Blogs from Jordan, Middle East - page 110


Middle East » Jordan » South » Petra January 11th 2007

Well after enduring the overnight bus ride from Cairo to Nuweiba (i nearly froze due to the over-enthusiastic aircon). I then spent all day waiting for a 1 hour ferry to Jordan. Was taken care of by a lovely Jordanian Girl who kept me entertained with pics of her family. The fact that neither of us could understand anything of that the other was saying still made for good conversation. On the boat over i got talking to Chris, an American who was teaching English at a Uni in Jordan, after spending over an hour and a half waiting for our Visa's we ended up catching a taxi into town with 2 ozzies Chris had meet in Dahab. We all felt that a beer was in order after such a long day and after settling in ... read more
Wheres Wally?
Brain and Sam

Middle East » Jordan January 7th 2007

These are pics from Jordan in December 2006, a very cold December indeed. ... read more
Bedouin guide, Little Petra
Shelter at "The Monastery", Petra

Middle East » Jordan » South » Petra December 23rd 2006

There is only a very early morning bus and a mid-afternoon one going to Amman from Damascus and I missed the early morning one so I had to negotiate a taxi. I found a indian-british guy who was heading the same way so we teamed up and after an hour of waiting managed to get enough people to fill the cab. We made it quite quickly to the border where the driver greased our way through with a little bakhsheesh so we didn't have to wait for the hordes of turks that were ahead of us. Arriving in Amman I managed to get a cab right away to the bus station I wanted to take. As mentioned in my previous blog I didn't want to linger too long in Jordan, not because the country didn't interest ... read more
Petra's rock
Around Petra

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman December 15th 2006

Middle East » Jordan » West » Dead Sea November 25th 2006

On Friday morning, I joined up with the Ingall's again and headed out to visit the various historical Christianity sites a stones throw from Amman. Our first stop was Mt. Nebo, the Memorial of Moses, the presumed site of his death and burial place, and center for pilgrimages since early Christian times. The site was located high above the Jordan Valley on a cold windswept hill with sweeping views of the valley and Dead Sea. From here, we cruised down the hillside to an important place associted with Jesus and John the Baptist, the settlement of Bethany where it is presumed the baptism of Jesus took place. The site is located along the Jordan River, and along the border with Palistinian controlled territory in Israel. For sure, the highlight of my day was taking a dip ... read more
Ahhh great fun!
Laura Floating
Baptism Site

Middle East » Jordan » South » Petra November 23rd 2006

Spanish Beer-Pong For my last night in Egypt Tuesday night, I met up with Rosa and Juan Carlos on the Dahab beachfront promenade for a night of drinking, pool, drinking, crazy ping-pong games, and some more drinking. Our night of fun drifted on until the wee hours, me trying to understand their English, and them trying to understand my feeble attempts at Spanish. By the end of the night, we were all speaking that third international language which you can only understand if you have had six or seven beers. I bid them a fond farewell, exchanged emails and we parted ways at about four in the morning. (Rewind 12 hours) Good travel karma shined down upon me earlier that morning when I met a fellow American from Phoenix, Arizona at the hotel breakfast buffet named ... read more
Juan Carlo
Treasury Building

Middle East » Jordan » South » Petra November 18th 2006

Here I am in Petra finally - the site of Indiana Jones fame. It all starts with an 800m ride on an old, grumpy and smelly nag to the entrance of the Siq (canyon). Then it's a leisurely stroll down the 1.2km Siq until you arrive at the most well known wonder of wonders - the Treasury. But it doesn't stop there. Further along there are countless edifices and tombs carved into the rockface. The Bedouin people used to live in the caves until they were moved out to a nearby town in recent years. I'll let the pikkies speak for themselves. Next destination was Wadi Rum, where we did a jeep safari into the Jordanian desert and camped overnight in a Bedouin tent. This was "Lawrence of Arabia" country, where he made his unexpected tactical ... read more
Treasury interior
Sentinel dude

Middle East » Jordan » West » Madaba November 16th 2006

14 Nov - Went to visit the Roman ampitheatre (yet another one!) in Bosra, Syria before heading onwards to Jordan. First border crossing where the men and women were processed in separate areas. Generally quite easy to get our group visas and entry stamps. But the major hassle tends to be the processing of the truck's paperwork, which is usually fairly slow and tedious. This crossing was made a little easier with a donation of 6 boxes of ciggies. Bush-camped that night in the Jerash National Park (fabulous). 15 Nov - Visited the Roman ruins in Jerash the next day. Once again, not too many ruin photos. Then it was onto Madaba and Mount Nebo (800m high). According to the Book of Deuteronomy 34, this is where Moses was supposed to have seen the Promised Land ... read more
The Promised Land
Mosaic tiles

Middle East » Jordan » South » Wadi Rum November 10th 2006

It was over a sunrise breakfast in Wadi Rum that I was faced with my first big dilemma of the trip: to accept the invitation to become a "Bedoweeeeen woman" and shack up with our Bedouin cook in the desert for the rest of my days, or carry on with Dom to Egypt......a verrry tough call I know, but in the end I couldn't face slaving away over that fire every day, I'm a ceramic-hob kinda gal at heart! Besides, moustaches don't float my boat...... Wadi Rum is Lawrence of Arabia country - it was from this neck of the woods that Lawrence and his motley crew of arabs reeked havoc on the Ottoman army during the WWI - and it's home to some of the most spectacular desert scenery on the planet. We explored all ... read more
 Wadi Rum
Yer teas oot....
Desert sunset

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