Blogs from Bucharest, Muntenia, Romania, Europe - page 14


Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Bucharest June 18th 2008

1. nap Bukarest A roman kaller seggfej volt. A 6oskupe rendben. Bukarestben sok a kutya meg a legkabel. Elhasznaltuk az elsö mcdonalds survival help-et. Mert nem volt idönk mashol enni. Több asszem nem is esett bukarestben. Tovabb a Bosphor expresszel. 2-es oldal!... read more

Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Bucharest June 5th 2008

My parents joined me in Romania and we spent one day in Bucharest. Enough time to see the major sights and appreciate the indelible mark Cecesceau left on the city when he destroyed swaths of historical neighborhoods in order to carve monumental boulevards and erect massive structures in a neo-classical style. An additional day was well spent wandering through the major park, people watching, drinking beer and easting ´mischi´which are grilled sausages with an indescribable hearty flavor. The Romanians like beer and enjoy summer evenings spent outside socializing whether in beer gardens scattered throughout the city or in row boats out on the local lake. Romanian is an interesting mix of languages and among them are spanish and italian. I can read advertising and understand every 5th word when someone speaks clear & slow. Not quite ... read more
Ioan Cuza
Parliament Building
Romanian Orthodox Church

Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Bucharest May 17th 2008

Last days in beautiful Romania.... ....Estos fueron los ultimos dias en Bucharest....Me quede los ultimos dias en casa de mi amiga francesa Magali y Lucy que son lo recibieron con los brazos abiertos como cuando nos conocimos en el mar negro.....por ahi nos fuimos a pasar el tiempo a "Carturesti" una biblioteca/tea room .....entre paginas y paginas de libros de viajes y mapas se me van las horas queriendo llegar mas y mas lejos..... ....Tambien me pase mucho tiempo, caminatas al parque y alrededores con Belen la hermana de Maria Eugenia que llego de visita de Espana donde es instructora de ski en las montanas de Barcelona, las dos son increiblemente dulces....nos la pasamos conversando, cantando, jugueteando, haciendo sandwiches de sardina para llevar al parque (hahahaha que mal nos salio esta comida)....lo que si ... read more
Amzei Fruit Market, Bucharest
Belen & Me @ Harastrau Park
Belen (Hermana de Maria Eugenia) @ Harastrau Park

Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Bucharest May 17th 2008

Bucharest is an interesting city. I, like most people, had no love for the town, but some really found the place great. That is not to say that there is nothing interesting there - that is anything but the case - it is just that it s difficult to get a grasp on what makes the city. There is no "there" there architectually speaking, by which I mean that one can get no sense of what the city's past was by studing the buildings (at least no earlier than the mid-20th century when Ceaucescu tore most of the city down). Friday, May 16th: Up and at 'em this morning, and I was feling surprisingly well for someone who had been out till 3:00 the night before. I shared a cab and then to the train station ... read more

Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Bucharest May 6th 2008

Cumpleanos Feliz 27 - Visita al Parque Herastrau, Bucharest ....Un cumpleanos mas...que se va a hacer hehehe....bueno decidi pasarlo a mi mejor estilo: CAMINANDO ....y asi que camine, camine y camine....empeze por la manana visitando dos museos bastante interesantes, uno se llama Peasant's museum (Museo de campesinos Rumanos), con muchos trajes tipicos puestos en maniquis mostrando las diferentes tradiciones de Rumania, muy interesante tambien como metieron un molino de madera enorme dentro del museo y una casita tipica....Luego me fui para el "Village Museum", un museo como al que fui en Sibiu, Transilvanya pero mucho mas como un barrio al aire libre con casas tipicas Rumanas de todos los estados....increiblemente bonito....el museo esta en el Parque Harastrau que en mi opinion es el mas lindo de todos en Bucharest, tuve la "genial" idea de darle ... read more
Herastrau Park I
Herastrau Park II
Inside a Romanian House

Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Bucharest May 3rd 2008

After being in small places for the last wee while, Bucharest was a definite contrast. It's a sizeable city, complete with traffic, dirt and stray dogs - yes, Bucharest is known for it's 'community dog' problem. Our train journey to get there turned a wee bit complicated, as the train was late arriving by two hours, then after 20 mins travelling it stopped for another 2 1/2 hours in the middle of nowhere! Grrr. Arriving at the border town of Ruse, I jumped off to get the onward tickets as we'd been instructed by the train people in VT. However, we didn't know how long the train stopped for, and then the ticket office was closed as it was now so late! Luckily we'd been chatting to a friendly local guy on the train who did ... read more
Romanian Sunset from the train
Emma in Bucharest
Grey Streets - with the flag everywhere!

Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Bucharest April 27th 2008

Celebracion de Pascua ....Y nos fuimos de pic-nic a la casa de Raluca una chica Rumana que trabaja en el mismo projecto que Maria Eugenia, una amiga Argentina....Raluca y su grupo de amigos me invitaron a pasar con ellos un dia a las afueras de Bucharest para celebrar Pascua. Tambien la noche anterior fuimos juntos a una iglesia a la medianoche para ver una de las tradiciones Rumanas, la mayoria de las personas se quedan afuera de la iglesia para escuchar la misa, luego a media noche se prende una candela y se pasa alrededor para prender las demas, todas las personas llevan una candela con ellos, algunos ponen oraciones, peticiones, deseos, etc. El proposito es llevarla prendida hasta la casa para traer buena vibra al hogar, por los proximos 3 dias se dice "Cristo San ... read more
Maria Eugenia & Me
Raluka & Friend
River @ Raluka's house

Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Bucharest April 22nd 2008

BUCHAREST Bucharest es una mezcla interesante de edificios grises y aspecto comunista, palacios estilo frances, iglesias medievales, parques grandiosos para caminar (Herastrau & Cismigiu) y por supuesto edificios super modernos que no pueden faltar especialmente ahora que Rumania experimenta "los placeres" del Consumismo. Algo extrano es que en los parques es prohibido sentarse en el cesped por que si no te multan, en otras palabras imposible hacer un pic-nic....hmmmm!!!!! Esto entre otras cosas van para mi lista de Bizarre Things in Rumania.....coming up soon!!! Dicen que Bucharest fue fundada por un pastor de apellido "Bucur" - "Felicidad", en algun siglo fue una de las capitales mas ricas del sureste de Europa y llego a ser la capital de Rumania ya que se ubica justo en la ruta principal de comercio entre el este y el oeste ... read more
Contrastes -

Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Bucharest April 14th 2008

Wednesday 9 April - Pozarevac to Golubac, 87 km. Poor breakfast - but that was to be expected.l We had a police escort all day, not a bad thing as no-one could get lost! We visited the excavations at a Roman town, apparently the largest Roman town ibn the Balkans with 50,000 inhabitants. Near this was a huge plant generating steam to drive turbines to generate electricity. Fired by powdered coal from nearby open-cast mines, carried there on immense conveyor belts. Impressive but not pretty! Most of the countryside was pretty ugly in the morning, mines and gravel pits and factories and scrap yards, but later the land was more agricultural and the villages pretty. The people here were welcoming and waved to us, whereas in the poorer areas they mostly just looked resentful. Golubac is ... read more
Castle near Golubac
Coal-fired generator
Col sign

Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Bucharest April 14th 2008

Monday 7 April - Belgrade Panoramic view from the restaurant on the 18th floor, but not a lot to see. Got a bus into town, bought a map and some postcards, queued up at post office for stamps. Sat in the sun with a coffee to write them. I didn’t pay on the bus in either direction - the first was too full to move, and coming back the driver had no change. The people on the bus were very helpful and put me off opposite the hotel. Discovered there was a big supermarket right next to the hotel, and laid in some supplies. Out to dinner with Jean-Jacques to an excellent local restaurant recommended by the guys on Reception at the hotel. Huge place with exposed beams and lots of plants and very attentive staff. ... read more
Pozarevac sausage shop
Marcel and Marc at Pozarevac

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