Blogs from County Limerick, Ireland, Europe - page 6


Europe » Ireland » County Limerick » Limerick April 4th 2010

Spring Break in Scotland!!!! SOOOO I will attempt to catch up... so here we go *deep breath and dive* We left campus later than planned, but good thing we had decided to meet very early at the bus stop Sunday morning. It was annoying because we waited over half an hour for a bus and it never came and we know it runs because Anne and I pick it up every Sunday afternoon after church in the city center. So at around 11:10 we decided to suck it up and call a cab- we did who came promptly and was very nice in taking us to the bus station and we got there but missed the 1130 bus to the airport. So we waited about an hour for the 1230 one and got to the airport ... read more
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Europe » Ireland » County Limerick » Limerick March 20th 2010

Saturday 20.3.2010 day 157 Anyone know a good Limerick? We moved from the Abby today to Clair as we were about to check out we realized that we had not taken many photos of our resort so we raced around taking photos and then we drove to our new resort in County Clair we got there too early to check in so we drove in to nearby Limerick past King John’s Castle on King’ Island the Castle was built in 1200. Then we did our shopping for the week in Limerick. Why is it when you are in Limerick you cannot think of any Limerick’s only the dirty ones? We checked in at our resort in Clair and we have a fantastic 2 bedroom, 2 story, 2 bathroom chalet with full Kitchen. The resort is on ... read more
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Europe » Ireland » County Limerick » Limerick March 16th 2010

So, I wondered when this would happen. Day 57... SO, Not even sure where to start... I guess I will update on this past weekend then go back to entries and update them with info since there are pictures with no stories! Mom and Dad FINALLY arrived this past weekend, Mar 12- and we went around campus- I gave a little tour and it was nice- kinda of strange to have them here though. It's hard to believe I haven't seen them for 7 weeks! After the tour it was off to Galway which we had minor issue with finding the place. Dad drove a rental car and I was very impressed with how he handled the driving on the left which wasn't the issue- it was ROAD SIGNS! Which do NOT EXIST! You get to ... read more
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Europe » Ireland » County Limerick » Limerick March 16th 2010

So March 6 Day 47- I went on the Angela's Ashes Walking Tour- with a wonderful Irish guide named Mike or "Micky" as his friends, including the author of A's A. He was wonderful. He gave us a lot of insight not to just the book but the daily culture of the time and added his own stories. A few favorites include when Frank (the author) wrote about climbing up the drain pipes to look in the 4 sisters of a friend and getting caught, and Jesus and the Weather poem- very funny. He also showed us a clock tower that was dedicated to a tailor who wanted to go to the US but to make money he made uniforms and soon the Confeds hired him to make their uniforms, but when the union won, he ... read more
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Europe » Ireland » County Limerick » Limerick February 18th 2010

So Day 30!? WHAT!? A month already?! It flew!!!! I won't lie, I am slightly happy because I do miss everyone terribly! And I miss the plethora of american food within driving distance- also- DRIVING- I do not like to drive at all, but it would make life 10 x's easier at times lol But enough of what I've been missing- I'm realizing everything I will MISS :(!!!!! Probably first things I'll miss: My roommates Donna and Karyn, they're brilliant- and I am bringing that word back with me, brilliant, yes? :D I will miss the Scholar's Club Wed night traditional music sessions (actually, they're just called sessions- "I'm going to a session!" = "I'm going to traditional music night") :) I will miss the Scholar's CLub HOT CHOCOLATE!!!!!! :( I pay 2.20/bowl... yes a bowl... ... read more

Europe » Ireland » County Limerick » Limerick February 14th 2010

I left my heart in Galway. well, left for Galway with Jackie and Anne just for the night at a bed and breakfast. We got there around 8 and as we walked down the street there was a very loud group of young people in front of us and we're on a street with many B&B's so we're thinking they're heading to one of them and we're praying they don't turn to our's...they turned right into our drive...ugh. Oh well- they all went out pretty quickly and they came back so late we were all pretty out around 2:30/3 am- heh. went out to get food only to discover every pub closed kitchen at 9, so we found a Supermac's which had a Quiznos and a Papa John's??? WHAT? Whatever. So we ate and then headed ... read more
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Europe » Ireland » County Limerick » Limerick February 8th 2010

Pictures First. First Day/Night- it was crazy. ... read more

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