Blogs from Region Midtjylland, Denmark, Europe - page 7


Europe » Denmark » Region Midtjylland » Ringkobing September 9th 2016

Ribe Domkirke The cathedral in Ribe, like many other cathedrals, was started in the 1100s, and had been modified many times over the years. The biggest difference seems to be that they are proud of the recovery they made after the 1283 collapse of one of the two Church towers that killed many people. They rebuilt the tower in the 1300s as a joint Church/state project. The Church used the lower half and the state, the upper. The view from the top of the tower was great. We were just leaving the top when the bells rang. Luckily, it was the quarter hour so it wasn’t too long a chime. Up the coast road Heading up the northwest coast we discovered just how much of the Jutland peninsula of Denmark was water. We passed between the ... read more
Volkswagen up!
Ribe Domkirke
Ribe bells

Europe » Denmark » Region Midtjylland » Aarhus July 29th 2016

Gestern habe ich wieder ordentlich gefruehstueckt und bin dann in die Innenstadt von Aarhus. Zuerst in die historische Strasse Mollestien, dann zur Kirche bzw. Kloster Vor Frue Kirke. Danach habe ich im Magasin du Nord ein Hemd fuer den ersten Arbeitstag naechste Woche Montag gekauft, weil ich vorher nicht mehr in meine Wohnung komme. Anschliessend habe ich noch einen Eiskaffee in einem Cafe getrunken. Erst spaeter habe ich ein Starbucks und ein weiteres Starbucks im Bau gesehen. Ich war dann noch im Dom (Aarhus Domkirke) und im Vikingemuseet im Keller einer Bank neben dem Dom bevor ich in ein weiteres Kaufhaus und zwar das Salling bin. Dort habe ich meine Vorrat an Getraenken aufgestockt und ich muss sagen, dass es dort im Keller eine sehr gute Spezialitaetenabteilung gibt, insbesondere eine grosse Auswahl an frischen Fisch, in ... read more
Panoramarundgang im Museum für Moderne Kunst.
Historische Straße Mollestien.
Im kleinen Wikingermuseum von Aarhus.

Europe » Denmark » Region Midtjylland » Aarhus July 28th 2016

Gestern habe ich wieder gut gefruehstueckt und bin zum Bahnhof von Kopenhagen. Das Ticket fuer den Zug hatte ich schon am Vortag gekauft. Damit hatte ich mir einen Fensterplatz reserviert. Nach einem Frappuccino im Starbucks bin ich also zum genannten Bahnsteig und habe auf den Zug gewartet. Etwa 10 Minuten vor der Abfahrt hat sich aber der Bahnsteig geaendert. Ob es dazu eine daenische Durchsage gab, weiss ich nicht. Vielleicht waere sie bei all dem Laerm auch gar nicht zu hoeren gewesen. Eine englischsprachige gab es auf jeden Fall nicht. Ich habe es nur mitbekommen, weil sich die Anzeige fuer den naechsten Zug geaendert hat. Damit hat die daenische Bahn ihre Erfolgsstory vom Vortag fortgesetzt. Trotzdem verlief die Fahrt ganz ordentlich und auch das Internet war halbwegs brauchbar. Arhus ist ja zweitgroesste Stadt Daenemarks und im ... read more
Das umstrittene Rathaus von Aarhus.
Fahrt über den Storebelt.
Blick Richtung Innenstadt von Aarhus.

Europe » Denmark » Region Midtjylland » Randers June 29th 2016

It has dawned not a bad sort of day in Northern Germany after a little drizzle overnight. It isn’t all dash across Germany and Denmark for us and although we haven’t got anything of historical importance to go off and take a look at, we have decided to take a bit of a detour off the A7 north this morning to mix up the scenery a bit. Our atlas has the D199 which travels east of Budelsdorf and then around the coast and back to the middle of this long finger of land to Flensburg the last German town before the border with Denmark marked as a scenic road. So we will give it a try and see what it has to offer other then the flat views of yesterday. There didn’t seem much difference in ... read more
A change in architecture at Kappeln is noticeable
Old sailing boats,Kappeln
Lunch at the German-Danish border

Europe » Denmark » Region Midtjylland » Aarhus July 20th 2015

DANEMARK : Odense et Aarhus – DINAMARCA : Odense y Aarhus Photo du jour : nous voici à notre neuvième frontière pour ce voyage... Les autoroutes allemandes donnent certains complexes à Pollux qui se demande pourquoi lui il ne peut pas rouler à du 200 km/heure.... aussi décidons-nous de passer la frontière hollandaise et y trouver encore du bon air. Comme l'ont dit certains : ça sent le retour... encore quelques jours en effet... puis grand nettoyage... et espoir de retrouver un frigo qui nous fabrique des glaçons !!!! Le 13 juillet la route nous a mené à Odense, troisième ville du Danemark qui baigne dans une gentille atmosphère provinciale. C'est la ville de Christian Andersen, qui fit pleurer des millions d'enfants avec sa marchande d'allumettes. Comme dans beaucoup de villes que nous avons visitées il ... read more
pont reliant le Sealand et la Fionie
arrivée au Jutland
Aahrus Cathédrale

Europe » Denmark » Region Midtjylland » Odder December 6th 2014

enjoying Denmark. kayaking,swimming,sailing,climbing,making glass art,singing,stomp,talking to people,walking,communicating a lot people,challenge a lot things,going out and playing around,visit some places, a lot fun!!! カヤック、ヨット、クライミンング、ガラス作り、歌、リズム、チャレンジ、色々な人とのコミュニケーション、お出かけ、遊び、散歩、楽し過ぎるー!... read more
table group dinner
Japanese students
Ramen party

Europe » Denmark » Region Midtjylland » Odder November 15th 2014

Start climbing Again. started from ladder, indoor climbing,tree climb a lot fun. but limited time to climb.I want to climb more....How can I do it?クライミング、まずはハシゴ、インドアジム、木登り、思ってた以上に楽しい。もっとやりたい!ただ、時間が限られてて定期的にも出来ない環境、さあ、どうしたらいい?... read more
a lot take and help up to the top.
first step from lader
bruise is proof of my climbing

Europe » Denmark » Region Midtjylland » Aarhus October 19th 2014

It is hard to believe it has been months since my last update! The summer slipped by quickly. The time with family and friends hiking, yoga-ing, eating, singing, and such seemed to fly. Now I write from a drizzly fall day in Sweden. The week has been rather gloomy and gray, but it is hard to complain after weeks of clear blue sky and bright yellow leaves. I suppose one might think that I would have greatest insight into Swedish culture and life, seeing as I live and work here, but lately I have been exposed more to Danish life, thanks to Mads. In August, not long after I had shaken the grogginess of jetlag, I found myself part of Mads’ brother’s wedding. It was a relaxed event with a little tent in the park, guests ... read more
Helsingborg is ready for pride weekend!
Apple picking in Sweden
Swedish Coast

Europe » Denmark » Region Midtjylland » Viborg August 31st 2014

I am now 2 weeks behind with my blogging, so it is almost impossible to catch up. We have had a lot of great times with so many different family members who all have gone out of their way to show us around this pretty little country and chatting with family is a higher priority than writing a blog so I'll keep it brief and let the pictures tell the story. Two weeks ago we stayedwith Ellen and husband Emil at a holiday house near the coast at a place called Oster Hurup (sort of, the o is supposed to have a line through it). The Danes have 3 extra letters in their alphabet which my tablet doesn't have, so the names of the places get a bit mangled. (My dad once told me that no ... read more
Visitor Centre at Rebild Bakker
Mushrooms -edible?
View from top of burial mound

Europe » Denmark » Region Midtjylland » Ebeltoft August 29th 2014

Many thanks to cousin Tove and cousin Karin for the lovely day trip to Djursland, a region in east Jutland, Denmark. We stopped at 3 impressive country estates, with picturesque gardens and grounds and idyllic (I think that's the word that best describes many of the places we see) ponds. Many of these old buildings have a moat around them and whilst we couldn't get a look inside the buildings because the holiday season is over, it is interesting to wander around the grounds. These grand homes are expensive to maintain so many have become accommodation places, museums or conference centres. I confess to not really remembering the details about these old manor houses but the pictures speak for themselves. We travelled through a mix of farming land and forest, wind mills dotted all over the ... read more
Rosenholm garden

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