time for checkout. We hung out in the lounge until it was time for the taxi to take us to the airport. We found a corner ... read more
View of Cathedral from Hostel Roof
By the Cathedral
Residential Area Around the Hostel

North America » Mexico » Jalisco » Puerto Vallarta January 26th 2016

Puerto Vallarta Tuesday Went out to breakfast this morning becaise we ran out of coffee! Ended up at Esmeralda's in Obregon (a small town next to Melaque). It was a little walk, but worth it. Their presentation of waffles with strawberries was very creative. The strawberries were cut like a big flower, with kiwi slices for leaves. The place was very large, lots of customers. Since our bus to Puerto Vallarta didn't leave until 11:00, we had some hammock time, reading and bird watching. We saw a beautiful blue and yellow bird we haven't been able to identify. Bob says we take long hikes, and the best bird watching is from his hammock. We took a second class bus to PV, very comfortable with A/C and restroom. We took this bus because it was convenient to ... read more
Top of Pavilion in Melaque Main Square
School Children in Melaque

North America » Mexico » Jalisco » Melaque January 25th 2016

Melaque Monday This morning we took off for a hike to try to find Playa (Beach) Cuastecomatito. Bob saw it on an online map, with a trail close to Melaque. We walked up to the highway and turned west toward the town of Cutastecomates. Before the highway turned right to this town, we took a left on to a road leading up the mountain. We passed a little shack where a guy was fixing his fishing net. He tried to tell to go to Cuatecomates to a beach, but we went left instead. He told us that this beach was gated and we couldn't get down there, but we decided to just check out the view. Apparently the land had been bought and closed off to visitors. The road we followed was good, a little rocky ... read more
View From the Mountain Road
Melaque From the Hilltop
Ocean View From the Cliffs

North America » Mexico » Jalisco » Melaque January 24th 2016

Melaque Sunday Spent the morning in Barra. Took a walk down by the pier. We talked to a guy down there and found out that the pier was severely damaged during Hurricane Patricia last year. They are building up the sides with big rocks to deter erosion, and will be rebuilding. We walked to the end of the current pier, past the big dredging equipment. Nice view inland from the end. Took a cab back to Melaque for two days, back to Hotel Hacienda Melaque. Stop signs are apparently optional. Saw a man riding down the middle of the highway with his wheelchair, which seemed a bit dangerous. Bob said he was looking forward to getting back to the hotel and "his" hammock. Our room was not quite ready when we arrived, so we stashed our ... read more
End of Pier
Rebuilding the Pier
Hotel Grounds

North America » Mexico » Jalisco » Melaque January 23rd 2016

Barra de Navidad Saturday We walked up north again to the marina area. Passed by the Crazy Cactus Realty, which had several homes and condos listed. We were surprised that some sold for over $300,000. But others were in the low $100,000s. The expats in this area were very friendly. One lady even asked if she could take our picture for us. Most are Canadians, but we did see a license plate from Iowa. A circular architecture seemed to be popular. There are a lot of gates, wrought iron fencing, and flowering trees and plants. One street was all torn up and filled with water, probably sewer problems. We continued our walk back through town, and down along the lagoon. We ran into the ice cream girl on the street and she recognized us. Behind a ... read more
Circular Architecture
Near the Marina Area
Hotel Sarabi

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