Blogs from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, North America - page 83


North America » Canada » Ontario » Toronto April 20th 2007

Hi all, Well after 3 weeks of cold, snow and rain we finally have some semi decent weather in Toronto. A balmy 22 degress today. Still a little chilly in the cold but in the sun it is mighty hot. Can actually wear less than 6 layers for a change AND short sleeves! It is great.. but is apparently short lived because the cold is forecast again for next week but I will enjoy it while we have it. So, its been a little while since I last wrote. Not a whole lot has been going on. Just kicking into life in the grand city Toronto. I finally have some photos from yesterday as went up to the CN Tower however the wireless isnt working in the hostel at the moment & the photos are all ... read more

North America » Canada » Ontario » Toronto April 20th 2007

Greetings from ca. Slowly getting used to the madness that is Canada. Started work yesterday and was greeted with a shiney new white ibook with my name on it! Days are mostly spent getting up early enough to get down stairs for free pancakes and coffee before 'riding the street car' (catching the tram) to work. 15 min journey. The first few days here were drowned in typical Scottish weather and grey sky mysery but today the sun is shining so brightly that I am forced to wear sunglasses with my coat on. Another novelty! Temps are predicted to rise for the weekend and we should all be walking round in 77 degree temps. Will believe it when I see it though. Everything looks shiney and huge in the sunshine. I have a view of the ... read more

North America » Canada » Ontario » Toronto April 14th 2007

Getting back to Toronto was pretty interesting. It took a bit of getting used to after being away for so long. I arrived at 6 in the morning, post 6 hours on the bus, still reasonably hung over from the night before. My last night in Quebec had been beer with two Quebecois in a very French bar with very French music and lots of drinking. I had been to this bar over the summer and it was wicked to be there again, in this quaint little place that is located down an alley off an alley from a street in a very European looking alley way, and sitting there in the warm with a beer and the snow whipping around outside. I have been here for two months and in the two months I slept ... read more

North America » Canada » Ontario » Toronto April 14th 2007

Fifteen days before take off ... a quick perusal of what could be in store.... not to be scanned by the faint of heart or anyone that is going to message me that I am walking into Big DooDoo... no pun intended. A woman came to the school, where I am just completing a teaching assignment, flogging a book about sandwich making sponsored by Dempster's and she brought a plastic replica of sh-- as a possible filling???? .... ergo my depiction of what I could be in for is not far off ... or does it just follow through in my chaotic-before-mega-trip-jitters-psyche? These facts have been gleaned while reading the Sudbury Health Unit Travax Report Just a bit of an eyeopener. Canada, U.K. Australia and USA government agencies have contributed to this report. Below find only ... read more

North America » Canada » Ontario » Toronto April 13th 2007

so, finally here. in my little green room full of bags but i have exploded all vacume packed clothes bags and it looks just like home. extra luggage over the allowance was 40kg for all of you that were taking bets! could have flown 2 people over and got them to carry the bags too for the amount they charged me... flight was great (apart from the 10 hour part) got to see my first iceburg from the air and flew low enough over the ice in the sea. amazing. got 2 seats to myself so kicked back and stretched out for the 2 movies. both brilliant. little miss sunshine, would recommend you watch it and 'in pursuit of happyness' which, if you have seen it, 'this part of my life is called....hostel' watch it, its ... read more

North America » Canada » Ontario » Toronto April 10th 2007

Bin heil in Montreal angekommen und habe mich in hier gut zu recht gefunden. Vor allem viel geschlafen, diskutiert, ein wenig die Stadt kennen gelernt... Montral ist für schweizer Verhältnisse gross. Wenn man das aber hier sagt, wird man ausgelacht . Jedenfalls habe ich hier schon mehr Schnee gesehen als bei uns den ganzen Winter über. Es ist kalt, und der Wind trägt seinen Teil zur Kälte bei. Das soll sich aber bald ändern, das sagen sogar die Einheimischen. Auffallend an Toronto ist der Kontrast zwischen neu und alt. Auf der einen Strassenseite ein Glasturm und auf der anderen Seite ein Gebäude aus dem vorletzten Jahrhundert... Als nächstes reiste ich mit dem Bus nach Kingston. Das liegt etwa auf halbem Weg nach Toronto. Sind nur 500km und gute 3 Stunden fahrt. Kingston ist ein nettes kleines ... read more
Aussicht bei Nacht vom CN-Tower

North America » Canada » Ontario » Toronto April 3rd 2007

Canada oh Canada… ay… Yes, they do (well the majority of em anyways) do say ‘ay’ on the end of their sentences. Weird! OK, so am lovin Canada from what I have seen, which is not a whole lot, but am still lovin it anyway. Took the train from Vancouver to Edmonton on Friday. An overnighter which is where I wrote my last blog from. However it wasn’t a bad trip. The seats were reasonable comfy & they cave you lilttle pillows & blankets and eye masks to make your trip that little bit more confortable. Anyway, got to see lots of ice. And I mean lots with a capital L. All, well pretty much all, of the rivers and lakes were still frozen over and those that weren’t were still partially covered with ice. Fields ... read more

North America » Canada » Ontario » Toronto April 2nd 2007

I couldn't quite make up my mind about Toronto. I couldn't figure out if I liked the place or not, somehow I found myself comparing it to some of the other amazing places I have been like New York; , Boston; and of course Montreal. Now I know the folly of comparing one city to another as each is different and has its own particular vibe but I just couldn't help myself. In a way it’s like Montreal but bigger, without the soul and without the French. I could read the signs on the walls and understand people’s conversations in the street; I think maybe I missed feeling like I was somewhere far away and exotic. It felt like a tourist city, once we had done the touristy things there was nothing left to do really, ... read more
Street Art I
A Wall of Pucks

North America » Canada » Ontario » Toronto March 26th 2007

Hey Rockers!!!! Die Frag wo wohl die meiste am braenendste interessiert: Ja, s kanadische Bier isch guet. Und susch, isch alles klar i de Schwiz?? Wie scho atoent gnuesse ich s laebe da in Toronto in volle Zuege. Naebed intensivem erkundschafte vo de Stadt han i au scho die eint oder ander Sehenswuerdigkeit wie z.B. Niagara Falls oder CN-Tower gseh! S waetter isch aechli komisch da. Letscht wuche haend mer ca. -5 gha, und morn sind 20 grad agseit. Aber mich stoerts noed. Wird daenn wohl im summer afange schwize waenns 30+ grad warm wird... Wie i ghoert haend, sind ihr i de Schwiz wieder mit em Schnee am kaempfe *hihi* Huet abig gahn i go chilenisch aesse. Bin ja gspanne wie das usechunt... Au susch isch s aesse da vorzueglich. Mini Gastfamilie chunt us Jamaika, ... read more

North America » Canada » Ontario » Toronto March 25th 2007

The Spanish lessons are going well, muchos gracias, at the Spanish Centre on Hayden St. just south of Bloor andYonge. Working at a Toronto District School Board school since Feb 1 is paying handsomely!! The same backpack that went to India is ready and packed. Putting up the tent under five mintes is the immediate challenge. Medical insurance has been procured. My blood has been infused with all manner of serum to ward off yellow fever, thyphoid, hepatitis A&B, cholera and polio. Malaria and diahrrea are on the lets-hope-it-does-not-find-me-list. A guard for my precious house in the woods is in place; not a scary snowman. Boots and weather proof jacket have been worn and are comfy. Have not yet worn the pants ... hope they will beOK and not used too often. Who amI kidding? ... read more

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