Blogs from Attica, Greece, Europe - page 27


Europe » Greece » Attica » Athens October 16th 2013

October 16, 2013 After a fantastic time in Jordan it was now on to our next adventure: Greece...plan here was to hit Athens, grab an overnight tour up to see the monasteries at Meteora, hang a bit more in Athens and then hit the island of Santorini for a few days and just relax... I didn't have any expectations for Greece, never really had much of a desire to go to be honest, it just seemed like a logical choice to twin up with Jordan so figured "what the hell?!"...and I'm really glad we went, the country, scenery, history and especially the people were awesome, was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed the whole hang... First things first, we arrived in Athens to a bit of rain (the only rain we saw in three weeks!) ... read more
Flag at Acropolis...
Funky Bar in Plaka..

Europe » Greece » Attica September 18th 2013

Geo: 37.9121, 22.9999 GÜN 20 GÜNLERDEN ÇARŞAMBA: Kahvaltımızı yapıp toparlandık ve tekrar Şahbaz' a (minibüsümüz ) kavuştuk..2 gündür yerinden kımıldamadığı için huzursuz… Sabah yoğun trafiğe ve MIO ( GPS) ya rağmen ,Yunan yol tabelalarına inat, Korinthos yoluna girdik.. Ağır aksak giderek 80 km sonra Korinth kanalına vardık. Korint Kanalı, Yunanistan´ın kuzey kara topraklarını, Mora Yarımadası´ndan (Yunanca: Peloponnesos) ayıran tümüyle yapay kanalın adıdır. Kanalı kazmak için Korint Kıstağı bölgesinin en ince yeri seçilmiştir. Yapımı 1881 ile 1893 yılları arasıdır. Uzunluğu yaklaşık 6,3 km´dir ve Korint Körfezi ile Saronik Körfezi´ni birbirine bağlar.(Ege Denizini, Adriyatik denizine ) Kanal 1893´den bugüne dek kullanılmakta olup, Adriyatik ve Ege Denizi arasında seyredecek gemiler için yaklaşık 400 km'lik tasarruf sağlamaktad... read more

Europe » Greece » Attica » Athens September 17th 2013

Geo: 37.9792, 23.7166GÜN 19 GÜNLERDEN SALI:Güzel bir kahvaltı sonrasında, son notlarımı toparladım ve Ayşe'yi dinlenmek üzere otelde bırakarak şehri zaptetmek üzere yola çıktım..Zaptetmek için en yakın metro istasyonundan 4 euro vererek günlük passbilet almak gerekir.. Önce, Monastirakiou durağında inip ,eski kentin güzelliklerine daldım …Meydanda , Mustafa ağa tarafından 1759 yapımı ,onların nedense ,"Tzistarakis" ,bizim "Paşa Camii" dediğimiz camii ziyaret edebilirsiniz. 1981 den bu yana ,Tarihi seramik müzesi olarak işlevini sürdürmektedir.. yunanlı kardeşlerimin bu denli hı#... read more

Europe » Greece » Attica » Athens September 16th 2013

Geo: 37.9792, 23.7166 GÜN 18 GÜNLERDEN PAZARTESİ: Çok rahat bir toparlanma sonunda ,bize ayrılmış devasa sahayı terkederek yola çıktık.. Son derece rahat bir yolculuktan sonra, Atina'ya vardık. Girişte, biraz pazartesi trafiği ....ama dert değil bizimkine oranla lafı olmaz… Otelimizi çabuk bulduk Yerleştik... Şahbazı (Minibüsümüz) kapının önüne park ettik. Öğlene doğru, yakında bulunan Omonia meydanında bir şeyler yiyelim dedik. Bir gürültü patırdı..... meydanın hemen yanında bir yürüyüş düzenleniyor .. Polis sadece yürüyüşçülere hangi sokaklara girebileceğini işaret ediyor .. Gaz yok …sopa yok ..ben ne anladım bu yürüyüşten .. Yunanlı gençler ,galiba işçiler ve emeklilerle birlikte efendi efendi yürüyorlar.. kusura bakmayın Yunanlı kardeşlerim ,ama haklı davanızı pek hissedemedim.. ... read more

Europe » Greece » Attica » Athens September 15th 2013

Off to visit Homer. No, not Simpson, but the historic Homer, author of the Odyssey. Our flight was smooth and uneventful if long, 81/2 hrs. We had been assigned two seats in the middle of the middle row but at the last minute I was able to snag a window seat for Joe and then the gods smiled and the aisle seat next to him stayed empty so I was able to move over. A couple of hours before we landed we switched seats and, as we were flying over the Ionian Sea I saw the most glorious sunrise, painting the water like a sea of gold. At the Athens airport we were met by HAL representative who insisted that we had to go to the port to meet our tour, even though the documents I ... read more

Europe » Greece » Attica » Athens September 10th 2013

Athens - Day 3 Tuesday 10th September We started off the day with a visit to the Temple of Zeus. This huge building has 15 of it's original 104 columns and took 750 years to complete. Good old Hadrian finished it off. I know all of this because Glyn read it to me from his guide book, because as per usual, there was no information on hand about it. Next we walked the short distance to the modern Acropolis Museum which has open bits in the floor that looks down into excavations of ancient stuff. There was also a cute tabby kitten opposite it. We had lunch in the museum cafe which was nice enough and not expensive. There was an outdoor area with a good view to the Acropolis. The cafe had free wifi so ... read more
Entrance of Acropolis Museum
Relief from Parthenon
Back streets near Strefi Hill

Europe » Greece » Attica » Athens September 10th 2013

Note to self; If you are planning to visit a Museum, check the LP guide for its opening hours! Today I had intended to do some Museum hoping starting at the Benaki, then the Cycladic Art museum then up to the Acropolis Museum. Turns out the Benaki and Cycladic are closed on Tuesdays. Couple that with my failed visit to the Acropolis Museum yesterday and that's 3 for 3. So I went for a walk through the National gardens. I was on the way to the Acropolis Museum so I figured two birds, one stone. Except I got lost again, exited the wrong gate and ended up back at the Panathenic stadium. Couple more happy snaps and then the long walk back to the Acropolis. It didn't take long before I decided to gamble on the ... read more
Syntagma Train Station
Acropolis Museum (Museo Akropoleos)
Bye bye Athens

Europe » Greece » Attica » Athens September 9th 2013

Athens - Day 2 Monday 9th September The first cat of the day was spotted on the way to Kerameikos, near some hobos sleeping in a park. It didn't want to say hello. Kerameikos is an ancient cemetery that was bigged up in my guide book and also one of the big six that our tourist tickets got us into. It is amazing to know that this architecture is from the 12th century BC, but then again, you've seen one pile of rubble, you've seen them all really.... But there were remnants of pillars and rooms. We came across one tortoise head-butting another tortoise, he really was quite persistent. I didn't know tortoises could move so quickly and he was pushing the other one around a lot. I thought the other one was dead at first, ... read more
Street of Tombs
Greek olives

Europe » Greece » Attica » Athens September 9th 2013

So today was the day I was really going to start my European adventure. I was up early after a very good nights sleep (Jetlag, pft!) Over breakfast I worked out the PT system and figured I could catch a train from the nearest train station, swap lines and at the next station and I'd come up at the Acropolis museum. All was good till I got to the station. Monastiraki station doesn't look like much from ground level but it is a myriad of escalators and corridors below. And as if traveling in a country where you don't speak the language is not a big enough challenge, try traveling where you cant even read the language. All the signs are in Cyrillic. The Greeks being the nice people they are print the English version below ... read more
Parthenon (Parthenonas)
Stoa of Attalos

Europe » Greece » Attica » Athens September 8th 2013

Athens - Day 1 Sunday 8th September We arrived at Athens airport at around 3am and took an hour long bus journey into the city centre which dropped us off opposite the Parliament building just as they were changing the guard. The marble pavement was wet - I thought it had been raining, it never occurred to me that it had just been cleaned. We went to a nearby taxi rank and a driver who already had two passengers told us to get in his cab. There wasn't enough room in the boot for everyone's luggage, but the driver had a bungee cord to tie it down half open. We didn't drive far before all the buildings were covered in graffiti - when I say covered I mean from ground level to as high as a ... read more

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