Blogs from North, Jordan, Middle East - page 17


Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman November 29th 2009

Jordan & Jerusalem Nov. 24 - 30, 2009 After spending a few days in the city of Amman, we hired a cab for the day and took a drive that would begin our journey through the the Holy Land, the places that we had heard about in the bible since childhood. Just outside of Amman lies Mt. Nebo, our first stop. This is the place where Moses is said to have climbed and taken his last breath. He is thought to be buried on the hill, but his body has never been found. From the top of this small peak, you can see the Dead Sea, the town of Jericho in Palestine and on a clear day as far as Jerusalem. You can also see our next stop, the Jordan River, which is where Jesus was ... read more
Jerusalem Sunset
Tower of David, Jerusalem
Crucifiction of Jesus

Middle East » Jordan » North » Jerash November 18th 2009

Overnight at the Olive Grove We left Aqaba on Wednesday afternoon, heading to a friend's parents' farm house near Jerash, an ancient city which was once part of the Roman Decapolis. Look in my older posts to see some photos of the ruins there. We drove from Aqaba to Amman and the sky was amazing. We took the King's Highway through the desert. We organised a room at a friend's hotel, the url=;jsessionid=C1E00FBD960952C1E18F4FBFB9A5A868.tn01tc01?currencyCode=USD&cid=54073 Dove Hotel in Amman. It was a quaint old place with lots of character, and an Irish Pub which had a great feel to it. It is only a two-star hotel, but the bed was comfortable and we were looked after very well. I had a meeting at Princess Sumaya University for Technology, and then we recommenced the road tri... read more
Cola Wars I
Cola Wars II
The Dead Sea

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman October 12th 2009

Ostensibly I joined this expedition with a mad German to find a mysterious artefact and a lost body, the lost body of some ancient personage that he has been looking for for many years with the help of some other mad German academic. Between them they felt this body would lead them to the great holy grail of all German expeditions, but they did not want to identify to me what this holy grail was. Anyway we convened on the far side of the sea of Tiberias and then crossed the lake to journey inland from a German site. Into the mountains about a day or so till we got lost. A nightmare - to be lost in a desert region. ... read more

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman October 8th 2009

Now that I am back in the U.S. and having Hashem with drawl syndrome I spent a little time reflecting on my month in Jordan. After I finished my Arabic course my wife and I set out on a three day whirlwind tour of the rest of the country. We had a great driver/guide who I had met earlier and Ahmed AKA "Steve" drove us from Amman down to Petra. One of the real highlights of the trip wasn't Petra, but "Little Petra" as Steve called it which is about 10-15 minutes away from the main Petra site. Little Petra doesn't have the dramatic carvings, but is much more accessible, some great trails and views and is free. After spending some time there we set off to the main site and both are must see spots. ... read more

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman October 4th 2009

Jordan - Day 2 - More of Amman 4th October 2009 First thing on my to-do list this morning was to sort out car hire for tomorrow for my drive down to the Dead Sea, but a car hire company I emailed late last night had already replied with a good price so I confirmed. My only job of the day done already, so more time to enjoy the city! Still needed to get a memory card reader for my camera after not having much luck at the shopping mall I visited yesterday, so I decided to head to Amman's biggest shopping mall - Mecca Mall. Managed to leave the hotel earlier today, I would have left even earlier but shops don't open until 10am, so I waited until then. Got yet another taxi, I'm starting ... read more
Abu Darwish Mosque
Jordanian Food

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman October 3rd 2009

1st day in Jordan - Amman 3rd October 2009 After a good sleep, I finally managed to leave the hotel at 11am! I decided to play it safe and wear jeans and a shirt, but later saw people wearing shorts and t-shirts although most people do cover up. Decided to try and get my bearings and go for a walk into the city of Amman. I left the hotel with no map, just my good sense of direction and headed for the city centre. After about 20 minutes, I couldn't believe my luck, SUBWAY! Grabbed a steak and cheese sub and carried on towards the city. They even deliver Subway here! I don't actually have a clue where I ended up walking, but found some really interesting markets, a Roman Amphitheatre as well as the Jordanian ... read more
Amman Centennial Parade
Istiklal Mall

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman October 2nd 2009

The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan 2nd October 2009 Having just spent two weeks on a family holiday in Cyprus, it wasn't ideal having just 40 hours to prepare for a round the world trip as well as saying my goodbyes to friends and family, shopping and getting hair cut etc! As usual though, I managed to get everything done (with a bit of help from my mum too!) with minutes to spare and off I went to the airport! The flight was really good, I've never flown with Royal Jordanian before but they were efficient and friendly. Flight left on time, food was adequate and plenty of drinks were served. Really annoyed though, realised on the flight that I've forgotten my hard drive with all my films and TV episodes, not the end of the world ... read more

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman September 20th 2009

Just in case there are no further postings, you will know why.... read more

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman September 19th 2009

As uninspiring as the Desert Castles were yesterday the trip to Jerash made up for it. I decided to take public transportation all of the way and if things worked was going to try to make it Ajloun. The bus station that serves the areas to the north of Amman is very easy to negotiate. The buses are clearly marked and the drivers bark out the destination to get the bus full of passengers since they don't leave until they have a full load. After waiting about thirty minutes we finally hit the road. It was an uneventful ride and there are several places to hop off the bus in and around the main gate into Jerash. I went past Hadrian's arch a bit since I wanted to get my bearings if I decided to press ... read more
South Theatre Statge
South Theatre

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman September 18th 2009

The first week of classes are now finished and I am exhausted. I am studying at the Ali Baba Center which is a small school that runs group and individual programs. It is near the University of Jordan campus, but not affiliated it with it in any way. My program was set up to be three hours of MSA Abrabic and one hour of Ammiah Arabic every day. I don't know if I was lucky or not, but definitely drew two great teachers. My main instructor is a PhD and from the moment she comes into the room it is non stop instruction for three hours. Since I have been more or less a self taught student so far this sort of instruction has been very useful to fill in the holes in my understanding of ... read more

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