Blogs from Mora, Dalarna County, Sweden, Europe - page 2


Europe » Sweden » Dalarna County » Mora February 17th 2017

Tag 169 – Unser Hotel Gunneborg Am nächsten Morgen wurden wir um sieben geweckt. Die Gäste bekamen direkt neben uns Frühstück und es war laute Musik an. Irgendwie schliefen wir dann aber noch mal ein und standen gegen neun auf. Hanna deckte uns den Frühstückstisch richtig schön und dann aßen sie, Phil und ich in aller Ruhe. Es war sogar noch Waffelteig von den Gästen übrig geblieben. Als der Abwasch erledigt war, packten wir unsere Sachen und wollten eigentlich ein bisschen rausgehen. Doch da kam Fern und wie fuhren los. Heute wollte er so gut wie alle Workawayer in Gunneborg haben. Wir trafen Timea (Ungarin, 27), Sofia und Arne in Idre und fuhren dann zusammen rüber. Sie versuchten wieder, das Wasser zu reparieren, und als es schließlich lief, fuhr Fern wieder weg. Wir versuchten, die Zimmer ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Dalarna County » Mora February 16th 2017

Tag 168 – Arbeitsstress Kurz nach neun begannen wir mit der Arbeit. Sofia, Arne und ich bereiteten oben die Zimmer vor - alle Betten abziehen, manche neu beziehen, ich saugte und Sofia wischte. Dann putzten wir noch das Bad und ich wusch das Frühstücksgeschirr der Gäste ab. Ein Zimmer oben war noch komplett im Rohbau, doch am Abend sollten dort Gäste einziehen. Eigentlich unmöglich. Die Wände mussten verputzt und gestrichen werden, vorher mussten noch Gipsplatten angebracht werden (allerdings nur an der einen Seite, für die andere blieb keine Zeit) und die Betten aufgebaut werden. Ich maß die Wände aus und zeichnete die Fußleisten an, die dann auch noch zugeschnitten und am besten umgehend angebracht werden sollten, auch wenn die Schritte davor noch nicht gemacht waren. Ich schob auch immer mal wieder an, die restlichen OSB-Platten zuzuschneiden, ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Dalarna County » Mora February 15th 2017

Tag 167 – Schneeengel & Wand bauen Diesen Morgen konnten wir ausschlafen, und es wurde so gegen zehn mit der Arbeit begonnen. Um halb elf kam jedoch Phil, ein Longterm-Workawayer, der mit seiner Freundin Jessica das Hotel in Idre managte, vorbei. Er nahm Renaut, mich und einen neuen Franzosen, Sebastian, mit nach Gunneborg. Auf dem Weg hielten wir noch kurz in Idre, um etwas aus dem Hotel dort zu holen, und kauften ein paar Grundnahrungsmittel ein. Das Hotel in Gunneborg war noch nicht eingeweiht und die größte Baustelle. Das größte Problem war, dass es kein fließendes Wasser gab. Das versuchten die Männer nun gemeinsam mit Thomas, dem Eigentümer des Gebäudes, zu lösen. Ich sollte in der Zeit seine kleine Tochter Alice (4) Babysitten. Ich hatte ja meinen Ski-Anzug dabei, und so ging es ab in den ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Dalarna County » Mora July 9th 2014

We allowed ourselves the small luxury of a sleep in until 0600 after which we again headed into Mora to watch the boys flying. As each day of the SIV course went on they were doing more and more dramatic stalls and it made for great viewing. Jo and I were offered the chance to go out on the boat with Johan from where we could hear his instructions to the pilots and watch them as they fell towards earth from right above us. The debrief for the morning was held at the icecream boat so Nik, Jo and I tagged along. We all agreed that karting and a BBQ was the order of the day but first I was in for a treat. Johan offered to take me on a tandem paraglide. I was a ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Dalarna County » Mora July 8th 2014

Nik knocked on our door around 0530 and we both wearily got changed and into the car for the five minute drive back to Mora. The six or so students were getting their briefing from Johan when we arrived so we set ourselves up on rocks at the side of the lake to watch them as they were towed into the skies by a boat. The first took off just after 0600 and having never seen towing for paragliders before it looked a little rough to me although, after the first few boys took off successfully, I became a little more comfortable with the concept. Takeoff and landing was in a small carpark separated from the lake by a 5 metre strip of sandy beach. Trees were abundant and a couple of houses made the landing ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Dalarna County » Mora July 7th 2014

Jo and I were up earlier than most of the rest of the house so Jo put on a load of washing and we walked to the town square for a coffee. We returned around 1000 to find Nik had risen. After a lazy morning in the apartment, we had a quick look at a few local motorcycle shops and hit the road for Mora, a lakeside town in which Daniel had a log cabin that he was letting Nik, Jo and I stay at for a few days. Nik's paragliding teacher Johan was running an SIV course in the town and we met up with the crew on an icecream boat moored on the lakeside. Johan and the team appeared to be just like every other paraglider I have ever met... laid back, good fun ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Dalarna County » Mora August 19th 2010

Hey hey ! We zijn op dit moment in Orsa, waar we gisteren het berenpark hebben bezocht. Heel tof en gezellig, ondanks de regen.. Een paar Kamtjatkaberen vonden het blijkbaar heel plezant dat ik met hun wou spelen en achtervolgden mij, heel schattig. Ons plan is nu om langzaamaan naar Stockholm te gaan zodat we op de 31ste huiswaartskunnen gaan. Voor diegene die ons "messages" stuurden: hartelijk bedankt, we hebben ze nu echter pas gelezen omdat we nu pas zagen dat messages mogelijk waren.. Bij deze ook een veeeel te late "Happy Birthday" aan mijn nonkel Erik, sorry... Lucas... read more

Europe » Sweden » Dalarna County » Mora June 13th 2009

I have spent three more days in Mora, and sadly these are my last days here. Unfortunately, the weather has been bad this entire time and the rain has hardly stopped. I spent two of those days at the hospital. Thursday was a very uneventful but relaxing day. I did not watch any surgeries and instead spent the time in the outpatient clinic. I spent the day with Torbjorn Blixt, an intern at the hospital whose name translates to 'God of thunder bear flash'. The other doctors call him Dr. Flash. Anyways, Dr. Flash spoke excellent English and explained everything in such minute detail that I had a hard time paying attention. We looked at a few of his favorite x-rays from really interesting cases and he had my identify the injuries on each of the ... read more
Carving the Dalahorse
The steps of Dalahorse making
Painting room

Europe » Sweden » Dalarna County » Mora June 10th 2009

I have spent two more days in Mora since I last wrote. They have been very busy and I am so tired - I guess that is the life of doctor. My body is also aching from standing for so long. But it has been a very fun last two days. Yesterday I assisted in a arthroscopic knee surgery. I scrubbed in and Pierre showed me how to use the camera - I think more video games as a child would have helped me out there! It's hard to only be able to see what you're doing through a video screen! I also got to do my first stitches, which was pretty scary considering I didn't know what I was doing. Luckily I caused no damage. The rest of the day I spent in the outpatient ... read more
View from the lookout where Oskar and Anna took me
Me and Anna
Me and Oskar

Europe » Sweden » Dalarna County » Mora June 8th 2009

Today I visited Mora Lasarett (the hospital) for the first time. I found that they wear scrubs everywhere so all that effort I put into picking out the right clothes to wear didn't really matter. I will be spending the week in the Orthopedic Surgery department so I was introduced to a few of the doctors. I met Pierre, the main doctor I will be shadowing for the week. Pierre is a Swedish surgeon who speaks excellent English because he went to medical school in Budapest, Hungary and they taught in Swedish. I look forward to spending the week with him because he is extremely helpful and tells me more information than I can ever remember. Anyways, he told me that we would immediately be going into surgery. It was a hand surgery (I can't remember ... read more
On the bike ride into town
Eating fresh strawberries along the lake

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