Blogs from Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland, United Kingdom, Europe - page 25


Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Lanarkshire » Glasgow May 27th 2008

Just a quick post for now - pics will be posted later tonight. Arrived alive and well a full hour early this morning. Glasgow was gray and overcast but not rainy at all (actually I haven't seen a drop yet which is just fantastic). The view flying in was absolutely gorgeous. Just SO MUCH GREEN! Everywhere green. Really really amazing to see. During the flight I was seated next to a middle-aged schizophrenic (literally) and his ancient father who sneezed coughed and blew his nose obnoxiously loud into a hanky for half the flight. They were sweet though, true Glasgownians heading back home after a vacation to Canada. They were both absolutely terrified of flying which was kind of cute. The big guy next to me (and I mean big guy - the schizo) he crossed ... read more
Second Look
My plane buddies!
Euro Backpackers Hotel

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Lanarkshire » Glasgow May 18th 2008

Another two action packed weekends have come to an end. Last weekend we started off the weekend with a BBQ at Wendy and Stuart’s house and finished it off by going to the last home game for the Celtic Football Club. This was an amazing experience. The game was fantastic. The atmosphere was intense and loaded with lots of singing, cheering and crowd involvement. I’ve attached some videos atop the blog page, but be sure to check out the one at the bottom of this entry. This is my favorite; unfortunately it was too large a file to attach the other way. Anyways, the season isn’t quite over yet, but it has been very exciting. This past week Rangers lost their biggest game in 30 odd years by losing to Zenit St. Petersburg in the UEFA ... read more
Entrance to Celtic Park
The Pitch
The Fans

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Lanarkshire » Glasgow May 17th 2008

Dear All, I am running my first 10k tomorrow and trying to raise money for Scottish Detainee Visitors. Unfortunately SDV can't afford the monthly fee for so......If you would like to sponsor me: Please write your name and sponsorship amount (if you like) and I will collect the money from you next time I see you. I will be in Belfast last week of May too. You can do this by clicking on "add public comment" at the bottom. Scottish Detainee Visitors (SDV) is an independent charity which provides social, emotional and practical support to asylum and immigration detainees in Scotland. SDV volunteers visit detainees in Dungavel Removal Centre on Monday and Thursday evenings. £15 pays for transport for up to five visitors to travel to Dungavel on one of our twice weekly visits £5 ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Lanarkshire » Glasgow May 12th 2008

Hi Everyone, we made it safe and sound to Glasgow scotland but only have one minute of internet time left so we will update you later today!! cheers Ivan and D'Arcy... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Lanarkshire » Glasgow May 4th 2008

I've arrived safely! What a long journey....interspersed with little interesting moments like having my carry-on bag searched at AUckland, being frisked for explosive substances in Melbourne and long, long hours of sitting still ...aaaaargh! Not much sleep...seats very uncomfortable, sleeping tablet didn't work ..awake after 2 hours!! A means to an is so nice to be here with Maia and David :) Arrived at 1pm (UKtime) and went out walking in the afternoon to see a little bit of the immediate area around where Maia lives. Crashed at 9.30pm and woke at 8.10am today! Trained (underground) to town, walked (yes, lots of steps Jane!) to various historic sites in the city, including the Cathedral, the Necropolis, the oldest house in Glasglow and St Mungo (religious museum). We were even lucky enough to be treated to ... read more
There, I did it!
Six minutes to go..
Noise oh noise!

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Lanarkshire » Glasgow April 13th 2008

prachtig heldere hemel, veel sterren, koud! Laat in de avond arriveerden we in Tyndrum, waar we een trekkerhut geboekt hadden (sanitaire voorzieningen bij hut op terrein waren bevroren, maar we waren blij met de hut; de hostel was fully booked). Eigenaren erg vriendelijk en behulpzaam (zelf fanatieke wandelaars). Tyndrum is halverwege Glasgow-Fort William, op de helft van de West Highland Way-route. Voor ons een ideaal startpunt om de blessures te testen en volgens de inwoners van Tyndrum (uiteraard) het begin van The Best Part of The Way;)... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Lanarkshire » Glasgow March 16th 2008

We celebrated Camille's third birthday Sunday. We had a great weekend. Friday evening was spent as a family at home. Saturday we spent the the day in Glasgow dancing and listening to music and today we had a brunch at the house with friends and spent the afternoon at Wendy and Stuart's watching football and finishing off the night with curry. Back to the grind tomorrow.... read more
Still Getting ready to make the cake
The Breakfast Spread
The Party

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Lanarkshire » Glasgow March 15th 2008

For my birthday Martin surprised me with a trip to Glasgow! We got up early in the morning and set off on the two and a half hour drive into Scotland. Lucky for us Ashley was around to watch Wicket and Ziggy so we were dog-free for the weekend. Woohoo! We arrived at the very impressive Hotel Du Vin around mid-day. The hotel had bought out an entire terrace of old stone houses and converted all of them into rooms. It was very old and traditionally decorated. We walked in and all the men were wearing kilts (man-dresses, as I like to call them) and there were bottles of Whiskey set out for everyone while they waited in the lobby. We sat on a leather sofa by a warm fire and waited to check into our ... read more
The Lion and Unicorn Staircase
Glasgow University
The room

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Lanarkshire » Glasgow March 9th 2008

Hi, Folks! Just wanted to give you a quick update on our trip. After a great train ride on Friday from Berwick Upon Tweed, we landed in Greenock. There was absolutely nothing to do there so we checked out the next morning and headed for Glasgow. Today (Sunday) we took a bus tour to Loch Lomond, Aberfoyle, & Sterling Castle. It was a great photo taking day and I can’t wait to share them all. Tomorrow we head for Edinburgh and then home very early Tuesday morning. That’s all assuming that the big storm set to hit the southern coast of the UK doesn’t shut down the airport in London. If it does, I may be a little late getting home. Cindy & Brooke... read more
Leaving Berwick Upon Tweed
Hamish the Highland Cow

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Lanarkshire » Glasgow March 2nd 2008

We started off March with a bang. Saturday afternoon we took the bus down to one of our favorite watering holes in Glasgow, McSorleys. It’s a great little pub that welcomes our wee one. We were pleasantly surprised when we walked in to find a six-man New Orleans style jazz band ripping it up in a packed house. It wasn’t what we expected to find at 2:00 on a Saturday afternoon. Immediately upon entering we were greeted by two seniors dancing who were so intoxicated they could barely stand up and at one point the woman fell on the floor while dancing. We settled into a booth and enjoyed the music. Camille got her dancing feet on and danced for the next couple of hours. She absolutely loved the music and the musicians hammed it up ... read more
Camille Starting off Mothering Day Breakfast
The Broadbent Gene!

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