Blogs from Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, Europe - page 39


Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate August 25th 2008

I should have written this travel blog quite some time ago but honestly the cruise was so disappointing that I couldn’t really muster the enthusiasm. Our problems started when we flew from Reykjavik to Amsterdam to join the cruise, for the second time with them Icelandic Air did not have the promised vegetarian food for us, because of the same problem on the inward flight we had called into their head office and been assured that they would definitely positively have it for us, several other passengers had the same problem with special meals that we don’t think that they could handle it. Their planes were rather old, uncomfortable and well overdue for refurbishment, the entertainment system could only be described as antiquated. Since taking the photographs on this holiday I have decided to crop them ... read more

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate » Trier August 16th 2008

Hi everyone! We're still around, now lounging in Bad Bertrich, a beautiful little spa town where we're studying with John Perry. Unfortunately, our internet access is VERY limited here, so our updates about our little sejours in Geneva, Gipf-Oberfrick, and our time so far in Bad Bertrich will have to wait until we have some spare time to update. For now, we're too busy practicing and bathing in the thermal spas...! CC MR... read more

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate » Mainz August 14th 2008

Ethan and I are on our way to the Middle East and had a 14 hour stop over in Frankfurt. When my friend in Mainz heard about it he kindly offered for us to come to his place for some rest and a visit. He was also kind enough to take Ethans Class Afloat stuff from us and store it until our return in two weeks.... read more

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate » Koblenz August 11th 2008

Today we got really lost - again. So instead of spending the night in Heidelberg we are staying in a camping ground near Koblenz, near the castle Burg-Pflez. We started the day pretty well and managed to find our way across Koln to the Dom, with crossing the river only three times. The Dom is a massive cathedral and covers 12,470 square metres. The two spires are 157m high - and yes, we climbed it - all 509 steps. I know, by now some of you will have fallen off your chairs in shock to think that I, Monique, actually climbed that many stairs - but I have photographic evidence that I did it! Anyway, part way up the stairs you can have a breather (since the stair case is so narrow and stuffy) and see ... read more
A view inside the Dom
For Dion
Daniel in heaven

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate » Kaiserslautern August 7th 2008

On Friday, 1 August, we board the train to Kaiserslautern to link up with some old friends. The train ride from Interlaken requires four transfers to get us to our final destination. We meet Dan at the train station and proceed to his house. Let me begin this post with a little background. I first met Dan and Marianne in Denver, Colorado in late 1987. These two special folks became great friends from the start. They are two of only a handful of people who knew me during one of the dark periods of my life and are still dear friends today. As I had stated in a previous post about heroes and friends “Your heroes will help you find good in yourself, your friends won't forsake you for somebody else. They'll both stand beside ... read more
Marianne meets the Egg Man
Choo Choo--Train Crossing
Can you hear me now?

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate August 6th 2008

My last week in the US was indiscribable. It just really hit me one day driving home from work. I was taking "the scenic route" and driving through miles of cornfields. The air was hot, and the sun was starting its descent on a typical July evening. Fireflies wizzed by as I stuck my hand out of my window, feeling the sticky breeze between my fingertips. You really get accustomed to your environment, but at that moment, I saw it from a new perspective, with new eyes. I love my life. I love my family. I love my friends. I love my home. I'm so thankful for everything I've been blessed with. I'm not the best with goodbyes, but a year is a long time! My first goodbye was at work (I hate to even call ... read more
I love Fanta
Der Dom
Vicky's Backyard

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate » Koblenz July 29th 2008

Hello! I've joined together Germany and Switzerland for this blog as we're running out of time to write them! We left Amsterdam on a day train so that we could see the view and because it wasn't quite as far to our next destination, Koblenz in Germany. We were trying to get to the black forest and there isn't an easy route across so we decided that a stop off in Koblenz by the River Rhine would be nice. Koblenz In Koblenz we had a little look round with our bags trying to find the youth hostel (which is on a hilltop in a fortress accessed in summer by seat lift) - we were actually trying to find the ferry across the river to save us a 1.5km walk but shall we say that signposting and ... read more
Koblenz - The view from the youth hostel of 'German Corner'
Koblenz - The view from the seat lift
A castle on the Rhine

Nuestro recorrido por el fascinante Rin Romántico terminó en la ciudad de Bingen. Esta ciudad debe su nombre a Hildegard von Bingen, considerada la primera bióloga alemana, la primera médica y la primera feminista de la Edad Media europea. La ciudad de Bingen no sólo le debe su nombre. Esta monja emancipada fue también una intelectual que logró conquistar grandes espacios durante su retiro en un convento. En el monte Rubert hizo construir hace 900 años un monasterio benedictino. Allí escribió sus obras más importantes y concibió una nueva imagen de la mujer. Describió a Dios con atributos femeninos, algo revolucionario para la época. Convirtió las debilidades atribuidas a las mujeres en autoridad y luchó por la equiparación de los sexos en cuanto al castigo por los pecados. No tuvo reparos en pelearse con los represen ... read more
Pepe muy comodo
Santi jugando con los conejos
Jugando con los globos

El tramo del río Rin que va desde Koblenz hasta Bingen, es conocido como el Rin Romántico. Fue declarado patrimonio de la humanidad en el 2002 por la UNESCO y debe su nombre a que es un tramo zigzagueante del río, rodeado de pequeñas aldeas, castillos, viñedos y colinas. Nuestra primer visita fue a unos 5 kilómetros de Koblenz, el Castillo Stolzenfels. Es un castillo del siglo 13, que fue reconstruido en 1842 por el príncipe Federico Guillermo IV. Se sube por un camino zigzagueante rodeado de árboles y arroyitos. A mitad de ese camino se encuentra la iglesia con un pequeño cementerio alrededor. Un poco mas arriba está la casa para los criados y al final, luego de unos 15 minutos de caminata, el castillo, desde donde se puede apreciar el río, el pueblito ... read more
Subiendo al castillo
Una vista del Rhin

Europe » Germany » Rhineland-Palatinate » Koblenz July 5th 2008

Todavía shockeados por el tamaño de la salchicha que se comió nuestro querido tío Gaby en la Marcha del Orgullo Gay, nos levantamos por la mañana a desayunar. El comedor donde estaba servido el desayuno era muy cálido y con muchos bocadillos alemanes. Por supuesto que no faltaban los varios tipos de jamones, salames, panes, huevos revueltos, cereales, yogurts y demás cosas. Subimos todo en la camioneta, y pusimos el GPS a nuestro próximo destino: Koblenz. Se trata de un pueblo muy bonito, situado en la confluencia de los ríos Rin y Mosela, los 2 ríos mas importantes de Alemania. Afortunadamente nos costó mucho encontrar hotel porque estaban todos completos. Cabe aclarar que no es afortunado que haya... read more
Un castillo
Paseo en barco

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