Blogs from Baden, North-East, Switzerland, Europe - page 2


Europe » Switzerland » North-East » Baden October 15th 2007

ok, da ich noch nie in meinem leben gereist bin, ausser ein bisschen in europa rumgeirrt. hab ich gedacht ich stelle mir mal ne ausrüstung zusammen. hätte nie gedacht das, dass dies einerseits so spass andererseits auch ermüdend sein kann. auf jedenfall hab ich einem freund den auftrag erteilt mir eine ausrüstung zusammenszustellen, somit kam ich dann schliesslich in den genuss, in den laden zu spazieren, und mir einfach seine gedanken zu den diesbezüglichen produkten anzuhören, und mich zu entscheiden... etwas das dann aber trotzdem nicht so einfach war, wie ich es mir vorgestellt habe.. wie gross soll der rucksack sein, wirklich nur 75 liter? brach ich wirklich eine goretex jacke, brauche ich eine neue digicam, oder wird die mir dann sowieso nur geklaut und deshalb einfach mit der alten losziehen, etc. etc. schlussendlich dann einfach ... read more

Europe » Switzerland » North-East » Baden October 1st 2007

ok, die technik kann ein segen aber auch ein fluch sein, aber später mehr.. grundsätzlich waren wir beide sehr darüber erfreut, dass die familie bei der sie in ecuador lebte über einen adsl anschluss verfügte, somit folgten etliche skype unterhaltungen, über vermissen, liebe etc. etc. auch darüber wie ihr leben sich bereits verändert hat, schlussendlich kamen wir zu dem schluss, dass wir die reise gemeinsam machen werden. machen müssen um uns nicht zu verlieren, um uns nicht als fremde wieder zu begegnen. lange trug ich diesen entscheid mit mir herum, sollte ich wirklich mein studium, meinen job, mein leben hier hinter mir lassen. mein über ich, welches gerne mit herr existenssicherer angesprochen wird, lief amok. auch mein näheres umfeld stand meinen gedanken kritisch gegenüber. trotzdem fällte ich für mich in einer nachtschicht morgens um 3 den ... read more

Europe » Switzerland » North-East » Baden September 17th 2007

ok um was geht es hier eigentlich überhaupt, wieso dieser blog und überhaupt wieso bin ich eigentlich nicht mehr da. also meine lieben freunde, mitstudenten einfach alle, es dreht sich bei mir alles um die liebe, nicht weiter schlimm denkt man sich dabei, ist aber nicht so, denn meine liebe ist gerade ein jahr verreisst. ja, so einen innerlichen wunsch von ihr, mittel und südamerika zu entdecken, für das hat sie sich ein jahr zeit genommen. und wie das so ist, man führt eine beziehung, der termin rückt näher.. man verdrängt fröhlich und plötzlich kommt der moment wo man morgens um 5 mit dem auto nach zürich flughafen fährt und einen menschen mit dem man alles teilt, sich für ein jahr verabschiedet. natürlich hatten wir daten vereinbart, dann und dann hab ich ferien, ich komme dich ... read more

Europe » Switzerland » North-East » Baden May 29th 2007

So after my stint of the southern coast of France I headed with Justin to meet his friend in a town called Riomaggoire, one of the five towns of Cinque terre. The 5 towns are on the coast but are bult with in the hills of the coastline. It is one of the more scenic areas of Europe to see. After a pizza on the beach for dinner the first night we called it a night. In the morning we headed out on the 12km hike between the towns. It was very nice this day cause there was cloud cover, thank goodness, cause it would have sucked if it was 35 degrees like the day before. So it was a comfortable 25ish. The hike lasted about 4.5 hours and involved lots of stairs. Yippy. From Cinque ... read more

Europe » Switzerland » North-East » Baden March 19th 2006

We’d had pretty crap weather for about 2 weeks that meant a lot of snow but poor visibility. Eventually the blue bird came and with only 10 days left to go the decision was made to start hitting everything big and fast and try and get some big airs in before the season finished. You can see the last powder drop in the photo (about 15-18'); I didn’t land this but was close enough to be confident of landing it within a few more attempts! However with the beautiful blue sky and overconfidence of almost landing that one, I hit another drop off (of a similar size) a little too fast, lunched big time and hurt my ankle. That was the last time I would be riding this season. A sleepless night followed in a lot ... read more
Si last powder drop
Nick jump
Si snow chair

Europe » Switzerland » North-East » Baden March 10th 2006

Well guys, the end is in sight, after the fastest 3 months of my life we have only 10 days to go until we return home..... boo. But on the up side, we have had soooo much snow recently, it has hardly stopped for about 10 days so plently of untracked runs, unfortunatly the snow is quite wet and heavy so not ideal snow. I picked up a new board during a flying visit to the uk last weekend to see Anna, its a beautiful board, a touch longer than my last board and stiffer, much more responcive and quite hard work in the trees but it floats like a dream in powder and is very very solid off big hits. So what to do for the last 10 days, well we've been hitting the monster ... read more
Si air in the mountains
Nick Cliff drop in the Woods
Rooster Tail

Europe » Switzerland » North-East » Baden February 22nd 2006

Well, we approach the end of Feburary and I start to wonder where the hell the season has gone! Next week will see March and if I’m to go to Sri Lanka, it means the end is just around the corner. The good news, however, is there is still loads more powder on the way, and loads of lines we havn’t ridden yet. I honestly believe that if you had perfect conditions every day of the season, you could ride a different valley, shoot, ridge, gully every day and still not see the whole area, it really is that big! Anyway, what have we been up too…… Well Anna has been here for two weeks and it is ridiculous how much she has improved over that time. Even on the first day with better quality boots, ... read more
Anna View
Anna Checking lines
Nick going big

Europe » Switzerland » North-East » Baden February 11th 2006

Hey everyone, Well Switzerland has been a wonderful place to be this last week, mainly due to the amount of fresh snow. We’ve probably had about 18”-2’ but the cold weather has kept it in beautiful condition. The weather has been quite bad from time to time and visibility quite low in places hence we’ve had to look a little bit harder for lines and hits. One thing we’ve been working on in the last week or so is tree riding. Riding whilst looking down through trees, looking for a line is a skill we’ve both been working hard on, add in a few natural hits, fresh untracked powder and you have the kind of run that dreams are made of. Check the photos. Anna arrived on Thursday to spend two weeks in beautiful Davos. For ... read more
Anna Riding
Nick cornice drop
Si Fresh Rigde

Europe » Switzerland » North-East » Baden February 3rd 2006

So where are we, oh yeah, 2nd Febuary, almost halfway into the season! And not a hint of mid-season blues in sight, in fact quite the opposite, things are going well…. Mostly. After my quick trip home to England I was straight back on the slopes and ready to start working on spinning tricks. Once again we haven’t had snow for about two weeks and the windy warm weather creates sticky snow in the trees and a crusty wind-chop-hoar on most of the open areas, there are still areas of nice snow but fairly well tracked out unless we venture far off the beaten track. Hence I’ve been spending the last week or so working on 180’s both on and off piste, which are harder than I’d thought they’d be, but I’m starting to land them ... read more

Europe » Switzerland » North-East » Baden January 19th 2006

(This is one I was supposed to send about a week ago! Sorry its taken so long to publish. I'll write another one in the next few days for the last week!) Well, what a week, Sunday we went exploring and managed to find some awesome tree runs with relatively few tracks (considering it hadn’t snowed in about two and half weeks!) so we sessioned that for a few hours, Monday we went back to the same spot but headed further away from the piste and found completely fresh snow amongst the trees, we also go a little adventurous and hiked up a ridge to get to some powder on a beautiful piece of off-piest-come-back-country……. Cool!!!! Yesterday snowed for the first time in about 3 weeks and we had loads and loads of it. ‘cos of ... read more
Me walking up the ridge two
Checking out our lines
Nick taking air in the trees

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