Blogs from Sweden, Europe - page 138


Europe » Sweden » Gotland County September 14th 2008

The focus of my long weekend in Sweden was Mads and Jakob's wedding in Ronnang. We touched down in Gothenburg with a big bump and was soon hit with fresh Swedish air and glorious early morning sunshine. We made our way to our hire cars, good old Volvos, put on the latest Killers album and set off for the island of Ronnang. We finally made it to our destination after getting lost several times. Locals were more than happy to give us directions, the only problem was that they often sent us in completely the wrong direction! Amusing at first, but after the fourth time and with empty stomachs we all started to get a little grouchy. Ronnang was really picture perfect, the sun was shining the little red roofed houses and one restaurant were set ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Västerbotten County » Umeå September 11th 2008

I just realized that I should tell you about my room, my castle, the hole I live in or what ever you want to it. I am living on a student corridor like most students here in Umeå. The best thing is that most of the students live in one place so that at night there is always something going on here in Ålidhem. It is considered to life in a place far of if the walk to that place takes more than 5 minutes from Ålidhem centrum. My corridor is about 30 seconds away. So my corridor ,eh? I am living here with 4 swedes and 2 Koreans. one room is still unoccupied or so it seems. There is a shared kitchen for us and a community room with a couch and a teve. Most ... read more
05 mein Flur
The showerbox

Europe » Sweden » Västra Götaland County September 10th 2008

Heading back down south more and the next city on the stop is Orebro. Pretty much a uni city and where I was staying in the middle of it all really and since it was the first week for the new year here in Sweden it is party time! I still managed to have a good look around the city though and the old castle that looks like it is floating on water would have to be the hightlight of this place. Another highlight would have to been to foreign exchange students trying to make this cake where I was staying. All the exchange students from the uni are put in grounps of around 8 and are set chanenges and this night was cake making night. The dude of the couple that I was staying with ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Värmland County » Lake Gröcken September 8th 2008

Another rainy day. I've been cycling for weeks now in the constant worry of being forced to seek for solutions to stay reasonably dry. I drift through the immense Swedish forests of coniferous, that after the rain release a sweet and pungent smell that brings my mind back to Asian and Middle Eastern spice markets. Other journeys that today seem to belong to times so remote that could not be possibly mine. It's the traveller's dilation of time, where a day still lasts 24 hours, but the density of present events pushes the past ones in far-flung, almost unfathomable cells of memory. I'm cycling along the road 239, a hilly and desolate blade of tar that leads to the Norwegian border. The region is an endless of forests and lakes, the smaller ones not even marked ... read more
Lake Gröcken
The Lake as Seen from Inside My Tent
Sunset on Lake Gröcken

Europe » Sweden » Stockholm County » Stockholm September 8th 2008

"Alone in the woods, the radiant figure appears as a revelation. Like the imagination of the child when it first learns of the heavenly messenger." - Unknown I dont know who wrote the above quote but I remember stealing it from a wall in my hostel - City Backpackers . I stayed there for a total of 6 nights. So before getting to Stockholm I took the boat from Tallin to Stockholm. It was overnight - arriving in Stockholm the next morning. On the boat in my bunker I met Vera. She was orginally from Siberia, living in Estonia. But after finding it difficult to find work in Estonia she had decided to make the move to Stockholm (she had lived here once before and really loved it! Anyways we got on quite well - had ... read more
Stockholm 02/09/08
Stockholm 02/09/08
Stockholm 02/09/08

Europe » Sweden » Västerbotten County » Umeå September 6th 2008

Orientation So the first impressions are made and I got to know some people. We've been partying a lot already and been around a bit. But first things first. When we came here it was rainy and grey as I said but today the weather is great. The sun is shining and its 10°C outside and I fear it wont get much warmer but still warm enough to go cycling around for we got ourselves bikes as fast as we could and everything is much easier now. So what have we been doing the whole time? Well one of the first things were to meet some people who also arrived early and had nothing much to do. Thomas and me went to Joe. Also a physics student but from Austria. He was posting about free ... read more
Campus rally
buddy group 13

Europe » Sweden September 5th 2008

It was going to happen sooner rather than latter, our lack of pre booking caught up with us on our first night in Stockholm. We had already had a massive day of travel which started at 4am and we finally got to get some sleep at 1am the following day.. It was going to happen though since we have been pushing or luck quite a bit and when we go to Stockholm we were walking around for 5 hours trying to find a place to stay at and it turned out to be the very last place we went to before the park was our place for the night.. So we had a sleep in the next moring before heading into the city, our first thoughts of this city is that we both could see our ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Stockholm County » Stockholm September 2nd 2008

Europe » Sweden » Västra Götaland County » Gothenburg September 1st 2008

Well, here starts our first real travel news. As per usual, nothing ever goes right on our trips. If it is not a natural disaster, it is man made disaster. Today, it's man made! All was going well, Lars droped us off at the airport in plent time to get stuff sorted out. When we looked at the board the first thin we see is "Flight to Frankfurt is canceled". Great start. But, look again, it is the earl flight, we were on the next one! Anyway, we are told, no worries, all is ok, our flight is good to go! So we wait in the departure loung and see our plane come in. All is good, we are good to go! NOT! We we wait a while then we are told that the engine is ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Kronoberg County » Växjö September 1st 2008

Today was my first day of school at Vaxjo Universitet and I really liked it. At 1pm I left my corridor and walked about 10 minutes to my classroom. It was next to the room I had orientation in so I had no trouble finding it. When I got there the professor told me to come back at 3 because the first two hours were for Swedish students only. So I went back to my room and wrote down the books I needed to buy for class. I bought 3 books and a planner at the campus book store and then sat in the cafe and wrote in my journal and started reading. I was tempted to buy a latte but it would have cost me over $4 so I passed. Class only lasted a half ... read more
Campus Building
Small Cars

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