Blogs from Jerusalem, Jerusalem District, Israel, Middle East - page 11


Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District » Jerusalem July 20th 2014

16:05 Bus Charleroi-Lille. Belgique. Aujourd’hui, la dernière étape de mon périple : la trois fois sainte Yerushaláyim , Al Quds... Jérusalem. Le bus nous lâche à l’entrée de la nouvelle ville, et nous voilà livrés à nous-mêmes, nos énormes sacs sur le dos. Un coup d’œil à la carte et au soleil, et on se met en route. Sur la route vers l’hôtel, je remarque une large allée sombre et prometteuse : un marché qui me rappelle la Chine. Ca peut être intéressant pour la suite. Nous arrivons à l’Abraham Hostel, conseillé par le Florentine Hostel de Tel Aviv. A peine entrés, on réalise que c’est exactement le même genre : ambiance jeune et très chaleureuse, multiples activités proposées allant de la « rencontre avec des ultra-orthodoxes » à la découverte du site de Pétra en ... read more
Clairement !
Marché Jérusalem

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District » Jerusalem June 24th 2014

Advice to anyone coming to Israel anytime soon....spend as much time in Jerusalem as possible As we're sitting on the roof of our hotel/convent on our last night in the Holy Land, we are realizing how hard it will be to leave such a spiritually and historically packed place. We've spent two full days touring around Jerusalem and have one more half day before heading back to Tel Aviv to board our plane to the states. Not only will it be hard to leave behind all the cities and sites we won't be able to make it to, but we'll also miss out on the endless information that naturally flows from every place we've gone. But we've come to terms with the fact that there's always more to see, learn, and experience! We are going to ... read more

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District » Jerusalem May 29th 2014

I'm back. It has sure been awhile - five months to be precise, and the second-longest travel hiatus I've had since starting the blog - so before we get started, a brief life update is in order. The last time I wrote, I was unemployed in the middle of winter. I managed to find a job one month later working for an events company where I work on loads of spreadsheets and not a lot else. I didn't have much idea of what my plan was at the time; where I was going to go, what I was going to do, and indeed how much longer I was going to be in London. On top of trying to settle into my new job, this made it difficult to plan any trips. Three months went past during ... read more
Dome Of The Rock
Tile Detail
Written Prayers

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District » Jerusalem May 28th 2014

Yom Yerushalayim in Jerusalem is the anniversary of the June 1967 reunification of Jerusalem, when Israel gained control of the Old City of Jerusalem at the end of the Six Day War. We had seen many Israeli school and teen groups by the Wall on the eve of this day, Tuesday night, when we were visiting the Western Wall Tunnels, but when we arrived back around 4:30 pm from Masada it was even more incredible. Huge groups carrying dozens of full size Israeli flags (not the little ones on sticks the way we Americans do on Fourth of July) were headed up the avenue past our hotel to the big rally at the top of King George Street from where a march would happen in the early evening down from West Jerusalem to the Old City. ... read more
Maureen welcomes us to her home
At Maureen's apartment
Music on the roof with Rachel singing and Gila on violin

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District » Jerusalem May 13th 2014

Started the day at a tiny bakery with the most wonderful pastries and sandwiches. Breakfast was sesame bread with tuna salas and olives, pistachio baklava and shortbread cookies with dulce de leche caramel. Then on to shopping and a visit to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and a tour of the tunnels under the Western Wall. After our tour we headed to an Arab village and had a lunch go lamb in yogurt, roasted eggplant in tomato and roast chicken stuffed with couscous.... read more

29thApril Haifa, Israel Haifa is surrounded by Mount Carmel and the city is sometimes described as where ‘Carmel touches the sea’, it is Israel’s third largest city and he entry port to the Holy Land. As we had lost our visit to Egypt because of the troubles there we had an overnight in Israel as the alternative. There is plenty to see and do in Haifa, which is divided into three main parts, banking & commercial, Hador Carmel a residential area and Mount Carmel the main residential area. We hoped to explore Haifa on our own the second day if we had the time and energy. Our main focus on the first day was a visit to Jerusalem & Bethlehem. You obviously cannot do all the regions with only a two day stopover, other areas the ... read more

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District » Jerusalem April 19th 2014

Geo: 31.7738, 35.2252This was our final morning in Israel, and we resolved to sleep in if possible. Our flight to Istanbul -- where we would spend the night, before continuing on to Washington the next day -- was not until 9:15pm, so we had the day to ourselves. Our initial goal had been to go back and see some of the things we couldn't before -- principal among them being the Church of the Holy Sepulchre -- and perhaps pick up a few final nick-nacks. As we were going to check in our luggage tonight all the way through to Dulles, we each pulled out what we needed for our Istanbul overnight and threw it into a common carry-on. Having the one bag would make it easier, and it turned out to be very convenient that ... read more
Anna and Allen During "Smuggler's" one rest break
Soldiers Blocking Nuns from Holy Sepulchre
Anna and K right after our "smuggler" left us

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District » Jerusalem April 18th 2014

Geo: 31.7738, 35.2252After leaving our morning tour, we boarded the streetcar and rode down to the Damascus Gate, which marks the entrance to the Muslim Quarter of the Old City. Our afternoon tour -- of the Mount of Olives -- was to depart at 2:30 pm, and we had just enough time for a little shopping and a repeat lunch at Luna's Restaurant from the day before. We did not think it possible, but the Old City was even more packed than the day before. We had to walk along a good portion of the Via Dolorosa, and being Good Friday, there were throngs of pilgrams walking the Stations of the Cross, including some people carrying large crosses. The police and soldiers were everything. Our restaurant was along the Via Dolorosa, so it allowed us to ... read more
Typical Crowds Within the Old City on Good Friday
Church of the Ascension
Pater Noster

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District » Jerusalem April 17th 2014

Geo: 31.7738, 35.2252The motto for the State of Israel should read, "Just Open Your Wallet." As previewed by our dinner the night before and soon to be accentuated over the next few days, prices in Israel are extreme. Outrageous, really. Even more so than Europe. While shocking at first, we finally just gave up thinking about it. It was helped, too, by the an odd exchange rate (3.6 NIS per $), which didn't facilitate easy conversions and helped delay some sticker shock.We had prearranged a five-hour "Holy City Tour" for this first full day in Israel, to give us an overview of the Old City. We had to be at Jaffa Gate to meet our tour at 9:30, so we slept in and decided to grab a bite on the walk down to the Old City. ... read more
Hasidic Jew Outside Jaffa Gate
Outside Jaffa Gate
In the Muslim Quarter, before Shops Opened for Day

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District » Jerusalem April 16th 2014

Geo: 31.7738, 35.2252Still soaking in the news of the promotion and adjusting to the new crowds of the Tel Aviv airport, we headed outside and secured a shared taxi (Nesher) which would take us to our hotel in Jerusalem. The Nesher taxis are 12-passenger minibuses which deposit people door-to-door. You tell the driver your destination, and once the bus is full, he is off. It should have been a 30-minute ride to Jerusalem, but we encountered very heavy traffic on the way, which extended the trip quite a bit. I noted earlier that we were visiting due true high season, with passover and both the Orthodox and Latin Christian Holy Weeks lining up together. Passover is a huge holiday in Israel, with most people off for the week. We also learned soon enough that during passover, ... read more
Our Hotel in Jerusalem
Our room at the Shamai Suites
Dolphin Yam Seafood Restaurant

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