Blogs from Dublin, County Dublin, Ireland, Europe - page 104


Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » Dublin July 15th 2007

Arrival in Dublin Europe » Ireland » Dublin » Dublin By DaddioJuly 15th 2007Geoffrey BurgessWe have left Galway and now are in Dublin. While I greatly enjoy Galway, it's exciting to move on. I have a couple of things I want to do specifically in Dublin. Look for pictures of these in the next few days. For now a few random shots of flowers and scenery. It was earlier in the summer the last time I was in Ireland and the flowers hadn't all come out. This time they are blooming and I tried to get some photos of these. ... read more

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » Dublin July 7th 2007

I am going to lump several days together because 1) I didn't do that much and 2) photography wasn't allowed. June 29th On June 29th I went to the National Museum of Ireland - History and Archaeology. I couldn't take pictures inside but there are several things I saw that were amazing. The first was tons of gold objects that had been recovered from the Hill of Tara and the Hill of Slane (which I visited a week or so before). It was very cool to be in the area and then see the objects that were excavated. They had everything from prehistoric Ireland to Medieval Ireland. I also saw the three bog bodies that have been recovered. YUCK!! These bodies were recovered from bogs in Ireland. The bogs don't have oxygen in them so ... read more

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » Dublin July 7th 2007

From Dublin! The sweet place I'm staying in has internet. Not bad. I also had a breakfast of toast and homemade jam. Not bad at all. We walked around Dublin yesterday and took the Guiness tour. Pretty sweet. And of course the Guiness was delicious. Went out last night to celebrate my friends Kyle's birthday. He was kicked out of the bar and everyone cried?! Drama... (oh and I certainly didn't cry) But thats what I was talking about, the age differences. Although we were a little uncertain the exact reason why he was kicked out, and socially I think we expereienced a bit of well, exclusion. I didn't take it too personally, but the others did. I'm just not sure we're use to being not quite wanted. Not that anybody is mean or rude to ... read more

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » Dublin July 6th 2007

I'm in Dublin Ireland. I'm typing this from The Globetrotters hostel computer. It's slow and theres only one computer but it works. The hostel is pretty nice and I'm staying in a 12 room dorm. We, Dre and I, walked all around the different streets and got some pictures. I have never heard of the spire but it is there on O'Connell street I believe. It is just this huge flagpole lookin' metal spire that sticks up. It's taller than all the buildings and is something to see. We also went to a pub (Can't remember the name, I'll have to go back and find out) and I got a Guinness. The bartender didn't card or anything. I got another one after that. We toured around some more and went to O'Shea's Hotel, Restaurant, and Pub. ... read more

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » Dublin July 4th 2007

Today marked our triumphant return to Dublin, and as we had only a scant few minutes to tour the place last time before being ushered off on group tours it was nice to have basically a free day. The only scheduled thing, which not all of us did, was to take a guided walking tour of Trinity College. This was a bit of a waste of time, as it lasted only about 30 minutes, and involved us going to about 2 different places. Not one to complain here though as the professor who gave the tour was quite funny, very quick witted, and possessed a rather theatrical air. Cool thing about the tour was it allowed us a look at the Book of Kells, which is amazingly small. It is about the size of a Gideon ... read more

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » Dublin July 2nd 2007

I hope everyone is ok with all the flooding going on. The weather is going crazy everywhere it seems. Dublin is getting heavier and more actual rain than usual. The UK is also getting heavy rain. Southern Europe is having a terrible heat wave. Close to 120 degrees and people dont generally have air conditioning. Love Kirsten... read more

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » Dublin July 1st 2007

Today is a bit interesting. For starters we get to explore Dublin for an hour or so, which was very uneventful and mostly consisted of getting pre-packaged sandwiches (the Brits LOVE these things) and wandering around before being carted off for a tour of Kilmainham prison. For those unfamiliar, this is the oldest prison in Dublin and is creepy as hell. We got a quick background on the place, outside of town (originally), lots of disease, lots of kids, one of the first prisons with individual cells, that sort of thing. Then it got more specific as we were led to the main cell block. This is the room where all the prison scenes from “In the Name of the Father” were filmed. It is also where Emon DeVelera was held during some of his many ... read more

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » Dublin July 1st 2007

Happy Canada Day! Too bad Dublin isn't a very exciting city. I'm glad that we came here because if we hadn't I would have regretted it, but having been here I wouldn't come back. Everyone we talked to was rude and unhelpful, save for our eastern european hostel staff, and the sketchy, dirty, loud hostel really didn't make for a fun place. We went on a small bus tour and saw the Guinness brewery which was pretty cool but by the evening we were both so frustrated with Dublin, and I felt sick, so we didn't go out for Canada Day, oh well. Next year. On the 2nd we wandered around a bit, saw some more of Dublin and then caught a bus to the airport which arrived at 3:30, for our 7:15 flight. A little ... read more

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » Dublin June 30th 2007

So, the coach got broken into last night. I though the stuff I bought so far had been taken, but I was lucky and only a few people had some liquor stolen. Slight delay, slight pain in the ass, but nothing so bad and we finally got on our way. We worked our way to Chester, which was a bit of a mixed bag for me. For starters, it has a really outstanding combination of old Roman, gothic, and Victorian architecture. The bad is that it really looks like it was cobbled together for the benefit of tourists only. Not awful, it was a bit like York only York had a far more authentic feel. We pretty much were here only long enough to get lunch and walk around a bit before being shuffled into the ... read more

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » Dublin June 25th 2007

So today was relatively uneventful. I went to the National Library of Ireland. It's amazingly beautiful. Mosaic floors in a beautiful pattern, corinthian columns gold-tipped at the top and a cameo-esque frieze at the top with a dusky rose background. The reading room is equally amazing with differing shades of aqua wall paint and a very ornate frieze at the top with cupids all over it, and the wood panelling is equally as ornately carved. I discovered that librarys here are very different from what we imagine as a library...closed stacks folks! I haven't looked through a card catalogue in years! But wow! There's some amazing stuff there. Then I went on my normal meandering, but it was really windy! So I went into a well-known sweater shop which has simply gorgeous stuff, by the way, ... read more

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