Blogs from East Riding of Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom, Europe - page 6


Well here we are back at my dads house. We are still making final settings to Ducky - well Scott is I am meant to be sorting out paperwork?!. This time in two weeks we will be across the water and on our way. Hopefully all the other blogs after this will get a little more interesting. Just trying to see if it works?!?!.... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » East Riding of Yorkshire » Hull March 19th 2009

Hi all, Welcome to my travel blog thingy. During the course of mine and Will's travels across Argentina, Chile, NZ, Australia and finally Singapore I will be subjecting you to my inane ramblings, recollections and observations. Hopefully you'll find it interesting and it won't end up in your Junk folder. I will attempt to add the first real entry on Sunday after I touch down in Buenos Aires. Adios for now, Mike... read more

This is a map to Boynton from Malton... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » East Riding of Yorkshire January 19th 2009

hey folks!! welcome to my blog! i'll do my best to keep you updated with how i'm getting on and share some stories and hopefully the odd photograph! here's a map of what i'm planning to do! we'll have to see how it works out! i'll ind out in 10 days!!... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » East Riding of Yorkshire » Hull October 29th 2008

Well I’d love to say I woke early and was off but since we don’t actually fly until 20:10 it’s just another day. But I did wake early and it’s a really beautiful morning, crisp and frosty but bright and sunny. Makes me think of Christmas and how strange it is going to be having Christmas in the summer time and also how weird its going to be being away from home at Christmas. I took a walk to the local shops photocopied my new driving license (thank you DVLA for getting it back to me on time) and then came back packed my backpack for the final time and just about managed to squeeze it into my travel sac (and I thought the travel sack was going to be too big!) for the uninitiated my ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » East Riding of Yorkshire » Hull September 18th 2008

Hi All, Just set up this travel blog, so that you can keep an eye on where i am and what i am up to! I have just finished packing my case and mother is panicking trying to make sure everything is ok; if i hear the 'you will be safe wont you' again i think i will go crazy! See you all in late October Pierre le Geek ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » East Riding of Yorkshire » Hull September 18th 2008

Just working out how to upload pics, dont worry.... read more

We thought that we would give you a quick run down of the last week and our build up to our final day in the UK. After the longest week of our lives, we both finished work on Friday 20th June and went straight into packing mode as James’s dad was coming on the Saturday with a rather large removal van. After 6 hours of packing up the flat and trying to fit Kim’s wardrobe into one suitcase we decided to go out for our last romantic meal in Leeds. After 30 mins of negotiations we both agreed to try a Chinese restaurant (Red Chillies) that we had been recommend and thought it would ease us into the food that we can expect in Asia. Never to disappoint, Kim turned her nose up at the slightly ... read more
Boxing up all our worthy goods!
Kim Outside Brewery Wharf - Leeds (Home
Weigh in!!

hello people! havent left yet, just a test to make sure i know what im doing! just a few tings you should know before the blog kicks off.. I cant spell Im no good with gramma im going to try my best not to swear i will update as much is poss. first stop- Hong Kong. Chow. xxxx... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » East Riding of Yorkshire » Hull April 10th 2008

Thats right i'm back where the beer is warm and its always raining~! Except for today! which is good because there's lots happening today! Dad's arrived in the country, and he just called me he's making good time heading to cardiff where he's doing something to do with ships, lol, then coming up here to Hull for the next couple of days, and if he makes it here by about 3 this arvo, he'll be joining us in a climb to the top of the humber bridge! Which is why it mustnt rain today, i'll be 120metres i think, (prob got that wrong) on top of one of the towers of the bridge! only possible to my wonderful Uncle Neil! As you may guess, the top of the towers is not open o the puiblic, and ... read more

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