Blogs from Russia, Europe - page 16


Europe » Russia July 1st 2018

We stopped to visit the medieval town of Goritsy and were taken by local bus to the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery . It was a grey and drizzly day which turned into rain. It was also cold. The monastery was founded by St Cyril in 1397 and his grave is under the foundations of the Cathedral of the Assumption. The choice of site proved important as it was located just within the Grand Duchy of Moscow whose ruler saw it as a defensive stronghold and trading post. It was always able to attract the rich and famous and at one time there were 20000 serfs during the 17th century. At one time its cells were reserved for political exiles ie it was a prison of the Tsars. During the Soviet period it was turned into a labour camp. ... read more
Archangel Gabriel fresco
Cathedral of the Assumption
Loved the colour of this rose

Europe » Russia » South » Sochi July 1st 2018

I have been getting messages all week to get to the airport early as the Eid holiday starts today. So, I got up an hour earlier than I would have and headed to the airport, it is Friday morning so there was hardly a car in sight, 20 minutes from my door to Gate 7 and a 2 and a half hour wait till boarding. Better safe than sorry I suppose. Every seat on the flight is full - more Australians than I have seen since I was last in Oz which means every drop of booze was gone before we reached Russian airspace. I must admit they are a bit annoying constantly wandering around - the lads across from me were roaring drunk by the time we landed. Immigration was mayhem I couldn't believe how ... read more
Kazan Kremlin
Kazan Kremlin
Kul Sharif Mosque

Europe » Russia » Northwest » Karelia June 30th 2018

Kizhi is an island near the geometrical center of the Lake Onega in the Republic of Karelia, Russia. Lake Onega is between 31 - 127 metres deep with 1650 islands (mostly rocky outcrops). The best known island is Kizhi. The island was very prosperous from the middle ages because of the trade with timber, furs and fish. It was frequently targeted in raids but when Peter the Great established Russia's soverignity in the Finnish borderlands that the region witnessed a construction boom using the local timber. They have a very traditional method of cutting wood by cutting with axes rather than sawing believing that it closed the grain of the wood against moisture while wooden pegs and joints were used rather than nails as they were expensive. As we set off for our tour of the ... read more
Traditional bead making using crochet techniques
Domes being restored

Europe » Russia June 29th 2018

Still sailing for the island of Mandrogi on the Svir river. A number of locks to negotiate including one very large one. Mandrogi was occupied by the Finns in WWII and the villagers were expelled. In the 1990s Russian businessman Gutzeit constructed a replica village in the old Russian style which is visited by both Russian and international tourists. Today it is a living museum. There are demonstrations of old crafts such as doll painting, jewellery making, wood carving and pottery. There is also a vodka museum which contains 2800 brands. For lunch we had a traditional Russian BBQ of shashlick, vegetables and salads . A traditional band of musicians played for us for over an hour. There was a female singer and two males who played the balalaika and accordion. They played traditional music and ... read more
Vodka Museum
Painting Matroyska dolls

Europe » Russia » Northwest » Saint Petersburg June 27th 2018

Our cruise begins. After a boring and uneventful drive and border crossing we reached our destination of the Scenic Tsar - our cruise vessel from Saint Petersburg to Moscow. Checkin, orienatation and dinner, the first night complete. We have 4 days here each day jam packed. Our boat is moored about 1/2 hour (1 hour in traffic) from St Petersburg but we are lucky as we are the only boat there. Further away and on the other side of the river is the other boat mooring dock for river cruise ships kwhich we see on the day we leave. There are 13 boats there stacked against one another in groups of five or six. We are very fortunate as we can have our blinds open , use our balcony and relax without another boat next to ... read more
Booties to cover your shoes to protect the parquet floors

Europe » Russia » Siberia » Lake Baikal June 21st 2018

Ja, das habe ich mir sibirischer vorgestellt oder zumindest irgendwie anders… Aber als ich in Novosibirsk ankam, waren es morgens schon 28 Grad plus und es wurde noch wärmer. Mindestens einmal im Leben wollte ich gern in Novosibirsk sein, einer modernen Metropole mitten in Sibirien mit einem großen Opernhaus. Man ist hier sehr stolz in Sibirien zu leben. Viele junge Leute tragen „Iˋm Sibirian“ Shirts und überall in der Stadt wird für sibirisches Essen, sibirische Mode oder sibirische Künstler geworben. Ich hatte den Eindruck, dann man sich ganz bewußt etwas von Moskau distanziert – was die können, können wir auch – sich aber trotzdem sehr russisch fühlt. Und so feiert man jetzt hier am 24.6. auch ganz stolz den 125. Stadtgeburtstag und überhaupt keine Fussball-WM (die gibt es nur im Fernsehen und irgendwo weit weg in ... read more

Europe » Russia » Urals » Yekaterinburg June 16th 2018

Mit dem Nachtzug kam ich am Vormittag in Kazan an, einer Stadt ca. 800km östlich von Moskau, von der, ich muss es gestehen, ich vorher noch nichts gehört hatte. Direkt an der Wolga gelegen, verbindet Kazan den Kremel (Festungsanlage mit orthodoxer Kirche) und die Kul Sharif Moschee mit russischen Elementen aus der Sowjetzeit. Ein Baustil, der uns an die „guten alten“ Sowjetzeiten zurück erinnern lässt. Die gesamte Innenstadt Kazans ist durch diesen Baustil geprägt. Gleichzeitig gibt es aber auch moderne Gebäude aus heutiger Zeit und einen wunderschönen weißen Palast, der als Ministerium dient. Und natürlich gibt es, wie in jeder Stadt, die als Austragungsort dient, ein FiFa Fan Fest, welche gut organisiert und tatsächlich auch preiswert sind. Auf dem habe ich dann zusammen mit Fans aus Peru, Australien und Russland das erste Deutschland-Spiel gegen Mexiko (0:1) ... read more

Europe » Russia » Urals » Chelyabinsk June 10th 2018

A couple weeks into the trip and so far it has been memorable. I've visited relatives, went exploring, and had done activities in the village. One of these activities is cow herding. Every morning, cow owners let their cows go to let them roam with the other cows, heading off into the grassy fields. All day, the cows graze the fields. When its around 7:30 to 8:00 PM, the cows follow the road back home, and we meet them at the Taboon. The Taboon is a fork in the road where cow owners and other people in place of cow owners gather to wait for the cows. I've joined in because my great aunt Liba can't walk far, and her house is a 15 min walk to the Taboon. So I've took her place and herded ... read more

Europe » Russia » Northwest » Moscow June 9th 2018

Über St. Petersburg ging es für mich dann weiter nach Moskau. Kurz vor der russischen Grenze wurde es im Zug tatsächlich ganz ruhig. Die Grenzkontrolle durch die russischen Grenzbeamten erfolgte dann ganz sachlih, kühl und unfreundlich. Und schließlich kam ich in Moskau mit dem Nachtzug an, der auch in der 2. Klasse mit Tischdecken und warmem Frühstück sehr luxeriös war. In Moskau war ich zuerst so sehr von den wunderschön gestalteten Metrostationen beeindruckt, so dass ich gleich am ersten Tag auf eigene Faust eine Tour zu den schönsten Stationen auf der Ringbahn unternahm. Am nächsten Tag nahm ich dann an einem geführten, alternativen Stadtspaziergang teil, der sehr interessant war und für mich wichtige Informationen für die nächsten Tage in der Stadt enthielt. Später machte ich noch eine typische Hop-On-Hop-Off Tour für Touristen mit, um auch noch ... read more

Europe » Russia » Urals » Chelyabinsk June 5th 2018

Ten days here so far and everything is going great. I still have to take naps due to jet-lag but it doesn't hold me back from exploring what this village has to hold. South of my grandmother's house is a forest of white bark and green circular shaped leaves, and I've began to recently explore what lives in the forest. In the forest, you have never ending trees of white that streach over the wide hill, many species of mushroom that are either poisonous or edible, forgotten items, and beautiful flowers of yellow, white, blue, and purple. Just recently I've found a shoe with a bunch of plants growing from it. Nature always gives and takes. To the west, you have another wide hill, which has to be my favorite sight to look at. There are ... read more

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