Blogs from Comox, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, North America


North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver Island » Comox November 12th 2007

How Did My Bag Get So Heavy? So I fly out tomorrow and I've just packed my bags...pre-flight. I thought I was being so good and not bringing anything, but somehow my bag weighs more than a small child. Scratch that...a fat child that is awkward and a tad bit smelly (I attribute that to my last forray into Thailand). I'm just testing out this blog thing so that's it for now. Can't wait to be sitting on a beach...picking sand flies and tics out of my legs...... read more

Well hello there humans. I thought it would be alot longer before I was able to make a real update, but it turns out there is a pretty inexpensive internet café in a town called Courtnay which is next door to Comox. There isn't all too much to report yet. So I guess I'll go with what I've got so far. The airplane trip wasn't bad. Actually it was pretty nice. It was clear skies for most of the flight. So I could see most of the ground from the airplane. Those things sure do fly high. Once I landed I got off the plane and grabbed my bag. Once I did that I immediately regretted packing so much stuff. Hopefully once I eat all my food it'll be a bit lighter. I'm not sure what's ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver Island » Comox February 12th 2007

With less than 48 hours before my flight to Cape Town, I'm still madly scrambling around to get everything in place. I haven't embarked on an trip off continent since I was 5. I still haven't firmed up travel plans after the motorcyle tour and safari with John Valk. Should I attempt to backpack my way to Tanzania for a trek over Kilamanjaro? ... read more

Hey all, I have probably seen most of you by now, but I thought a little update would be a good idea. I'm back at home, right into the old life, except I can't stop partying and not worrying about a thing. But this last week has been so much fun, besides the fact that I thought it's supposed to be summer here! It's been so good to see the fam, and all my friends, even though I've already driven up and down the island twice and to Campbell River and back. But it's all worth it because everytime you see someone you love it just might be the last! And my family is so, so, so amazing, and my friends well, you know who you are...whether that is good or bad, you'll never know!! haha! ... read more

Hello, Here is the first memo in this travel diary. Today is P Day! (pack day) So the suitcases are out, the clothes are chosen and whatever else is getting tossed about. Yesterday, Adele and I went to Packables,a store, and we learned how to leave behind much of the miscellaneous and just in case I never do laundry or in case I maybe need this or that stuff. We were amazed at the shrinkage in our 'amount to bring'. So...we bought another suitcase to keep all of little pile of stuff in. Yes, this is getting close to goodbye now. Bye.... read more
Adele packing
Suitcase reducing time!

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver Island » Comox December 2nd 2005

Hi Everyone! This is my first trip post! True, my flight doesn't leave until Sunday at 1030, but Eric and I are heading to Vancouver first thing tomorrow morning, after visiting my parents. So, I'm all packed (maybe one or two things to remember!) and getting goosebumps. It will be a weird mix of emotions Sunday, as I say goodbye to Eric (he'll be away until next summer) and anticipate grand adventures in India. I land in Delhi at 230am on Tuesday, after a stopover in Taipei. I've got an airport pickup arranged, and I'll be spending the first 2 or 3 days in Delhi. I'll keep you posted! Eileen... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver Island » Comox November 12th 2005

There are just 23 days left now until I fly to India...I am certainly getting excited, as well as a little nervous. Am I in over my head? Will I have Delhi-belly the whole trip? Will I like it or hate it?! Check back here frequently - I will update my travel blog as frequently as possible, and hopefully include pictures. Cheers, Eileen... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver Island » Comox August 20th 2005

Ok, I admit, this is mostly to try out an entry with photos, but I really did go to Hornby Island this weekend! I was there for my friend'd wedding, which was a great little ceremony on the beach, near Helliwell Provincial Park. Although I've spent time in the area over the past 3 summers, I have never managed to make it out to Helliwell. Hard to believe. The family managed to book accommodation for myself and other "younger" folks at the Hornby Island Dive Lodge. We weren't diving, but it was one of the few remaining accommodations on the island, despite booking several months in advance (welcome to Hornby, where the population increases at least 500% during the summer). The lodge is very comfortable, lots of neat diving-related paraphernalia and humorous fridge postings. The resident ... read more
Mossy Rocks
Freaky Oyster
Seaweed aisle

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