Blogs from Scotland, United Kingdom, Europe - page 20


Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Inverness-shire » Mallaig January 20th 2022

20th Jan 2022 Mallaig day 2 It’s strange getting used to not having any internet when you are used to constantly checking whether people have contacted you, how Bozo is messing up again, what evil things Priti racist Patel has done again etc. But little things like not having the temperature on your watch are weird to live without too. But that’s what you get when you have accommodation away from it all and it does allow to get plenty of reading done. As with other English-speaking countries we’ve visited we spend a lot of time before and during our trip learning the local accent and lingo. Scotland has been no exception and there have been lots of och-ayes, seeing someone called Jimmy and excessive and elongated use of the word wee (as in small as ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Inverness-shire » Mallaig January 20th 2022

I awoke to the sound of sheep baaing and the rain pattering lightly on the roof of our wooden pod. The blue, low light surrounding us was thick with mist and rain, and it was beautiful in a cold, dark way. We drove to Mallaig to find out what’s going on with ferries and boats. Not much hope with the ferries to any islands as even though one was sailing to Eigg, due to the weather, they couldn’t guarantee getting us back today or tomorrow even. I was disappointed because I really want to see the islands but I don’t fancy being marooned on them in the winter and I hadn’t brought my book. There’s no ferries tomorrow as there’s charter boats instead, the day after there might be a ferry to Eigg, no one knows ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Inverness-shire » Kingussie January 19th 2022

The reason we’d come to Kingussie was to visit the Highland Wildlife Park but now that’s ticked off, we decided we should see more of the place. Things to do include walking and biking and we don’t have bikes, so a walk it was. There’s plenty of walking markers dotted around, so Glyn researched online and found a short circular walk via Creag Bheag. A small chance of see red squirrels in the woods sealed the deal and I packed my longest and heaviest lens in anticipation. What the walk lacked in length it more than made up in steepness. My regular exercise is a slow jog on flat towpaths, so this was a shock to the calf muscles. The thick forest eventually gave way to heather and low hedges that probably wouldn’t be so popular ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Inverness-shire » Mallaig January 19th 2022

19th Jan 2022 Mallaig We knew before we set off on this trip that getting to any of the Small Islands may be impossible. This was due to the weather, the time of year and the scarcity of anything resembling a helpful timetable on the Calmac ferries website. The casual nature of Calmac continued when we called in their offices this morning. Today’s sailings were all cancelled due to the weather. Not sure how much worse it was out there but it has been mostly sunny here with the odd wee shower and more wind from me than anywhere else. Tomorrow they may go to Eigg but there’s a strong possibility we may get stranded there. Other destinations are cancelled as they are running a charter with the ferry instead. If they can be arsed we ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Inverness-shire » Kingussie January 18th 2022

18th Jan 2022 From Kingussie to Mallaig I let Claire lie in until 7:30. She's a lucky girl. Today was a travelling day so of course we wanted to squeeze in as much as possible before we ensconced ourselves in our new accommodation. I let Claire have some breakfast and then we packed the car and drove about 200m to a car park. Well it would have been 200m if I hadn’t missed the huge sign, but that’s by the by. The car park had some clean loos and a map of all the walks in the area. I’d already decided on one last night that took us to a peak with a chance of seeing red squirrels so we headed out on that one. The route turned out to have many things that people go ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Inverness-shire » Kingussie January 17th 2022

The reason we’d decided to holiday in Scotland during January was in the hope of snow. Not because I’m a big fan of the stuff but because polar bars are and polar bears are very hard / expensive to see in the wild, with snow. So the next best thing was to go to Highland Wildlife Park in the Winter as they have the only polar bears in Scotland, but just to wind me up it was a beautiful sunny day; seven ruddy degrees! Not even a ground frost in the morning! Gah! Scottish weather likes upsetting me, the reason I chose to do the Edinburgh marathon in 2007 is that I assumed the weather would be cool, but no, there was a heatwave that day. Typically we were the first to arrive and had to ... read more
Artic Fox
Snow Leopard

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland January 17th 2022

On day 5 we had absolutely no plans- it was a complete explore and see how we feel type day. We had a slow start, partly because Bec and I were feeling a bit seedy from the night before and partly because I had to have another phone call with work in the morning. Basically, the original location I was supposed to work at has fallen through due to a “miscommunication”, so I had another interview for a different location. Not quite the holiday vibe I was going for, but I’m just grateful I wasn’t dropped completely. Anyway, once we left for the day our original plan was to visit some art galleries, but it was so nice and sunny outside we decided to just keep walking. We found ourselves walking along Circus Lane, which is ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Inverness-shire » Kingussie January 17th 2022

After a veritable lie-in until 8am we breakfasted in our room before heading out into the clean Highlands air. Part of the reason for this trip was to try and photograph polar bears in the snow at the Highland Wildlife Park. When the sun is out all day and the temperature is a heady 6 degrees…..well that just ain’t gonna happen. A note from yesterday. When we last came up here, about 8 years ago, the A9 had a trial maximum speed limit in some parts for HGV of 50mph. That trial is still going on! And it’s dumb! That speed limit applies to single carriageways so everyone behind has to go at 50 as well… The roads are straight and smooth yet this eternal trial is slowing everyone down to 50. Okay dumbnuts, here’s the ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Lanarkshire » Glasgow January 16th 2022

Anyone else gone wandering in Glasgow and found themselves in the backstreets of Gotham city, USA instead? No? Well it happened to myself and Glyn today, I kid you not. The alarm went off at 7.30am, and it being a Sunday means only one thing, I’m on Wade holiday where I often get up earlier than I would for work so that we can cram in as much as possible until we both pass out exhausted at the end of the day. Glyn was perturbed at me setting an alarm that’s not on the hour. I find this hilarious and asked that we set if for 7.12am, I got frowned at for that. A walk that should have taken 40 minutes, didn’t because we went off piste a few times, took us through areas with awesome ... read more
Early morning sunrise
Gotham Roll Records
Botanical Gardens

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Lanarkshire » Glasgow January 16th 2022

Having been allowed a lie-in until what holiday-Claire calls almost lunchtime……7:30am…..we headed into town. Glasgow was very quiet and yes I know it’s Sunday but, for such a populous city, the streets were mainly devoid of what you may know as people. Great stuff. We had a few hours until we were due to checkout so plenty of time to walk to the cathedral and necropolis. There are plenty of old buildings in Glasgow to photograph, plenty of decay and dereliction too as well as litter bins almost as tall as Claire! What a city! Somehow she didn’t fall in any and didn’t accidentally fall into the cat cafe we passed either…..thank goodness we only had limited time!! Despite the walking last night and lots more today we still never found what could be described as ... read more

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