Blogs from Powys, Wales, United Kingdom, Europe - page 15


Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Powys » Welshpool August 21st 2015

Please note that I'm using my new lap top for this blog, its much easier than I expected it to be. Today Alex and I did a circular walk around one of the meres near Ellesmere, called Colemere. It was a gorgeous walk, thanks Kate for suggesting it, and the dogs had a great time - Ruby is staying with us for a week. As it happened, someone had set geocaching clues on 7 points round the lake, and after we'd collected all the numbers we needed, we sat in a bus stop and worked out the final co-ordinates. We did well, as the cache was just where we looked! After we'd had lunch we walked along the canal to look for a cache hidden in a dark tunnel - we'd tried before with no luck, ... read more
Ruby cooling off
woodland path beside the mere
Ruby back in the water

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Powys » Welshpool August 4th 2015

I seem to have been all over the place this week, its been lovely. One day Dad and I went to Hereford with Lynda, who had a friend playing in the orchestra in the Three Choirs Festival. It turned out that it was Stravinsky, and I don't much like it, so Lynda and Dad attended the concert while I had a stroll round Hereford. Then, I met Kate and John one day for a long walk along the canal and round two lakes, before a pub lunch and back over the hill to Ellesmere; that gave Bella something to think about - she loved it. And yesterday Alex and I went to the coast, walked a mile or so along the beach, then honey ice cream and a very steep hill called Bird Rock, with good ... read more
sandwiches in the sun
row of double bass cases left outside
sitting in the sun

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Powys » Welshpool July 28th 2015

It was Alex's birthday yesterday, but I'm not saying how old he is, it makes me feel bad! I can still remember the speedy journey to Shrewsbury hospital vividly enough.Anyway, we went up to Ellesmere lakes with Dad, and after a coffee in the café overlooking the water, we fed the ever hungry geese and had a stroll round the lake. Then off to the pub for a delicious lunch, which filled us all up entirely. You will notice a foxy looking addition to the group, that's our "new" nine year old puppy, Bella, who we were lucky enough to find locally needing a new home. We were looking for another dog after Maisie died 2 months ago. This one promises to be a much easier companion.... read more
the geese got corn!
the hand that feeds
Alex with Bella

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Powys » Welshpool July 20th 2015

Hooray. Another family visit. We had a lovely time with the Coopers, despite the sadness of Mum's burial, as Martha kept us all on our toes. We managed to do lots of things, and Martha and Jack laughed and giggled their way through. A few photos will bring you up to date, though as usual Sophie got in first and stole the best pictures!... read more
At the canal festival
Thomas Telford
shelling peas

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Powys » Welshpool July 20th 2015

As most of you will know, Mum chose and paid for her place at the green burial field 10 years ago, and was adamant that there would be no fuss. So we duly made the arrangements, and as so many friends and relations couldn't make it, Dad thought that the blog would be a good place to show some photos. It was a lovely blue sky day, Sophie, Tom, Tom and Alex carried the casket, goodbyes were said and flowers thrown. It is very sad for us, but a relief for her. By a quirk of fate, the school I worked at for 20 years is nearby, and when Ifor was planning this burial field, he asked if Id bring my class to plant a hedge. Of course, we did, and that's it you can see ... read more
on the way
making our way up the hill
laid to rest

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Powys » Brecon July 20th 2015

Monday 20 July 2015 Today we experienced some Welsh summer weather. We're not sure if this is typical or just one of those days. The rain coats were readied and umbrellas were on hand. It was going to be warm but damp with some sun likely at some stage. In other words the weather was going to be a dampener on today's activities. We started with a walking tour of the town. Brecon appears to be a much larger town than we first thought. Our guide, who had been here before, took us on a wander. First stop a little compulsory retail therapy for some. The walk to the Cathedral was quite scenic. Along narrow lanes, across a stone bridge over a stream, and up a hill along a wooded pathway. The cathedral was built by ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Powys » Brecon July 19th 2015

Sunday 19 July 2015 After yesterday's surprise at Covent Garden we should really have a quiet day today, but this is not to be. A further birthday surprise awaits, involving a journey ... somewhere! Once again a time was given for departure and no questions were to be asked. We set off in two cars, Holly the dog happy to be included this time. Motorway driving followed as we headed west from London, negotiating what seemed like pretty heavy traffic and the odd detour. Nothing to do but sit back and enjoy the ride. Possible destinations on the exit signs came and went and still we drove. Suddenly Bristol was a possibility but no, we paid the toll and were over the Severn Bridge in no time. Aha! We must be going to Wales, a part ... read more
Tintern Abbey
Tintern Abbey
Tintern Abbey

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Powys » Welshpool June 27th 2015

After I'd been to see Mum this morning (she was asleep and didn't wake at all), I wandered along the canal to the Town wharf, where there was a coracle regatta in progress. Believe it or not, there were at least 12 coracles there, I had no idea it was so popular. So I sat in the sun with a sandwich and watched lots of races, as well as general fun, and then they said I could have a go. I took my glasses off just in case, and found it very good fun, and not as alarming as Id expected.... read more
across the canal and back
all good fun
next race

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Powys » Welshpool June 22nd 2015

Beautiful afternoon, so Dad, Alex and I took some sandwiches and spent a couple of hours at the Llanrhaeadr waterfall, about 40 minutes from home. Alex and I had a couple of caches to find - in the summer there are always some challenges to do, and at the moment its finding caches with more then 10 favourite points. I started off with a coat, but climbing to the top of the falls soon got me warmed up. At the top, there's a path leading up to the Berwyn summit, but we left that for another day. However, once you've done the steep part at the beginning, you feel you can go on forever up there on the moorland. Dad had a busy day, with golf this morning and bridge tonight, as well as a walk ... read more
its one of the seven wonders of wales, this
and as high as Niagara
on the bridge

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Powys » Welshpool June 2nd 2015

It really was busy! First, Alex and Ineke took the canoe along the canal, and Maisie and I met them for a posh picnic. Then Sophie, Tom and the children arrived that very night and stayed for the weekend. We had a lovely time, and I was kept busy all day - Martha is not short of ideas, and enjoys a volunteer to help. On Friday we made jam tarts, and later on Great Granddad came along to help eat them. On Saturday morning, the village held its early bird walk and breakfast, so we went along to the huge breakfast and met the neighbours. Then on Sunday we went up to visit Sophie's friend Laura, who happens to be the daughter of my friend Kate, and we had a real catch up, with 4 kids ... read more
pleasant lunch
setting off for home

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