Blogs from Cinque Terre, Liguria, Italy, Europe - page 36


Europe » Italy » Liguria » Cinque Terre November 3rd 2005

We got up to a nice brekky in the hotel and then it was off to the station for the Cinque Terre. WE got the train to one of the 5 towns and started the walk along the CT. I have to tell you, this walk is amazing. It's fully set up really well and quite easy to do. On one side you have all the old beautiful terraced gardens and hosues, the other is the ocean! It's so beautiful Unfortunately, Italy's great weather had broken...we had our first touch of rain, gutted. We soldiered on though, and had great fun. We walked round to the next town, this stage it was absolutely hosing down, so we ducked into a caffe for a quick bite. Once it stopped, Jules and I decided to flag the next ... read more

Europe » Italy » Liguria » Cinque Terre November 2nd 2005

Forgot to tell you, On the way home last night, we got on a train which we thought was the express, turns out it wasn't. So, while being bored to death waiting for the train to start up again, I wandered off down to the front to ask the driver how long it would take...(I'd had a couple of Peroni's by this stage) Long story short, the driver asked me if I wanted to have a drive of the train!! ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!!! So here I am, between San Margherita and Levanto, driving a Trenitalia Train!!!! I can tell you now, its not that hard. There are two levers, one is the 'go lever' and one is the brake. Not like theres a wheel or a clutch is there? So for about 40kms I was driving ... read more

Europe » Italy » Liguria » Cinque Terre November 2nd 2005

We woke this morning to another cracker Lucca day. We had been here long enough and I was keen to get on the train. Lucca is a great place to visit, but TBH, it could be done in a day. There is nothing really too special here (apart from the mummified lady in one of the churches...creepy). It is steeped in history, but this far down, we are kind of numb to the history of everything now. The terraced houses and cobbled streets used to buzz us out, but now we are craving the comforts of a city again. We soon got sick of all those stairs! A 2 hour train ride and we arrived in Levanto. The trains here are really cool. It's pretty easy to figure out how to use them and once you ... read more

Europe » Italy » Liguria » Cinque Terre October 6th 2005

This is one of the most beautiful places I've ever been to. It was filled with Australian and American tourists but I stayed in a smaller town so there weren't that many people at all. Got to hike along the cliffs to other towns. I stayed in Riomaggiore just for one night but it was worth it. My first night I took the train to Montorosso and ate pasta in a restaurant on a balcony over the water. It was dark by then so I could only hear the waves and see the sand just below. However, as soon as I sat down a lightning storm started over the ocean. It was incredible! Very awesome and humbling even. When the lightnening would strike the water below and the clouds above would light up just for a ... read more
View from my hike
sunset on the ocean

Europe » Italy » Liguria » Cinque Terre September 23rd 2005

On Friday we gladly left our room behind in Rome to hop on train for the lovely towns known as Cinque Terre. These are 5 small towns on the Western coast of Italy nestled among cliffs along the shore. We took a bus to the train station then hopped on a 7:35 train to La Spezia and arrived at 11:52. We then took another train shortly after to the 5 towns known as Cinque Terre. There seemed to be a nice hostel in the 2nd town, Manarola, so we stopped there at hiked up a hill to a very nice hostel, and the only one in town! We left our bags but couldn't get into our rooms until 4pm. This hostel was very modern, quiet, and clean, and it maintained that by having some strict rules. ... read more
Sunset in Manarola
Vineyards of Manarola
Train tracks & Manarola

Europe » Italy » Liguria » Cinque Terre August 31st 2005

After nearly 24 hours of travel... we finally made it! We left Barcelona on a night train to Milan, then got on a train to Genova, then to La Spezia, and finally to Riomaggiore (village in Cinque Terre). We arrived with no place to stay, a fortunately had no problem finding an apartment for 2 nights in the village that we arrived in! By the time that we got settled, it was about 5pm and Cinque Terre being a small town was just winding down for the day. Since our place was in what I think was the perfect location, we were able to switch into our bathing suits and head out to the "beach" on the Italian Mediterranean coast! This beach was definitely different from beaches back home in Florida in that there was NO ... read more

Europe » Italy » Liguria » Cinque Terre August 2nd 2005

We woke up in Vernazza to a thunderstorm and then the train we needed to get so we could catch our train from Montorosso to Genoa (and then to Nice) was 55 minutes late (note to future travellers: Italian trains are notoriously delayed) making all our connections impossible to make. It looked like we couldn't leave Italy! And as we sat at the Vernazza station waiting for the commuter train to take us the 3 minutes to Monterosso we watched our skookum Genoa train whiz right passed us. It was a good-looking train and we can't describe the frustration of needing to be on it, knowing it wouldn't stop at our platform and knowing that we just needed the stupid 3 min "lift" to get it. Argh! To make matters worse, once we actually got to ... read more

Europe » Italy » Liguria » Cinque Terre August 1st 2005

Did I mention that when we sleep we keep the windows open and hear the waves crash on the beach when we drift off and when we awake because the sea is literally 30 metres from our room? We're going to miss that. Did I mention that we ate at another restaurant last night that was perched high on a cliff and the sea was so rough yesterday that its swirling and crashing was our scenic backdrop? We're going to miss that too. And did I mention that the food and wine is incredible, from the simplest focaccia to the anitpasto, primo, secondi and dolci 4-course meal? That too will be missed. Today we just chilled. Hung out in Vernazza for a bit and then headed to Monterosso for lunch. Ate surfside and then wandered around ... read more

Europe » Italy » Liguria » Cinque Terre July 31st 2005

I actually went twice while studying in Florence. Once at the beginning of July and then again at the end of the month right before returning stateside. The beach is beautiful, and nestled right up against the rocks. The "sand area" is a combination of sand and then rocks along the water's edge. I brought back a bunch of tiny rocks and plan on getting them polished because they are all beautiful and completely different colors, I've never seen anything like it! Monterosso really isn't that far from Florence, especially for the view! It takes about 1 1/2 hours worth of train rides... with a frantic transfer thrown in there as well. The first time I went, my jaw dropped as the train went along the side of the mountain.. seeing the pure blue water out ... read more
Sculpture in the rock
The Beach!
One of our first views..

Europe » Italy » Liguria » Cinque Terre July 31st 2005

Got another slow start to the day. Partly because I've been fighting a sore throat the past couple of days and am feeling kinda crappy and partly because we're getting into the Italian Riveria lifestyle. It's going to be tough to leave. Being in the Cinque Terra is like being on a vacation while being on a vacation. Our biggest decision is where to wander, what to eat, go to the beach, or swim in the sea. Today we decided to visit the last of the 5 towns, Riomaggiore. We decided to walk between Manarolo to Riomiaggore as it's only a half hour along a trail called Via dell'Amore (translation: lovers lane). It is stunning as it winds along the cliffs high above the sea. It didn't disappoint. Riomaggiore didn't either. It has achieved third place ... read more

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