Blogs from County Dublin, Ireland, Europe - page 20


Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » Dublin July 24th 2015

The Irish folk really do use the word craic (pronounced crack) a lot and I definitely started using it every day language. Being my last full week in Dublin, I made sure to have a ton of awesome craic every day! At the beginning of the week I met Micah and Salvador at the stop by their work and we went to Phoenix Park. Thankfully the sun cleared up and we were able to walk from the front entrance to the huge cross. There were many bunnies twice as big as American bunnies. The animals here are all a bit larger than back home! We tried to catch one, but none of us were fast or quiet enough. I walked the guys over to the giant cross where we sat at the top of the grass ... read more
Reliving Our Childhood
Last Day at PALS Preschool
Jameson Whiskey Tasting

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin July 17th 2015

Like any classic Monday, I woke up 10 minutes before I was supposed to head out the door for the bus. I'm not too sure how that happened, but I still made it and managed to make some breakfast to go! I wasn't about to let that start to the week determine my weekly fun. Work this week flew by! Many of the children are going to units next school year and therefore, we are encouraging them to get used to new environments by switching up which classroom they are in. Some take to it well, others not so much. Yay for more behavioral therapy! It is amazing to see the children's progress in the short amount of time I've been here. They are very intelligent kiddos that sometimes just need a little bit extra explanation ... read more
Ha'Penny Bridge

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » Dublin July 12th 2015

Imagine the most boisterous game show host's voice in your head, such as Steve Harvey. Now, read this next part in that voice: Welcome to the game of Druuuunk of Naaaah! Today we are aboard the upper deck of bus 46A towards Phoenix Park. Let's watch our fist contestant. Here he comes walking gracefully up the stairs, BUT WAIT, the bus has begun to move and oh! He wasn't quick enough to grab the handrail and now he tries to bob and weave the corner to swing in to the closest seat. Alright audience, is contestant number one (this is where the audience would yell along with the host...) Drunk or Nah?! The background story to this made up game show is that it is impossible to stand up or walk on the bus. Sometimes your ... read more
Ireland Museum of Modern Art
War Memorial Gardens

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » Dublin July 12th 2015

We had two nights in Dublin before flying back to Canada so we looked for some accommodation deals. We've been very happy so far with our budget travel using Intervac home exchanges but the hotel costs in-between free home stays can really add up. When we drove the Pacific Coast Highway in the USA last year we were pretty lucky at finding coupon deals for cheap rooms in nice motels and hotels but had been prepared to try out some hostels with private rooms if necessary. We didn't need any hostel stays on that trip but decided to give it a try here, booking two nights at Paddy's Palace . Not only was their private room CHEAP, but if you stay at least two nights you can get one of their day tours for free from ... read more
Dublin Castle
The Priest's House, Glendalough
Round Tower and Celtic Cross gravestone

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » Blanchardstown July 10th 2015

"Drive faster Mommy." - When a child takes a toy from school and sneaks it into her bag, she tells her mom to drive faster hoping to get away with it. "I want words." - What a child may say after you tell them to use words (instead of sounds or hitting) to get what they want. PALS Preschool has been an absolute joy to be an intern at and every day one of the nuggets says something that makes me laugh. Did you ever watch the show, "Kids Say the Darndest Things" with Bill Cosby? My work reminds me a lot of this show! It is crazy how smart four and five year olds are. They are all sneaky and intelligent in their own ways and don't know any better when they blurt out things. ... read more
Science Gallery

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » Howth July 5th 2015

Happy July 4th from Ireland! I woke up bright and early, put on my stars and stripes tank top, and checked the forecast which showed nothing but beautiful sunshine all day long! Tim, Cheyenne and I headed down to to the city center to check out the Temple Bar Market. There were many tents filled with books, fresh food, and live music. There is no better way to Independence Day than with good food, great music, and awesome people. We tried some fresh Guinness bread and veggie bruschetta before taking a bus to Phoenix Park. This 2,718 acre park beats anything I've see before. There were people riding horses, children rolling down hills, and people laying out in the endless green fields. We explored the park and found the American Ambassadors Residence which was a giant, ... read more
Pizza Hut

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » DĂșn Laoghaire July 3rd 2015

The first part of the week was spent in Dun Laoghaire! I flew back to Ireland from Scotland on Sunday and my roommates and I headed out to enjoy the sunshine. Once we were in Dun Laoghaire, we headed over to the Blackrock Market which is held every weekend. People weren't kidding when they said it was huge! There were food vendors, farmers selling fresh crops, live music, artists, and more. We accumulated a variety of snacks and sat by the coast to enjoy the waves crashing on the rocks as we people watched. After a bit, we went to he carnival. It was really cute and probably only for little kids Monday morning I woke up bright and early, and took the first bus back out to Dun Laoghaire. I walked all the way to ... read more
Blackrock Market DunLaoghaire
National Leprechaun Museum
PALS Preschool

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » Dublin June 21st 2015

Geo: 53.3441, -6.26749For such a bookish group of travelers, our Trinity College visit was such such a thrill today! Attended by Jonathan Swift and Oscar Wilde, the college also houses the Book of Kells which is a collection of the four gospels of the Bible. Monks over 1000 years ago printed the Bible on vellum (calf skin from nearly 200 calves) and created painstaking illustrations using colored paints made from plants, lapis lazuli, and crushed bugs. The reds, golds, and blues that have survived these thousand years really are the richest hues still today. Then we entered the Long Room in the college library which is home to 200,000 volumes of books. The high arched ceiling and the aisles of volumes smelling of leather and time commanded an air of reverence while marble busts of Shakespeare, ... read more
Another view of St. Patrick's
The Long Room at Trinity College
View inside the Long Room

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » Dublin June 20th 2015

Geo: 53.3441, -6.26749First up this morning was the Blarney Castle visit. After a brief narrative introduction by Andras, our tour guide, we had 3 hours to discover the castle on our own. Some groups ascended the tight spiral stone staircase to kiss the Blarney Stone in hopes of securing everlasting love and the gift of the gab, while others were content to view the castle from the outside and stuck to the acres of gardens. Many enjoyed ice cream or chocolate treats before climbing back aboard the tour bus. To break up our afternoon journey into Dublin we made two other stops at castles which are as common to Ireland as glaciers are to Banff NP. "Oh there's a castle. Oh there's another one! Look, a castle!" There were creeks to scramble around, old stone bridges, ... read more
Blarney with flowers
Boar's Head Pub dinner
Blarney Castle front view

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » Dublin June 19th 2015

More Irish terminology: Happy out - this just means "happy," but for some reason they feel the need to add "out." Press - a press is what they call a cupboard or cabinet. Pint of Gat - another name for Guinness. Apparently if someone asks if it's good Gat, and you're not sure how to judge it, simply respond with "sure look it." These are some of the more commonly used terms I've heard and began to use myself. It really is true that you start to talk like the people you are around the most... I don't have an Irish accent though! Regarding the above, I came to the decision that I'm not the biggest fan of dark beer. I know what you're thinking, she is in Ireland!! How could she not love THE Guinness?! ... read more
St. Stephen's Green
The Forty Foot
Dun Laoghaire

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