Blogs from Bucharest, Muntenia, Romania, Europe - page 13


Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Bucharest July 17th 2008

Hi everyone we are pleased to report that Bert, our 30 year old Bedford camper van has now made it past Istanbul :-) Since our last post in Greece, we did a big push east, and including one last day on the med, we rolled into Istanbul to look for a camping ground. The Turkish driving skills were similar to the Greeks, except a lot more angry and aggressive. In particular, Sandra had both a driver and a passenger honking, shouting, gesturing and eventually throwing an empty water bottle at us, all for driving in the fast lane at only 20 km above the speed limit (but apparently still too slow). Looking for somewhere to stay was a pretty interesting experience as all 3 of Istanbul's camping grounds have now closed down! We ended up staying ... read more
The Blue Mosque, Istanbul
Inside the Blue Mosque
Inside the Blue Mosque

Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Bucharest July 15th 2008

Home-Away-From-Home Home Sweet Home (NOTE: I'm adding this note as of 11/09. This blog entry is being read by hundreds of people. Someone please tell me how you heard about this entry. Is it posted on someone's website? Please email It's Tuesday at 9:30 p.m., and we are nestled back in the comfort of Doug's apartment. We had a FABULOUS time!! I will make notes after I get some sleep--something we didn't do too often in Istanbul because we were dodging bullets or pulling off leeches...not really. Follow this link then look at the URL. Leeches. One of the yellow signs in front of the leeches for sale had a word on it that looked like "eczema." Maybe we should try that treatment in the U.S. Glad I don't have eczema, but maybe a jar ... read more
Creative Marketing of Leeches
Keeper of the Spices

Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Bucharest July 9th 2008

LIFE WAS MUCH BETTER TODAY No bus today--I was blessed by my Big Brother (he felt guilty for my Bus Fiasco) with a guide and "escort driver" to take me to special Bucharest sites. We had a great time--it was so neat to see sites and hear the views of native Romanians on what we were seeing. Catalin was our driver and did a WONDERFUL job navigating/going to battle in the Bucharest traffic. You really have to be able to drive a tank to make it here! Catalin is a brave soul. Miruna, a high school student, would like to be a tour guide so she began her training with me. TIP: If you click on one of the photos, a slide show view pops up. When Miruna and Catalin picked me up, Miruna had prepared ... read more
Museum of the Romanian Peasant
Museum of the Romanian Peasant
Museum of the Romanian Peasant

Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Bucharest July 8th 2008

Majorly Duped! So last night we went out and enjoyed a nice dinner. On the way, Big Brother wanted to stop by a grocery store by the mall to pick up needed items. It took us about 3 minutes to get there!! Seems as though I could have walked to the mall yesterday at least 1.34 million times in the time I spent riding the Bucharest Bus To Hell and Back! Duped by Big Bro. Today is a Not Riding The Bus day. Doug needs some of his Mother's American Food so I'm cooking chicken and dumplings--he will learn to make our Czech Mother's egg dumplings. As I sit on the balcony and observe the city, I am reminded in many ways how people are basically the same everywhere, God's infinite wisdom. HOWEVER, cultures differ greatly. ... read more
A to B to C to D to...

Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Bucharest July 7th 2008

Well, Almost Everyone! Day 2 in Bucharest: I must be out of my mind! Doug's housekeeper is a sweet lady named Ms. Elana. Our first acquaintance was during my visit last year. One day when Doug was at work and Matt and I were still in the apartment before our day's excursion, Ms. Elana unlocked the door to find me standing in the living area. She was startled, apparently not knowing I was there and surely not knowing who I was. (She and Doug rarely see each other.) When she opened the door last year, I noticed that she started to back out when she saw me, and I immediately said, "I am Doug's sister." She obviously didn't understand English so I motioned what I thought was a good sign for brother and sister...that charades thing ... read more
Bridge Painting
My Industrial Revolution Bus Stop
The Vineyard

Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Bucharest July 7th 2008

Day 3 Late waking, due to a heavy international poker session the previous night involving locals of the hostel and assorted others. Valiant attempts from all, most notably Mr McGregor's four hour marathon and the Mopsy/Puddleduck contingent who came a respectable 3rd. Unfortunately, Flopsey pulled out after 15 minutes because he was wilting. In the morning we visited the Museum of the Romanian Peasant, in which we were stalked by strangely intimidating middle-aged women, who were ready to pounce at the slightest hint of an exposed camera. Nevertheless, we overcame the unsettling tension to enjoy the incredibly uninformative pile of old things. Still, it was interesting, including several whole 18th Century peasant buildings literally lifted from the surrounding countryside. Also, some amusing relics of the communist era, including the jacket of Ceauşescu, complete with bullet ho ... read more

Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Bucharest July 6th 2008

Whew! Finally landed for good for a few days. My flight from Tulsa was at 8:10 a.m.; 26 hours later, I found the smiling, familiar face of my brother Doug. It was so good to speak to someone who could understand me! Of course, to pass the time in the air, I always desire to be seated by someone whom I can make casual conversation with. The Tulsa to Houston trip was very enjoyable in that I sat next to a young lady from Broken Arrow who had been living in Los Angeles for the past three years. Matt, you would have loved this conversation. She was an animator for a film company in LA and her most recent project was on the Will Smith movie, Hancock. She was moving to France to begin working with ... read more
Beauty of Sunrise at 33,000 Feet
Safe and Secure

Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Bucharest July 5th 2008

Day 1: Terminal 5 = magic, especially B Gates? B gates gut yes, well. We left Mopsy's at 2 am for a 6 20 flight, the taxi only took an hour. Wayne if you're out there, you're a real hero. but, unbeknown to us, check-in didn't open till 5 15 so we were forced into socialising with DJ Shadow and his 20 plus entourage, striking up a particularly close bond with the mental nuts Australian sound engineer/drug supplier. even weirder was that they were on the same flight as us. turns out UNKLE were playing a festival in Bucharest. anyway back to our trip. after emerging from our airborne prison we were welcomed by our hostel escorts. already flopsy's feet were giving him grief, claims of trench foot were rife. it is hot, the nights are ... read more
us by a river
the band

Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Bucharest June 30th 2008

Goed, eindelijk dan dat langverwachte verhaal dat ik al maanden in gedachten had om te schrijven… reden daarvoor is dat we nu eindelijk persoonlijk aan bepaalde mensen hebben kunnen vertellen wat we al maanden wisten!!! Komen dus net (afgelopen woensdag) terug uit NL na een zeer geslaagde maar ook vermoeiende vakantie van 2 weken verspreid over een aantal landen in Europa: NL, Belgie, Roemenie en Bulgarije... daarover strax meer, maar nu eerst de woorden die al maanden op mijn toetsenbord cq. tong aan het branden waren: Jacq en ik gaan trouwen aan het eind van dit jaar!!!!! eindelijk dan, na een zware bevalling is het dan zover en zijn we gewend aan het idee dat we willen trouwen. Vorig jaar april tijdens Jacq d’r verjaardag reeds gevraagd, en begin dit jaar hebben we dan eindelijk besloten ... read more
Welkom in NL!!!!!
Wat een plaatje...

Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Bucharest June 25th 2008

On the night train from Budapest to Buhcharest I met one of the most amazing people not just on this trip but possibly in my entire life. Andras, our transylvanian sweetheart! We weren't on the train long before he had pounded upon us with many many questions! We were sharing the sleeper carriage with him and this other hungarian lady who made and sold perfume for a living. He told us of his country's history and everything about his own life until now. He spent a long time telling us of how he was a hungarian at heart living in Romanian territory...His way of describing it to us was..."we are like you irish, and these romanians are like those English" ha ha, interesting comparison i must say but i didn't dare argue him on the subject! ... read more
City Centre

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