Blogs from North, Jordan, Middle East - page 16


Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman June 3rd 2010

I cannot overemphasize how friendly the Jordanian people are. If you’re like me and constantly lose things you reach a point where you just accept it’s going to happen so your best bet is to minimise the potential damage. Because of this I don’t carry any cards in my wallet and never more currency than €10. Anyway when I got out of the taxi in Amman and checked my pockets my wallet was gone! I dumped my bags in the door of the hostel and ran down the highway after the taxi man. Someone in a Mercedes pulled up beside me, asked what was wrong then I uttered the immortal line: “follow that cab”. It was too late though and I gave up pretty quickly. Then walking back to the hotel an old man with no ... read more
Jerash Amphitheater
Amman Sunset
Collonade Jerash

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman May 16th 2010

I was in Amman for a week. Somehow it did not quite do it for me this time. I guess after the rustic charm of Syria it was a bit too much concrete. Or something. Did relax at the Farah hotel though, build up some energy reserves before heading into the desert (not that it helps much, half a day of driving in the heat and you feel like you need another holiday, in Antartica). Also met some Dutch people who turned out to live a couple of streets away from me. Went out, found a place to drink some alcohol at, euh, interesting prices. On the way back to the hotel the guy bought some arak... suffice it to say, it is a good thing Hasims serves falafel at 5 in the morning, it was ... read more
The streets are dangerous...
Cats at the Farah Hotel
Just another beetle...

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman May 14th 2010

We were unsure about our success crossing the border from Jordan into Syria as the official stance is that you are should organise your visa in your home country and we had not (yep, small oversight I know). But as Syria is between Jordan and Turkey we thought why not give it a go? Rumours abound about the availability of visas at the border but this usually depends on your nationality and also the mood of the immigration official at the time you show up. Some Dutch people we'd spoken to claimed “Yeah, no problems, we paid 30 Euros without any hassle”. Hey, as long as we're not Americans they should like us right? We caught a shared taxi with two other Jordanian men. Upon meeting them Nick asked the two customary questions that seem to ... read more
Us in the taxi
The Confrontation

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman May 6th 2010

Travel woes followed us to Jordan as when we arrived in Amman we noticed that our bags were nowhere to be seen. After lodging a lost baggage file, we headed out into arrivals to find that the driver we had arranged with the hostel to pick us up was also nowhere to be seen. After a confusing call to the hostel we sat down and gave them a time limit, should no driver turn up we would just take a taxi. Feeling overwhelmed by bad luck and despairing over our baggage we sat down and simply waited. This was our first taste of Jordan and the arrivals hall at the international airport wasn't such a bad introduction. The first thing that struck me was the greetings. Three kisses on each cheek was the norm, as well ... read more
Roman Amphitheater
At the old citadel in Amman
Fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman April 22nd 2010

Our first few hours in Amman were a bit of a gongshow, considering we were dropped off at the wrong bus station, but with the same name as the one we were looking for. So, after wandering around completely lost for a couple hours in 30 degree heat and our big bags on our backs, we finally hailed a cab and he took us to the area for free (we must've looked desparate!)... But those few hours of confusion are no competition for the following several days in Amman! We spent the rest of the first day shopping in the souqs (bought a hookah and other souvenirs) and visited the 6000 seat Roman Ampitheatre that is plopped right in the middle of town! Bonnie was supposed to fly out this evening, but the volcano in Iceland ... read more

Middle East » Jordan » North » Jerash April 16th 2010

16 April 2010 After two days at Petra we left early morning to head to Madaba. We had a huge day of sightseeing and driving which included Kerak Castle, swimming in the Dead Sea and finally Mt Nebo. Kerak Castle has been built over previous structures by crusaders from the 2nd Crusade around 1100 to 1200AD. You can still walk through some of the underground passage ways and look down from the impressive stone castle walls. Next stop after couple of hours drive the Dead Sea. It is 400m below sea level, about as low as you can go. Pretty cool experience, not all as pleasurable as you would think. After about 15minutes in the water, you get the feeling you are actually swimming in petrol. However the floating experience is fun. The Dead Sea is ... read more
2. floating in the Dead Sea
3. Moses eye view of the Promised Land
4. Sarah at Jerash

Middle East » Jordan » North » Jerash January 12th 2010

Originally built by Saladin circa 1184 AD to contain the growth of the Latin Kingdom in the north of the Jordan Valley, Qalat (Castle) Ajloun was later captured by the Mongols, the Mamluks and finally the Ottomans.... read more
Jordan Photos 047
Jordan Photos 002
Jordan Photos 003

Middle East » Jordan » North » Jerash December 29th 2009

Geo: 32.3985, 35.9253On the way to Jerash we stopped at the site of Bethany On The Jordan… now for those of you who are religiously challenged this is the site of the Baptism of Jesus Christ our Lord… Yep this is where John the Baptist baptised Jesus, check out the photo's… Now the crazy thing is we were able to walk (in a guided group) to the site of John the Baptist's main baptism spring and then to the East Bank where we gazed at the West Bank less than 3 mtrs away. The Jordan river is the thing that separates the West Bank from the East Bank and it is a small muddy river about 2 mtrs deep.The large 50 calibre 'anti life' guns mounted on the Hummer Military vehicles in the area reminded us ... read more

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman December 7th 2009

Hallootjes, Nog maar net in Syrië aangekomen en ik ben alweer weg. Ik wou eerst Jordanië bezoeken zodat ik achteraf de rest van mijn tijd in Syrië kan doorbrengen, zo hoef ik me zeker geen zorgen te maken over mijn vlucht terug naar België en zo van die dingen. Mijn vrienden hier wouden me absoluut met de taxi zien vertrekken naar Amman terwijl ik van het idee was om de bus te nemen zoals aangeduid in mijn trotter. Ik ben veilig in Amman geraakt maar de taxi mocht Amman niet binnen rijden als Syrische taxi en bracht me dus naar de rand van de stad waar ik opnieuw een taxi moest nemen naar de mensen die me zouden ontvangen. Ik neem al niet graag een taxi in België omdat ik dat vaak weggegooid geld vind, hier ... read more
Jordan: Amman

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman December 2nd 2009

Today, as always, we started out with a delicious breakfast of pancakes, omelets, and toast. We then started out for a long day driving to Amman, the capital city of The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The drive was supposed to take 5 hours, and believe me, 5 hours is a long time when all there is to see is desert. We learned first hand that Jordan is mostly flat desert. However, there were several high points. For one, we were able to see an old Crusader castle, built to help defend Jerusalem from the Muslims in the east. It was well preserved, and we saw the moat, barracks, bakery, dining room, kitchen, stables, and larger living quarters. We also went through a museum about the Crusaders and the region in general, that was situated in one ... read more

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