Blogs from Malmö, Skåne County, Sweden, Europe - page 10


Europe » Sweden » Skåne County » Malmö July 1st 2009

Hello Again, I am catching up the blog today with all the activities of last weekend. We went to the beach yesterday and all got a little too much sun so today is a home day. I just wanted to post a few pictures from Linnea's (Jan's niece) 15th birthday party. This is a big year because they are aloud to drive a Moped at age 15. She is already shopping and taking lessons. Seems scary to me but statistics show it is safer than driving a car at this age. You can drive a tractor when you are 15 as well. The kids actually drive Tractors to town and school. It is so funny to see them cruzin around the town square in big fancy Tractors. They cannot drive a car until 18. Gotta go ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Skåne County » Malmö July 1st 2009

Hi All, We spent the day with the Lingren family and drove to Copenhagen to pick up two mares and their foals. It was fun driving over the bridge to Copenhagen (Oresunds Bron). We have been over it on the train but you are on the top of the bridge in a car. We went to a Danish farm outside of Copenhagen that is the home of a Peruvian horse breeder. This type of horse is very beautiful. It is important to keep the blood lines pure so breeding is important. Susann has three mares and they each have a foal. She hopes that they are pregnant again after their visit to Denmark. It was quite a rodeo to get the mares and foals caught and loaded into the horse trailers. We had two cars (yes ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Skåne County » Malmö June 30th 2009

Ein paar Bilder aus der Badewanne... A few pictures out of the bathtub...... read more
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Europe » Sweden » Skåne County » Malmö June 29th 2009

Hello All I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the summer. We are still enjoying Sweden and even have had some hot days. We intend to go about our adventures in 10 or so days. Our days are so full of friends and family that we are having a hard time getting on the road. This is a good problem to have - everyone is so great to be around. We went to a Skane (Southern Sweden) Folk Music Festival on Saturday. It was a great way to see the traditions of the area. Fortunate for us, Jan's friend was in charge so we got the Royal Treatment. The day started in a beautiful church very full of people. We listened to Old and New Swedish Folk Music. They sang songs about the summer, love, ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Skåne County » Malmö June 25th 2009

Hello everyone - Today I am going to post some fun pictures from the outdoors. We had two days in a row of sunny hot weather and worked on our tan. I also thought i would start a list of Silly Swedish Facts that I have noticed. 1 - Most everyone one has white wooden floors. White floors in a country that does not have the driest weather. This is a great reason to never wear shoes in the house. These floors are carpet free and vacuumed every other day from a little hole in the wall with a built in system. Very handy. 2 - Every yard has a wild Hedge Hog living in it. They are so cute but - evidently they are not thought of too highly because they have bugs in their ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Skåne County » Malmö June 23rd 2009

We just celebrated the Swedish Midsommer. They celebrate the longest day of the year in full fashion. The nearest Friday to Summer Solstice is a Holiday and most people have a three day weekend. The celebrating starts on Thursday after work. There is lots of May Poles and Flower wreaths. Lots of eating and drinking happens the whole weekend. We had a great time. We started by going to a castle and celebrated with a full crowd of people wearing flower crowns and dancing around the May pole. There were traditional singers and dancers as well. Next we spent the weekend with Jan's friends on their farm. We made our own May Pole and sang and danced around it. We had a traditional dinner of Herring (Sil) and new potatoes. We drank lots of Schnapps- Skull ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Skåne County » Malmö June 22nd 2009

Hello - its us again. We have done so much in the last week I fell behind in the blog-o sphere. I am attaching pictures to try to get up to date. I have attached some picture of the Horse show and the Museum we went to. It was a fun day. ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Skåne County » Malmö June 20th 2009

Nach einer wunderschönen Woche mit Opa und Oma müssen die beiden leider wieder nach Hause. Ich freue mich schon aufs nächste Wiedersehen im Juli. Da fahre ich dann auch zum ersten Mal nach Deutschland. After a wonderful week with my grandparents, they have to drive home again. I am looking forward to seeing them again in July. Then I will go on my first trip to Germany.... read more
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Europe » Sweden » Skåne County » Malmö June 19th 2009

Mein erstes Midsommar habe ich zwar grösstenteils verschlafen, aber.... Bilder gibts trotzdem. I slept the most through my first 'midsommar', but... some pictures were made.... read more
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Europe » Sweden » Skåne County » Malmö June 19th 2009

I got the external hard drive to work so we are back in business with picture downloading. These pictures are of the new van. Her name is Blaa Bettan (translated means Blue Betty). She needs a good wax job and a little TLC but she has all we need. I have been nesting and getting ready for our next adventure. She even came with a tent that attaches to the side to make another room. Jan can even stand up straight and lay straight in the bed. It was hard to find a camper van that has a bed long enough for Jan. We are very happy to find her. We got her for a good price and hopefully will not have a problem reselling her. ... read more

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