Blogs from Wrexham, Wales, United Kingdom, Europe - page 3


Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Wrexham » Chirk June 5th 2023

"What are those over there ?" We heard the couple who had just alighted from the buggy that had brought them from the lower car park to the castle asking the driver . He explained " Well locally there is Nightingale House " "It is a hospice and the snowdrops are part of the Sunshine Meadow created as a fundraiser " It was exactly a year ago to the day that we had found ourselves at Erddig Hall just a mile or so up the road from us standing in front of another Sunshine Meadow. Last year hundreds of bright blue Forget me Nots had been produced and "planted " for these were metal not the real thing in the meadow outside the house . A year on we were standing in front of this years ... read more
The sunshine meadow
Chirk Castle in the distance
Good enough to eat

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Wrexham May 19th 2023

Over the last two years Wrexham our home town has taken on a new life. Thanks to Rob McElleney and Ryan Reynolds who have put the town within a city and Wales in general on the map. There are still empty shops in the town centre .. Some boarded up with FOR LET signs upon them . The large department stores in the same way as in many cities and towns in the UK have closed down and moved on to the internet or moved out of town. The beggars and rough sleepers are still about but the city has a very different feel. More of being content with itself. More outward looking than inward . Americans visit the town now to attend the football matches between August and April . They stay at local hotels ... read more
Yma O Hyd

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Wrexham May 15th 2023

It does take a long time to settle down once you return home from holiday . All that clothes washing that I intended to do in the house we stayed in came home dirty . Two solid days of washing clothes . We probably took too many clothes this trip . But then it was guesswork as to how many we would need . The dust had settled around the house and needed moving around a bit . The cat had missed us. He had been looked after extremely well but must have missed us as he clung to us for days mewing at our every move . But settle down to normality has naturally occured . The book of the holiday needs to be produced . Looking back at the photographs there are not many ... read more
The stations of the cross in a modern style
Quite odd in an old medieval church
Another quiet corner with another modern piece of art work

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Wrexham April 6th 2023

The Buddha had this saying and it goes something like this " Just as a candle cannot burn without fire , men cannot live without a spiritual life " I found myself playing with words again . Changing a spiritual life to a travelling life . I wondered now with Gabby if I considered myself a holidaymaker, a tourist , a traveller or something else . Moving from place to place like a nomad had always left me feeling more a traveller. The new holiday regime this year was something of a strange one . What would we make of our first holiday back in hotels and in someone elses property for a week ? How would we feel staying in one place for a week ? Travelling back and forth down the same roads . ... read more
The modern window in Overton church
A heavenly angel in the church
Inside the church

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Wrexham February 12th 2023

Well Well what an odd experience . I had seen a photograph this morning of an empty sad looking town/city centre. I wondered if perhaps so early the shoppers decided not to come in and pay parking fees . If they waited until 11 am the parking was free. And of course the workers who did not work would not fill the spaces in the car parks and there would be plenty of for shoppers. And day visitors if we get such a thing. We left home at the usual time of 12.15 . Being creatures of habit we liked to go into Wrexham early, park up in Glyndwr University Car park before it filled up and pick up the pre-match burger and cup of coffee. We paid up our £3 to park and left my ... read more
A Graham Sutherland original
I understood this one
A sunny spot to save the planet

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Wrexham January 4th 2023

This is the time of the year when you cannot find much to do. However hard you try the mornings are dark and gloomy particularly when it rains which it seems to have done over the last few days. The nights are still dark too. The skies should be black enough to see the meteor showers but somehow I missed them. The first floods of the winter have arrived with the slip road to the bridge closed and the Straight Mile flooded . The fields look like minature lakes . France on the other hand is experiencing a heat wave . I know where I would prefer to be at the moment. We decided to take the car out for a drive. Not too far just far enough to make sure that the brakes did not ... read more
A Tudor rose
The cart for the coffins
The decorated altar

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Wrexham January 2nd 2023

"Every day we are engaged in a miracle which we don't even recognise; a blue sky, white clouds, green leaves, the black curious eyes of a child -our own two eyes. " "All is a miracle." Woke up to the words of Thich Naht Hanh and they made me smile . I had not quite got a blue sky nor were the clouds white and there were no leaves on the trees. But I was out for a walk and there was enough out there to make me think about the miracle waking up and being able to get out for my walk . My walk was a usual one but with the most of unusual thoughts. I looked for the blue sky and it might have been there somewhere but the clouds which were not ... read more
The sentries on guard
The reindeers guarding the Christmas tree
The village treasure hunt

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Wrexham December 25th 2022

Day 357 of the old year gone. Only a few days left before the New one begins. The shortest day has passed us by and if I really think about it things can only get better. Six weeks after Christmas it will be clear to see the nights draw out. Perhaps if I use my imagination I will notice the difference today now that we have past the worse part of the winter . Of course the worse might still be to come. January can be merciless in its coldness. We may get winter snow which lingers early on . We may return to the nights of below 8 degrees and icicles forming on the window ledges. Perhaps we should be grateful they no longer form on the insides . Shunayu Suzuki apparently told us that ... read more
The elf mobile
There they go
Pretty lights on the tractors

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Wrexham December 22nd 2022

Christmas is always that time of year when the National Trust properties open up for the festive period. A few properties open their doors, fill the halls with holly and decorations and hope to get the visitors in. Visitors who fill buy a lunch or perhaps buy a gift or two for the family. Locally there are three properties open. On our doorstep Erddig. Just a short drive away . The servants quarters are reported to be decorated. Christmas trees are decorated in the dining room and some of the smaller rooms . Chirk the second closest has their trees up. We went last year Jo, myself , Woolly and Sion to the Mad Hatters Christmas Party. I have no idea what the theme is this year. Furthest away is Powys Castle . Their trees are ... read more
decorations in the servants quarters
The gloomy kitchens
The dining room laid out for Christmas lunch

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Wrexham December 10th 2022

Christmas has come to our tiny village. We seem to have had a number of coffee mornings and Christmas fayres already and it is only just the start of December. The church held a coffee morning run by the Bangor Academicals at the same time as the local school put on their Christmas fayre. The treasure hunt is up and running . As I walk around the village I see the new signs attached to lampposts. Gone are the huge chipboards signs of two years ago and last year . Now we have plastic new ones . A robin on the lamppost outside our house. I have not seen many children paying their £1 entry and walking the village in search of the Christmas message. Perhaps age considers it better to stay in on these cold ... read more
The christmas tree in the village
The advent candles
a knight on the font in the church

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