Blogs from Baalbek, Lebanon, Middle East - page 2


Middle East » Lebanon » Baalbek » Chouf February 11th 2011

The visit of the caves jeita grotto was the most important thing that we had doing. (there is a picture if you want to see). We were on the boat and we had the opportunity to take several pictures. We had also visited the town Baalbeck and its many temples that constituted an exceptional historical patrimony for the country. Patrice wanted absolutely to see a basketball match of Beyrut the capital of Lebanon . Then, we have eat mezzé a flavor culinary of this country besides Wael became sick by eating too much Baklawa a cake too sweet, he couldn’t eat anything for some days. ... read more

Middle East » Lebanon » Baalbek June 6th 2010

Gdy zblizalismy sie do Baalbek, witaly nas po drodze flagi Hezbollahu, portrety Hassana Nasrallaha (sic!) i martyrow przystrojonych kwiatami i karabinami. Hassan N. jest liderem Hezbollahu i osoba wielce powazana. Przynajmniej przez niektorych. Urodzil sie jako dziewiate z dziesieciu dzieci, a sam ma juz piatke. Studiowal wlasnie w Baalbek i w Qom, w Iranie. Po inwazji Izraela na Liban, w 1982 roku, wstapil do Hazbollahu, a pozniej reprezentowal partie w Iranie. Po smiertelnym ataku na dotychczasowego przywodce Hezbollahu (tj. sekretarza generalnego), w 1992 Hassan zastapil na tym stanowisku Abbasa al-Musawiego. Zdobyl popularnosc dzieki swoim ognistym mowom oraz sukcesom dyplomatycznym, jak wymiana zolnierzy i cial z Izraelem w 2004, dzieki czemu zwloki jego syna, zabitego w walce, wrocily do Libanu. Nie bede sie rozpisywac o polityce Hezbollahu, wiecej mozna poczytac tu: url=h... read more
Gadzety Hezbollahu.
Zachowany strop.

Middle East » Lebanon » Baalbek June 5th 2010

Starozytne swiatynie, cedry i snieg, Wyjechalismy z Beirutu wypozyczonym samochodem w kierunku miasta o mitycznie brzmiacej nazwie Byblos. Droga z Beirutu na polnoc szczelnie obudowana jest sklepami, centrami handlowymi, fastfoodami i domami, a wszystko ozdabiaja wielkie billboardy. Tylko czasami udaje sie posrod tego wszystkiego zobaczyc morze. Ruch w Libanie odbywa sie wedlug jednej zlotej reguly: wiekszy wygrywa. Co tez juz w przedbiegach dyskryminuje pieszych i de facto eliminuje ich z ruchu, smialkow probujacych przemierzac Beirut pieszo skazujac na kilka tuzinow prob samobojczych dziennie. Absolutnie najgorzej jezdza kobiety, obowiazkowo na pietnastocentymetrowych obcasach i z komorka w reku. Zadnej nie zdarzylo sie zatrzymac, zeby nas przepuscic. Swiatla na skrzyzowaniu traktowane sa jedynie pomocniczo i respektowane tylko w ostatecznosci. Pasy na jezdni nie istnieja, a tam gdzie ... read more
Zolnierz bez broni.
Stary mercedes i shoarma. Kwintesencja Libanu poza Beirutem.
Flaga Libanu z Cedrem.

Middle East » Lebanon » Baalbek June 1st 2010

“You would have kicked yourself had you not got to Baalbek (or I'd have kicked you!!),” promised Nick who lives in the Middle East. For anyone with any knowledge of Roman ruins and/or the Middle Eastern history, Baalbek is a must-see. For me, ignorant of Classical remains despite the best efforts of two Classicist parents, this was my first “real live Roman ruin” and, quite literally, it took my breath away. Relatively few man-made creations have that effect on me. The natural world, scenery and wildlife: yes; man’s efforts, generally no. Maybe it’s because the impact and scale of impressive scenery cannot be conveyed by even the best television cameras. Maybe it’s because our relatively higher exposure to the world’s great monuments makes them familiar long before we see them for ourselves: a film scene set ... read more
Baalbek's not that exciting...
roof detail of one of the circular exedra in the Great Courtyard
Baalbek's Propylaea

Middle East » Lebanon » Baalbek April 30th 2010

We pulled into Baalbek, amidst a little military presence and all sorts of Hezbollah propaghanda, and were promptly struck up by a enterprising fellow to buy a Hezbollah t-shirt. I thought this a little ironic! We wandered the town with our cameras and shot a few photos of interesting sights. After a few minutes, I was stopped by a guy (that was driving a bus full of children!) and he demanded to see my pictures. I showed him, and he seemed to be comfortable with the delapidated buildings and random people I had photographed to allow me on my merry way... Other than that, this was any other middle eastern town! The ruins in Baalbek were very well preserved, and had 6 of the tallest (granite) columns I have seen yet and some very intricate carvings ... read more

Middle East » Lebanon » Baalbek April 9th 2010

We'd decided to do the Lebanon side trip with a 'Why not?' kind of attitude. Already so close, it seemed like it would be a shame not to. We therefore had little knowledge nor expectation of what we'd make of Lebanon. Setting out at the crack of dawn that morning for the drive to the historical sight of Baalbek, our lack of expectation made to the delight of Baalbek all the more astounding. We knew we'd be seeing 'some ruins' at the sight. But oh my! This sight made so many of the other Roman ruins we've seen pale in comparison to the splendour and magnificence on display. It was THAT good. I'd thought I'd seen a lot to this point but apparently not. Baalbek’s temples were simply awesome. There are no other words to describe ... read more
A complete surprise
Temples of Baalbek

Middle East » Lebanon » Baalbek July 25th 2009

We spent our first few days in Lebanon in the mountains. The scenery and the weather were both enjoyable. The valleys, trees, Christian churches and mountain air was not the typical Middle Eastern scene. We left the Lebanese holiday spots, checked out the Cedars and cruised by the ski resorts before we journeyed into the Bekaa Valley. We made it through the winding roads and were shocked by the fertile farmland in the valley. Once we reached the top of the mountain, we all gasped when we saw snow on the moutain-top! Snow in July in the Middle East...are you kidding me? Within less than an hour of playing in the snow, we were in the valley where women were harvesting potatoes. Men were cutting wheat and tomatoes were being picked by the bushel. The temperature ... read more
Snowball fight in the Middle East
Views of the Valley in the Lebanese Mountains
Supervising the Harvest Crew in the Bekaa Valley

Middle East » Lebanon » Baalbek March 29th 2009

On Sunday, we woke up early and putzed around for a while at Starbucks (I know... but it's open early!), which turned out to be a fountain of useful information. First, we learned that today was daylight savings here. Then, I finally asked someone about the taxi situation because I am oh so tired of paying so much for cabs and Ryan isn't big on waiting around for buses. It turns out you just have to ask the cab, "servees?" which roughly translates as, "are you a service cab and not someone who is going to charge me a private cab rate and then still try to pick up other passengers?" And then when he says yes, you hop in and pay a fraction of what we've been forking over to cab drivers. Thank you starbucks! ... read more
vineyards in bekaa valley
at the baalbek ruins
columns from the temple of jupiter, baalbek

Middle East » Lebanon » Baalbek March 26th 2009

Lebanon has been a country with many surprises, of course, the majority of these being enjoyable. Perhaps the best surprise of this trip though was getting the opportunity to feel Roman. Or when I say Roman, in this case I mean walking through the well preserved ancient Roman sites (and when you have the temple all to yourself, who's going to stop you from pretending?). Even though I traveled to Rome in Italy after my time in Lebanon, at this time of writing, I would still have to argue, Baalbek Lebanon has been the best Roman historical site I have visited. Add to this a sense of adventure with traveling to Baalbek in a 3-4 hour round trip with having to catch my flight in the afternoon and you have the ingredients for an exciting last ... read more
Another face of Bacchus temple
Dionysus himself?
Selling of sweet drinks

Middle East » Lebanon » Baalbek July 15th 2008

Baalbek, en árabe Ba'lbakk (بعلبك), es actualmente una localidad del Líbano de 25.000 habitantes a unos 200 km al este de Beirut. En la antigüedad fue un santuario fenicio dedicado al dios Baal; fue ciudad griega, y a partir de la época de los seléucidas se le llamó Heliópolis, siendo colonia romana desde Augusto. Es uno de los yacimientos arqueológicos más importantes del cercano oriente, declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO en 1984. Es notable una zona de templos de entre los siglos I-III d.C. en honor de la Tríada heliopolitana: Júpiter, Mercurio y Venus. Las primeras excavaciones se iniciaron hacia 1900. En 1898 la visitó el Kaiser Guillermo de Prusia. Baalbek (Arapça: بعلبك) Lübnan'ın Bekaa Vadisi'nde kalan bir şehridir. Selahattin Eyyubi bu şehirde doğmuştur. Ayrıca bu şehir, 1984 yılında UNESCO tarafından koruma altına ... read more

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